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Speed In Parkour 2.0


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Is so fundamental to be able to rush an open map? I mean, what about... just run? Coptering hasn't been a thing for really a lot of time and no one ever complained about how 'slow' the game was. Maybe because it was meant to be this way.


People got used to coperting too much. You should realize that the game never ment to be played that way. Enjoy parkour, ask for fixes, give feedbacks, ask for more speed if you want, but don't even think about coptering anymore or 'how fast we used to go'. It was wrong since its beginning. 


Flying through the map (coptering) is wrong, but speed is fundamental to keep the game fun and not just a boring and annoying grind-fest.


Just think of how painful is going thru Europa's tileset even with a tipedo, do you think that taking half an hour just for an easy ext. mission with possibly useless rewards will be fun or add anything good to the game experience? I don't know how the game was meant to be, but as it is right now it needs to be fast enough.

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What I saw on devstream reminds me of this video:



You're too young to remember when we actually were space ninjas, wallrunning all around and climbing everywhere, but I do. I do and I miss those days. 

Nowadays the only thing new players can do is rush pressing E and Ctrl. It's lame. 


Will parkour 2.0 be more slow? Maybe. But certainly it will be way cooler than it is now. This is a game, not a race and not a job, so enjoy it, learn to do cool things even if it takes time, even if it's not 'efficient' (I hate when people speak about how 'efficient' a way is to run a mission; that's ridiculous). 

Learn to be a space ninja. That's what you are, if you're a real Tenno.

How about you stick to what you like, and we'll stick to what we like. Don't force playstyles onto other players.

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How about you stick to what you like, and we'll stick to what we like. Don't force playstyles onto other players.

It cant happend.


Actual parkour have unbalance, melee dependent, no to mention, we dont have a weight system, where you move slow because you melee.


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Uh, look what we got. The good old 'you can't force me'. How adorable.

What is also adorable is the post he quoted, which seemed to be nothing but anti-copter sentimentalism.

I don't mind coptering going away, but speed is an important factor of warframe and the current system has it, but the 2.0 is missing it, the current system has clunky transitions but it has speed and fluidity, opposite to the demo of parkour 2.0.

That is what a lot of the complaints are about, more control is nice but the loss of speed is a big negative, it just so happens that coptering offers the most speed out of all the methods right now, but even the current clunky parkour is faster and actually feels more like a parkour and 'ninja' that what we were shown in the stream.

Edited by RahuStalker
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What is also adorable is the post he quoted, which seemed to be nothing but anti-copter sentimentalism.

I don't mind coptering going away, but speed is an important factor of warframe and the current system has it, but the 2.0 is missing it, the current system has clunky transitions but it has speed and fluidity, opposite to the demo of parkour 2.0.

That is what a lot of the complaints are about, more control is nice but the loss of speed is a big negative, it just so happens that coptering offers the most speed out of all the methods right now, but even the current clunky parkour is faster and actually feels more like a parkour and 'ninja' that what we were shown in the stream.

Everything would be fine if wallrun-fling wasnt completely removed. People would learn how to utilize walls and objects to propel themself and speed wouldnt be affected at all.



If DE wanted to make decent movement, they could learn a lot for Prince of Persia games. At least ones from 2000s.

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I love how you can hop all over the place lik ean agile ninja, but i would prefer they still kept wall running, but used hops to gain speed.


In all honestly, hopping as a way to bounce from item to item looks great, but along the wall, it looks a little off. We have all seen and are familiar with wall running, changing that to a bunch of hops is equivalent to coptering in its weirdness. 

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We are not losing speed, your build your speed with constant movement.

People forgot that.

Mentioned on 53 Devstream.

Charged Jumps = Distance.

No stamina.


More Ninja Feel.

Nah, more bouncing in general. Bunnyframe in open tilesets.



Try bouncing off something that isnt there.

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I am not sad to see coptering go in the slightest.  I will be able to bring whatever melee weapon I want without being penalized in the mobility department.


Gotta admit though, what I saw today did seem a bit slow.  Maybe they'll speed it up a bit, who knows?  Either way, all these changes just gives more variety be it in melee weapons or frames with mobility based powers.

Edited by xNegikunx
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I think the increase in amount of animations the warframe is using is what makes it seem slower. I don't honestly think it is any slower than Parkour right now. i think it just has more animations making it look slower. Though I hate the animations their using, I don't like the bunnyframe look but I can accept it if it is their to stay.


I rather they replace it with basically anything different. I understand the walljumping but I hate the animations of the jumps.

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Nah, more bouncing in general. Bunnyframe in open tilesets. more bouncing = more speed



Try bouncing off something that isnt there. You can still doing moves + speed.


Bouncing of what in Phobos open tile, when there is nothing to bounce of?

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We are not losing speed, your build your speed with constant movement.

People forgot that.

Mentioned on 53 Devstream.

Charged Jumps = Distance.

No stamina.


More Ninja Feel.


On Devstream 53 they also showed quick slides on walls followed by huge and quick jumps, but other than the stamina removal there was none of those thing in today's build, which was a rough version of what we're going to get in-game.

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Bouncing of what in Phobos open tile, when there is nothing to bounce of?

Time to learn movement.

They are Editing some TileSets.

In phobos you have some places to use propulsion.



Reason i am concerned is because i know 90 % of "movement". While i dislike coptering since forever and want it gone, i know what i am talking about.



Everyone who knows "something something" about movement sees where problems might arise. Saying "learn about movement" and "there are some parts where you can bounce" isnt helping. And changing every tile possible to the Movement 2.0 would take a lot of time.



Let me ask you, how do you build momentnum in Earth tileset where large river flows through the cave? There isnt anything there to bounce off from.

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Let me ask you, how do you build momentnum in Earth tileset where large river flows through the cave? There isnt anything there to bounce off from.

We still dont know, i really dont know.

But that is an excuse of let the actual unbalanced melee movement system in the game because speed and distance?


Edited by Grimlock-
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Wallrunning is gone thats sucks i mean the new "wall skipp and hopp" isn't more ninja it feels like some child cartoon movement.

This is an important thing to note, bunny skipping like a happy child doesn't feel ninja to me in the slightest, the current system and even the preview animations just feel far more like actual parkour/'ninja' movement across vertical surfaces than what were have been shown today, hell the first preview looked much better.

I still don't get why wallrunning had to go for straight movement, at least in the aesthetic sense.

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On Devstream 53 they also showed quick slides on walls followed by huge and quick jumps, but other than the stamina removal there was none of those thing in today's build, which was a rough version of what we're going to get in-game.

That quick slides was the change between walls (imaginare hole while hop).

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I asked Steve (on Twitter) about keeping both since they really both fit and provide even more variety to how we get around and he noted that everything is still very much WIP. Even with sparse flat wall space, having wall running especially as shown off in the Tombs trailer, that's just something I think fits Warframe so well.



Edited by Crackseed
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We still dont know, i really dont know.

But that is an excuse of let the actual unbalanced melee movement system in the game?


As i said, i want coptering gone since forever. Never was fan of "press2keys2finishmissionin2seconds" anyway.



I dont see logic in removing wallrun flings, as that was one of the coolest parts of movement in general. Connecting chains of wallruns was satisfactory.

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I can understand them wanting to off coptering.  Really, I do.


What I do not understand is their want of the game transitioning between of fluidity and speed into a game of stop and go and maybe gain a bit of speed here no still slow.


It just seems so... non-Warframe-like to me.


Surely, it works in games like AC and the Batman series among others, but maybe not so much for Space Things That Whoosh Left and Right Real Quick (can't really call them space ninjas anymore, they're more like space... cosplayers?  With powers and guns).

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Keep in mind that 'becca sucks at movement related abilities. 

Supposedly you speed up the more you hop around(and in what she was showing off...she didnt even manage that just once)...furthermore doublejump and hopping around corners are now a thing.

Coptering and directional are not gone, just not as OP anymore.

And yes...we are SUPPOSED to lose some speed...but even though I use coptering...I can't say that it's all that great to constantly HAVE to rush around missions at 300+++ km/h because otherwise people will get annoyed with you...meanwhile noobs can't keep up at all and fall behind big time.

I understand that you don't even care about looking at what game you play and just race around at half the speed of light...but it hurts the game more than it does good. It certainly played its' part in the community burnout as well. But if coptering stays as it is...they might as well stop making new maps entirely because it might as well just be a game with 1 long corridor. 

New movement will also finally allow for more complex map designs that span multiple layers that are not just "connected" via lifts. 

Yes...change will happen....change is good (in this case)...you will need some time to adapt, you will probably lose SOME speed...but gain a ton of new possibilities and AGILITY.

Usually I am currently always one of the first to stand at the objectives/exits...but I totally hate it. Coptering might have been "fun" the first 100 times I used it, but right now I feel nothing but the pressure of having to use it and not being able to appreciate the game as a whole anymore...unless I go solo. (Which honestly is not an option...solo gameplay is only support to a certain point)

Edited by Shehriazad
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