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Vauban Builds/weapon Sets



So i've picked up Vauban recently and im looking for some good builds with him. I figured mostly duration and range, but not quite sure of the mod combos. Also weapon choice im not sure of, I use a boltor prime/castanas/atterax right now as im only rank 3, but would like to know what works best with him.


I also run with a trinity pretty much all the time too if that has anything to do with mods.


Thanks for any help!

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8 answers to this question

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I like doing something like: 





R7 Narrow Minded (so I only lose -3% range total for the build)

Quick Thinking



Fleeting Expertise 


A lot of people might disagree with this build, or find it to not fit their playstyle though, even though it works for me, so I suggest you play around with a lot of duration/range/efficiency combo's and see what you can get. 


I don't bother with Redirection or Vitality because Vauban has such horrible base values. Instead I increase his energy pool with Flow and use Quick Thinking for survivability. Vauban's CC should be what's keeping him alive most of the time anyways. Quick Thinking is to keep you alive when you make a mistake, then a melee with lifestrike to get that health back up so you're not relying on Quick Thinking to keep saving you over and over without any health bar. 


Max efficiency, Continuity and Constitution to make up for Fleeting duration loss, Narrow Minded to give us a ton of extra duration on top of that, and Stretch to balance out that range loss from Narrow Minded. This gives me -3% range which is almost the default. With your ability to throw orbs around you, with high efficiency, you don't really need super long range beyond normal. Always remember those orbs can be tossed, so you can easily run in a small circle throwing orbs and lock down most of the map without needing a lot of extra range. Constitution is also nice because Vauban is squishy when not protected by CC, so that increased knockdown recovery is hella useful. 


I only have one Fleeting right now and it's at R5, but obviously your fleeting should only be at R4, as you'll still have max efficiency that way (because of the cap) and you'll save yourself another +10% duration. 


But that's just an idea of a build that can work well, there are many different playstyles and builds possible for Vauban. I suggest trying out all kinds of similar variants and see what works best for you. Those are just some tips, and ideas above. 


Edit: Also your other question about weapons:


Anything with Punch Through can be nice for the Vortex, but any explosive weapon/launcher type will be nice too. Amprex works beautifully because they all get caught near each other which is nice for it's arcing effect. Amprex is also really good when you have Bastille up, because you can hit a lot of enemies near each other at once, when time is of the essence. You might not even need to turn around, or just burst fire in each direction of the bastille a couple times. It hits all or most of them and takes them down fast. 


For secondaries, I'd say an explosive launcher can be really nice. Angstrum is something I like using in Vauban because I can take the time to aim up and charge properly with my CC up (which ensures I can aim so I don't self damage accidentally), and it can annihilate the enemies inside a Vortex, or take out a ton inside one part of a Bastille at once. So basically, anything with punch through/aoe explosions etc/chaining effect can be really nice for Vauban. You really want weapons that hit a lot of enemies at once, because you aren't really going to be using your abilities for damage. 


Also for melee anything with a really vicious slam attack like the Jat Kittag is nice, because you can bounce yourself into the air to augment your slams. = D Jat Kitty plus + bounce is always fun. Heavy Impact could be fun for a novelty bounce build based on slam attacks too, although I wouldn't put Heavy Impact on anything but a novelty Vauban build most likely. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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As much duration and maxed efficiency as you can?

Then top it ooff with some durability and (prime) flow

I havent seen a Vauban in awhile but how I play him doesnt require power strength or power range. Vortex just does what Bastille does but without power range or power strength :l

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Probably not the best builds but these are working well enough for me:


1) General use - yay high Duration / Efficiency, some Range for Vortex' pull radius, Enemy Sense for survivability and stuff,

last spot could e.g. be Repelling Bastille, or Transient Fortitude for better Bastille & Teslas.




2) Speaking of Tesla, this is more for fun / lower enemy levels:




Teslas / Links everywhere :D

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I'm going to go through a bit of the general idea for Vauban, it's a bit long but hopefully it gives you an idea of Vauban builds. You can use any build you want (like NinjaZeku's funsies Tesla build) but this is how I go about my standard Vauban builds.



If you're planning on using a lot of range for Bastille, make sure you have enough positive Power Strength and/or Repelling Bastille.


Having a lot of range means that you're more likely to plant down overlapping Bastilles (since the ability already has pretty sizable range). If enemies are caught in both Bastilles, it will count towards the target limit for each Bastille the enemy is in.


Think about it like a Venn Diagram, anything caught in both Bastilles is bad though.


Basically, enemies caught in overlapping Bastilles are  a notable problem. Although, this mainly applies for "Horde" type missions like Excavation, Defense, Survival, Interception because you'll likely not find so many enemies grouped so tightly together in Exterminates/Captures/etc.


Also, a Vortex build may or may not use more power range, depending on your preference. I say this because having too much power range on Vortex means enemies will be caught on terrain that is preventing them from being sucked directly toward the vortex (only a problem if you decide to camp one spot). As such, having regular range or even slightly less may be desirable.


I personally actually don't care for range too much on my Bastille. I find that having a large Bastille means I have to move away just to make sure my Bastilles don't overlap. With a smaller Bastille, I can place them at chokepoints without worrying about enemies being caught in both of them. As such, I use Narrow Minded for the Power Duration and the reduced Power Range.



I'd recommend against Strength for Vortex actually. Strength only affects the damage the Vortex ball does. It doesn't even affect the Vortex's damage over time.  At least, that's how it used to be. It seems the jury is out as to whether or not that still happens. You can use Strength for Tesla builds, but that's mainly for funsies and is often ancillary.


For how it affects Bastille, I'd recommend getting the Repelling Bastille augment or having positive Power Strength. If you're using Bastille with the augment, make sure you have neutral (or greater) power strength. If you have negative power strength, the  Repelling Bastille will not have a 100% chance to repel enemies.



I'd say duration is top priority for any Vauban build. In particular, to help Bastille and Vortex. Basically, you should always use Duration.


For general use, I personally use something like:


Repelling Bastille

Narrow Minded (63% duration, -42% range): I prefer the shorter range to avoid overlapping Bastilles.




Fleeting Expertise


Free mod of your choice. (Augment, Quick Thinking, Flow, or anything really).


I use Vitality because, his base health is higher than base shields. I replenish health with Life Strike. Your friend can heal you when you're losing health by using Well of Life or Blessing (since he's Trinity).


For the free mod, you can use Stretch, an augment, or Redirection or whatever; it's up to you and whatever makes you more comfortable. You can use Quick Thinking and replace Vitality with Flow if you'd prefer as Tesseract had said above. Quick Thinking's "health" scales a bit better than regular health points, but it costs energy. As well, Quick Thinking is a rare mod if you don't have it.



Any weapon can work fine as long as you're comfortable with. If you're using Vortex, Castanas is very good due to the explosion and the guaranteed Electric proc (which will chain a bit).


As Tesseract had said, Amprex, explosive guns, Torid, and/or Punch Through all work well with Vortex. These guns all hit multiple targets simultaneously which is definitely helpful.


I personally use snipers as a personal preference, but they work well with Punch Through on Vortex and can get easy headshots for enemies in Bastille.

Edited by Otenko
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How would you build the Amprex for Vauban, just lots of crit chance/dmg?


Edit: Or something like this 


Edited by (PS4)Chumbawumba515
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That's very close to what I run on my Amprex. The only difference being that I only run two +%90 elemental mods, and use the last slot for utility. For my last slot I use Rifle Ammo Mutation, because the Amprex tends to run through ammo a lot. If you use ammo restores you won't need it, but otherwise you will probably really need a Rifle Ammo Mutation. 


But yeah that build is pretty much what you would expect. Some people go for straight damage and some people go for status, but everyone does crit. 


All Amprex builds are probably going to have: 



Heavy Caliber

Split Chamber

Point Strike

Vital Sense

Elemental 90% mod or elemental + status mod

Elemental 90% mod or elemental + status mod

And then the last slot is really your choice slot, you can use an ammo mutation if you have trouble with ammo, you could try a punch through mod (like Metal Auger or Shred, although I don't recommend Shred because it eats your ammo even faster), or Sinister Reach for more range, or Critical Delay for more crits (although it weakens your DPS with the slower fire rate), Hammer Shot to try to increase both crit and status at once, or another Elemental or elemental + status if you just want more pure damage/elemental dmg + status for the weapon. 


I personally prefer going for the straight elemental dmg build and not status, because status is only per second and not per hit on continuous weapons like the Amprex, status can still be great on it, but it won't proc as much as you might expect from the numbers, and those elemental + status mods are way, way harder to get your hands on then the regular elementals anyways. 


In the last slot, I personally really prefer Rifle Ammo Mutation because of it's ammo problems, but if you're the type who uses Ammo Restores, or just switches to another weapon when one of your weps runs out of ammo, and goes back to it once it fills up again, you could put different utility or more dps in that slot. It's up to you. 


Once you decide whether you are doing status/or pure elemental dmg you really only have room for one maybe two choices when it comes to slots after that to make most builds work, but there are a lot of utility options you can go for with that last slot. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I'd never pass on Sinister Reach on Amprex (or Ruinous Extension on Atomos)

as the range increase also applies to the chaining effect, turning it into a godly AoE weapon.


Granted, Vortex clusters enemies together nicely, but for those caught enemies,

you don't need top DPS and for anything else, SR is just too good not to have.

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