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Who Needs Copter Or Directional When We Got Bullet Jump


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I clarified this with Steve ON twitter last night, and he told me I was correct! :-)  I am @Rgkelly87  -- Basically here is the deal with the maneuver:  You need to push forward, trigger a slide and then jump to do this.  Here is the catch:  You no longer need to be sprinting for crouch to trigger a slide!  :-) :-)  RIP in Pieces to my Left joystick, but now I can rejoice!!!!!!!!!


Also - Merging with a topic regarding the same tweet!

Could you ask Steve if the new parkour stuff, double jumping, wallhopping etc. cancel actions such as reloading or charging a weapon?

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I clarified this with Steve ON twitter last night, and he told me I was correct! :-)  I am @Rgkelly87  -- Basically here is the deal with the maneuver:  You need to push forward, trigger a slide and then jump to do this.  Here is the catch:  You no longer need to be sprinting for crouch to trigger a slide!  :-) :-)  RIP in Pieces to my Left joystick, but now I can rejoice!!!!!!!!!


Also - Merging with a topic regarding the same tweet!


Hm. I'll be interested to see how Sliding without Sprinting works - if we still get the "Booty-Scoot Speed Boost" from the Slide Initiation animation, we'll be able to have a faster base movement speed. It might also remove the more obnoxious aspects of Crouching, like where you come out of a Slide poorly and are crouched moving at turtle speeds (generally only occurs if you're using Toggled Crouch). I mean, if there were some kind of Enemy Accuracy Penalty that occurred while crouched, that'd be one thing. As it stands, crouching is only occasionally useful, like if you have to dart into the open while Stealthing, or hiding behind cover in Conclave - and even then, odds are you're gonna be seen and/or shot regardless.


As far as I can tell, this maneuver replaces Slide Jumps, but has similar-to-comparable horizontal movement without the massive vertical hang time. It also looks/sounds like it's directional, so you can use it to reach greater heights if you aim upwards.


Well, we shall see. Pretty excited to give the new Movement system a go - hopefully it comes soon.

Edited by Fraggoth
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Does this mean it's replacing frontflipping or air sliding?

If it replaces air sliding, will the animation cancel things such as charging with bows etc.? If it does I'm not happy about this at all.

Steve said on twitter that slide still exists. This is replacing the front flip, not a air slide. And yes it seems you are ''stuck'' in the animation once you perform it and it seems to be impossible to shoot while doing it. I could be wrong tho. 

Edited by RexSol
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Steve said on twitter that slide still exists. This is replacing the front flip, not a air slide. And yes it seems you are ''stuck'' in the animation once you perform it and it seems to be impossible to shoot while doing it. I could be wrong tho.

I hope air jumping and wallhopping won't cancel reloading and charging. :S

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Too many posts to read through but this whole bullet jump idea...so I can put ignis between my frames legs then blast off to the moon? Will shotguns give bigger boosts for obvious reasons? Will multishot mods or weapons increase flight time? I wonder how this will all balance out~


As for coptering I think some weapons should retain or gain coptering god status. For example...the jat should be the undesputed copter king for the simple fact its a freaking engine on a stick. Speed stat be damned~

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Steve said on twitter that slide still exists. This is replacing the front flip, not a air slide. And yes it seems you are ''stuck'' in the animation once you perform it and it seems to be impossible to shoot while doing it. I could be wrong tho. 

Impossible to shoot while using the new system would be bad, very very bad. I use slide+ jump + torid/tonkor in midair to get a lot of my kills. (im extemely good at bunnyfu headshots with these 2 weapons, not talking bout the AoE either lol)

DE, please clarify if we can still shoot with the new slide jump.

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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Impossible to shoot while using the new system would be bad, very very bad. I use slide+ jump + torid/tonkor in midair to get a lot of my kills. (im extemely good at bunnyfu headshots with these 2 weapons, not talking bout the AoE either lol)

DE, please clarify if we can still shoot with the new slide jump.

I'm pretty sure you can. Imagine it this way: the maneuver in question simply propels you up into the air - once you're up there, you're free to shoot. Nothing changes, really, you just have to aim a tad higher.

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I'm pretty sure you can. Imagine it this way: the maneuver in question simply propels you up into the air - once you're up there, you're free to shoot. Nothing changes, really, you just have to aim a tad higher.

Tad higher lol I use Arc trajectory weapons already. + my ego..... I aim VERY high -_- lol

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Too many posts to read through but this whole bullet jump idea...so I can put ignis between my frames legs then blast off to the moon? Will shotguns give bigger boosts for obvious reasons? Will multishot mods or weapons increase flight time? I wonder how this will all balance out~

As for coptering I think some weapons should retain or gain coptering god status. For example...the jat should be the undesputed copter king for the simple fact its a freaking engine on a stick. Speed stat be damned~

It's not literally using bullets to jump, unless I horribly misunderstood everything. You look like one moving through the air. This is the new front flip. Edited by (PS4)WiiConquered
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No complaints about distance or usability.

That said, I am not nuts about the twist... I liken cookies and Cookie Monster: It's a "sometimes" move.


If it's going to be a staple move, it should probably be a bit less ornate. 


Other people will disagree and I am sure I will become used to it and stop noticing it eventually... but I can't help feeling that I'd dig it more if it was a front flip or some variant of Valkyr's mid-air ripline pose. Simple, straightforward, and able to be combined with other movement functions seamlessly.

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No complaints about distance or usability.

That said, I am not nuts about the twist... I liken cookies and Cookie Monster: It's a "sometimes" move.


If it's going to be a staple move, it should probably be a bit less ornate. 


Other people will disagree and I am sure I will become used to it and stop noticing it eventually... but I can't help feeling that I'd dig it more if it was a front flip or some variant of Valkyr's mid-air ripline pose. Simple, straightforward, and able to be combined with other movement functions seamlessly.


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I wonder when will the nerf coptering crowd will start whining that its too fast.


You missed the point many of us were trying to make and took it as a personal attack when it wasn't intended as such. (at least, not by me. Can't speak for everyone)


The 'remove coptering' argument was not about speed for many of us. Speed is good. The problem is that 1) it looked goofy [You REALLY like roleplaying Harry Potter that much?], 2) it didn't work with every weapon and 3) it was an exploit and could break the game engine. I know speed is more important than a working game, but geez...


There is enough angst on both sides. Do we really need to add to it?

Edited by Kalenath
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Too many posts to read through but this whole bullet jump idea...so I can put ignis between my frames legs then blast off to the moon? Will shotguns give bigger boosts for obvious reasons? Will multishot mods or weapons increase flight time? I wonder how this will all balance out~


As for coptering I think some weapons should retain or gain coptering god status. For example...the jat should be the undesputed copter king for the simple fact its a freaking engine on a stick. Speed stat be damned~


Well how about you start with the OP. 

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The 'remove coptering' argument was not about speed for many of us. Speed is good. The problem is that 1) it looked goofy [You REALLY like roleplaying Harry Potter that much?], 2) it didn't work with every weapon and 3) it was an exploit and could break the game engine. I know speed is more important than a working game, but geez...

These are pretty much all the reasons why I dislike coptering and eagerly look forward to helping bury it.


I've glitched through the map because I was going too fast from coptering. It can and does break the game engine on occasion.

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I don't really have a problem with the current cannon-ball slide jump we have,nor do I have a problem with coptering.

If this new 'bullet jump' has equivalent or mostly the same speed/distance (I wouldnt mind giving up some distance to not look like a anthromorphized spring or a jet plane),dont think anyone will be complaining after a few weeks.

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It's not literally using bullets to jump, unless I horribly misunderstood everything. You look like one moving through the air. This is the new front flip.


Aww was hoping for ignis rocket rides :<


Well how about you start with the OP. 


Noooo you think? What ever could've happened for me to skip out on that brilliant idea! Wish I would've thought of it. But wait...is that? I think it is!

No info! was actually given aside from some cryptic gifs. So it doesn't really answer anything I asked to begin with...

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Still think sprinting should be the fastest movement. This is still going to result in people spamming it over and over and over again constantly, doesn't really reduce carpal tunnel.

+1 to this.

If I don't quit playing for the day because I am bored of it after playing for hours, it is because I start getting a cramp from the repetitive button mashing of slide jump/coptoring

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