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Ash Prime Farm Problems


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Hello fellow Tenno! As (probably) all of you know, Ash Prime was added to the game. And (if you´re like me) you want to farm it. You look up the drop locations, go to the mission. I will make review parts on the base of how easily you can obtain them:


Chassis - Not that hard, but still pain

Helmet - Not really hard, just need that key 


Blueprint - IMPOSSIBLE


See? This is where the problem comes in... 2 of the parts are nearly impossible to obtain. Those who had obtained it, were lucky as *insert bottom here*. Let me tell you my story OK? OK... So I farmed Ash yesterday and I´ve got 1 PART... Only 1. I played 35 T3 Defense missions to wave 20/40 and no BP what so ever. Same with systems. Everyone who farms/farmed him must agree, that it´s pain... I want at least slight increase in drop rate, so it can drop more fairly. All I want.


If you disagree, write it down, if agree, write it down.


I hope that DE reads this and will do something about it.


Thank you for your time reading this and maybe somewhere in the universe

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I got systems one hour ago but I crashed at extraction :)

That sucks :D

This is how it's always been.

I'm actually starting to like it.

What have I become?

I know but they could really increase drop rate, because I don´t have 3 weeks of time for intensive farming :D

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well.. i got systems in first 40 min survival.. but BP is whole diferent story.. i did like hundred t3 defs and nothig.. atleast a have like 70 forma bp and thousands od orokin cells and fusion cores.. :D

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The very first T4Sab i did after 16.11 yielded an Ash helmet and Carrier systems.


The second T3Surv i did left me with a Vectis barrel and an Ash chassis.


I got the systems from literally the first reward drop of the first T4Surv ive done all year.


And i got the BP from the the second T3Def run.


All in all, Ash Prime has proven even easier to get than Volt Prime for me.

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I got bp on first try at wave 20, guess i was lucky. Helmet however took 13 runs with all caches found in 11 runs, Loki chassiss and helmet all day and 3 carrier systems. Gonna try system and chassis today but i feel like i will be getting volt items which i was not able to get until now so i will be fine until certain point. RNG is RNG...you either very lucky and everyone is jelly or you are unlucky and rage.

Edited by Zarlockk
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I absolutely agree. I suggest someone from DE tries to farm any of the new stuff :)

They should... EVERYONE of them... I´m f*king done with this game... If they won´t make it possible to get it without 3 weeks of intensive farming, I will probably never launch this S#&$ again... DO IT DE! DO IT YOU F*KING DE! I WANT TO GET BANNED FROM FORUMS! DO IT

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I actually got the chassis and blueprint on the first try in T2S and T3D, respectively. Hat was p. easy to get as you get four shots at it per key.


but the systems...


out of four back-to-back T3S 40 minute runs, in two both Rot C rewards were F'N FORMA BLUEPRINTS.



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I actually got the chassis and blueprint on the first try in T2S and T3D, respectively. Hat was p. easy to get as you get four shots at it per key.


but the systems...


out of four back-to-back T3S 40 minute runs, in two both Rot C rewards were F'N FORMA BLUEPRINTS.




I´m farming 2 days and the only thing I got was chassis from the 10th T2 Surv 40 minutes... Died in T4 sab where the other guys got helmet... And not luck with other parts... Or guys that would take me to the missions... DE must do something about it...

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Less than one day to loot all the parts of the warframe.


Be cool and farm man, and mesurate your chance to get a drop.


I've tried 60+ Raptor to have regular Nova at it's release because of the old drop system (update 12 i think)


Don't make complain and just play, noone can have what he's want on the first try. You need two qualities of a Warframe player: Perseverance and Patience.

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Let's really think about this for a moment. Ash Prime has an exceptionally low drop rate in T3 Defense and T3 Survival. NOW let's add another problem plaguing Ash at the moment, those two gametypes have been glitchy ever since the patch because you could Extract and through no fault of your own or your team, be hit with a Failure screen even if EVERYONE extracts. This has happened multiple times and turns what should be an annoying grind into keyboard breaking levels of frustration. 

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