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I Have Never Or Barely Ever Played On Draco...to The Recollection Of My Last Few Brain Cells At Least

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So if you are as active on the boards as you should be because you're job is not entertaining you enough during the day, because you skipped out on school today, yesterday, the whole week, or because you got smashed for 3 days in a row and the only thing that you can bring yourself to humanly function right now is visiting the boards then you will have surely stumbled onto the great conversation starters such as "Nerf Greedy Pull", "Nerf Mesa and her Peacemaker", "Nerf something, anything, just fill in the blank and nerf it DE, please for the love of God." However perhaps the most popular thread type you have stumbled upon in your attempt to navigate these waters is likely the "I hate Draco and all souls who farm on Draco, plus anything, or something along those lines" thread-of-the-month type thread.

Browsing through these threads it would seem that the entire world if not also their grandmothers are all farming on Draco (Actually, maybe grandma is indeed Draco farming these days. She hasn't been tending her garden all that much...hmmmmm). So I wanted to start a thread to see if anybody actually does not play Draco and or has played Draco very, very little.

I will start and tell you that to the recollection of my remaining 3 brain cells (two of whom are fighting with each other), I believe I have only ever visited Draco a total of 2 times. This number could be wrong. I may have visited it before but not recognized it or forgot about it, but clearly it is a very low number as it does not ring much of a bell at all. (Either that, or I have drank myself stupid in my college and post-college years therefore causing me not to remember as well as I use to).

Anyways, if you have also never played on Draco, or very rarely play on Draco, or drank yourself stupid and believe you have never played on Draco, please post below and let me know.


Edited by [DE]Danielle
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I only go there for T4 keys, in PUGS and without mesa/gmag.


Farming is boring, it's just as simple as that. I'd rather have fun and get all the things a bit slower than mindlessly bashing a button.

I can also say that all my training makes me a good player, I know how to evade enemy shots, know the priorities and how to handle them (crewman are now top priority lol?) and can do much more than bashing a button.

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I honestly have never played it. I am in a very small, though active clan. We do farm for parts needed to complete items, we complete quests, and we spend time leveling items after forma or new items so we can truly see their potential. I am a fairly new player having only been playing since May and my main two clan mates are MR19 and MR13 respectively with more hours logged than I care to think about! LOL That being said, they have never once suggested we go to Draco and I have never asked to be taken there. 


They understand I am a very linear, story driven player who tends to play what I like the look of vs. what may be considered the best whatever by the majority of gamers and they are cool with that. If they play Draco when we are not in a squad, I have no idea though I may ask them to take me so I can see what all of the fuss is about. 


I do own a Mag Prime. I built her because I acquired the parts and I like to take my MR tests seriously so I need the MR points to take the tests (currently MR8). I set up her up as a GreedyMag strictly for team farming when we did want to look for specific resources which were needed to build items one of us had. So Draco has never been an important place for me to go to as my team has taken care of each other and run missions we need or want rather than strictly to farm.

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@ g4yb4ll - It is slightly Ironic that the people who complain the most about Draco are the ones who play it more than others. However I suppose that makes sense, because if you don't play it, you really don't have anything to complain about. But I do concur with you whatever they do to Draco, I could care less because I don't really visit it.


@nmuadibb - yes of course Draco farmers can post as well. It is an open thread on an open forum. If you tell me you've farmed on Draco 1,000 times and loved every second of it, that won't help answer the purpose of my post, but to each his own and you can certainly state your undying love to farm on Draco.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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Thanks Lorewalker, not here to start any fuzz, just a middle point position regarding Draco.


I passed most of my playing time not knowing about it, it was actually locked on my star chart until a couple of months ago (I remember the first time I played it was that Phoenix Interception Alert, with "Tempo Royale" as reward).


Then one day I went there, to test for resources. Boy, all that quantity... But ok, did it a couple of times, then back to my day to day thing. Then I decided to full forma some weapons that were not my top list. Then Draco came in handy, as it takes you to max level with the weapon on your back. So I became proficient with every single one of the farming frames, and that's what I wanted to tell you guys about, something I've never seen in the regular "Draco Threads".


Rarely, I played with such a group of Draco specialists, that it was almost like a Ballet. Yes, a bore you to death Ballet, nevertheless, a Ballet. We were able to pull things like a 0% Grinner - 100% Tenno perfect capture on the "Fast round" (generally the last one, when you capture all the points to get it over with as soon as possible), or a completely heroic recover from the rest of the team, holding on without Mesa (that dropped out unexpectedly) till the end of the round.


So the point is, people always say that farmers are mindless dumb unskilled players (without a heart, almost forgot), but I've seen, and been, otherwise. I've witnessed a level of expertise in some of those matches almost A team top tier military level, that can only be achieved through hours and hours of repetitious training, and I've learned a few things about it, and actually, it upped my gameplay in other situations. So fellow tenno, open your minds, and don't believe everything that you hear.


Edit - Ah, I did all the forma'ing I wanted, today I don't do it anymore.

Edited by nmuaddib
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@ nmuaddib - My mind is open fellow Tenno. Do not get me wrong. I have no quarrel with anybody who wishes to farm on Draco. I have no issues with anybody who want to farm anything efficiently. I have never complained about a GMag/Peacemaker combo. I allow for whatever gets me my credits, my resources, my experience in the most efficient way to happen without any deterrence. I am simply saying that I see a lot of nerf Draco and or I (insert your choice of profanity here) hate Draco farmers post and I just wanted to see how many people actually are like me, and don't play Draco.

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So if you are as active on the boards as you should be because you're job is not entertaining you enough during the day, because you skipped out on school today, yesterday, the whole week, or because you got smashed for 3 days in a row and the only thing that you can bring yourself to humanly function right now is visiting the boards then you will have surely stumbled onto the great conversation starters such as "Nerf Greedy Pull", "Nerf Mesa and her Peacemaker", "Nerf something, anything, just fill in the blank and nerf it DE, please for the love of God." However perhaps the most popular thread type you have stumbled upon in your attempt to navigate these waters is likely the "I hate Draco and all souls who farm on Draco, plus anything, or something along those lines" thread-of-the-month type thread.

Browsing through these threads it would seem that the entire world if not also their grandmothers are all farming on Draco (Actually, maybe grandma is indeed Draco farming these days. She hasn't been tending her garden all that much...hmmmmm). So I wanted to start a thread to see if anybody actually does not play Draco and or has played Draco very, very little.

I will start and tell you that to the recollection of my remaining 3 brain cells (two of whom are fighting with each other), I believe I have only ever visited Draco a total of 2 times. This number could be wrong. I may have visited it before but not recognized it or forgot about it, but clearly it is a very low number as it does not ring much of a bell at all. (Either that, or I have drank myself stupid in my college and post-college years therefore causing me not to remember as well as I use to).

Anyways, if you have also never played on Draco, or very rarely play on Draco, or drank yourself stupid and believe you have never played on Draco, please post below and let me know.




I went there once to fill the node on the star chart.


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I think I've been to Draco a few times but only for the various tac alerts and some key farming, even then with just my boyfriend. We sucked terribly as it was just the two of us and he isn't a great player but it was fun nonetheless haha.


But, I've never farmed anything there except for keys. Even now, I would rather go to Augustus, Mars instead. Much easier. Less grind.

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