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Hidden Gems Or Useless In Raids?

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So,Has anyone yet tried to do raids but without any of the usually used frames? I know for sure that someone posted a while back on completing an 8 raid Excalibur.So I was wondering about Frames like Sayrn,ember,limbo and nyx.Has anyone been able to complete a raid with any of these frames? (like 8 embers in 1 raid)

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Every frame is viable, u just need to know what their roles are:



Ash - Support. Smoke Screen Augment lets teammates be cloaked in the shadows, meaning less change of getting hit

Banshee - CC & Support: Sonar for boost damage, Quake for CC, Silence for disabling enemies hearing (works well with blind)

Chroma - Support & Decoy. Effigy makes a good distraction. Fire colour also for quick healing.

Ember - CC. Accelerant and fireblast.

Excalibur - CC. Radial Blind everything. use exalted blade for stealth kills also.

Frost - Support. Frost globe with chilling globe to freeze enemies and to provide cover for teammates.

Hydroid - CC. Tempest for knockdown, Tentacle for some crowd control, and undertow enemies if necessary

Limbo - Support. banish dangerous targets. catalysm can also be used to protect core.

Loki - CC, decoy and support. depending on build, loki can fit into a number of ways. max range for disarm, or max dur for invulernable allies & longer invis time.

Mag - CC. Crush for disabling enemies or pull to ragdoll enemies.

Mesa - Support. short duration shooting gallery to disable mass enemies weaponry

Mirage - CC. Prism for mass blind. can also use Total eclipse if u want to end vay hek quickly.

Nekros - CC. Terrify spamming to get enemies running away from you.

Nova - CC. Slow everything down with MP. Speed nova is not recommended for raid for obvious reasons.

Nyx - CC and Decoy. Mass Chaos and Absorb.

Oberon - CC. Reckoning and Smite.

Rhino - CC. Max range stomp.

Saryn - CC and Decoy. Miasma to stun enemies and Molt to distract enemies.

Trinity - Support. EV or blessing build.

Valkyr - Support. Warcry to slow enemies down (and speed allies up), Hyteria for team reviver.

Vauban - CC. Bastille to keep enemies afloat.

Volt - Support. Electric shield to protect allies, and Speed to improve movement speed.

Zephyr - CC and support. Tornado to ragdoll enemies (though slightly ineffective due to limitation of tornadoes). Turbulence with aug for speeding allies and improve flight speed of certain weapons.




as you can see, i've listed them into 3 catagories: CC (crowd control), Support and Decoy. i didn't both listing damage dealers as you'll be relying mostly on weapon damage to deal with mobs.

Edited by 321agemo
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I'd Imagine warframes like Saryn are pretty bad for raid most of the time the goal is CC not killing

She can draw aggro and stun enemies without a pure min duration build...

She does have a few options, but definitely not as good as another frame.

An another note, Banshee is pretty amazing. Top notch CC, damage buffs, yeah.

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i think you can do raid with any 8 same warframes. the hard part might be stage 2 where scorpions can pull you down easily. but i think almost all warframes have some extent of CC.

maybe 8 limbos will be harder than i thought, since you cant activate pressure pad when banished

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i think you can do raid with any 8 same warframes. the hard part might be stage 2 where scorpions can pull you down easily. but i think almost all warframes have some extent of CC.

maybe 8 limbos will be harder than i thought, since you cant activate pressure pad when banished


with 8 limbos, you banish everything else, just not yourself or allies.

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its possible since every frame has CC ability in one way or another, wheter its bad or good, they all have CC-with the exception of limbo whom has difficult CC to pull off IMO.


Though cut out plates, and then we have a challenge :)

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Me and a few "late night players" did a NM Raid with 6 Drunk Hydroids. Over 2 hours and we don't even delivered the first battery, but is was fun.


We failed.

Since when is it possible to take more than 2 of the same frames into NM Trials? è_è

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My clan just started doing this. Completed it with 8 lokis (really easy actually), then we tried 8 mags.. LMAO we made it to the final stage, even got a couple of the bombs in, but people were going down left and right and we ended up failing. All of us used all our revives for it even after it was obvious we weren't going to pass. Honestly though, it is one of my favorite memories of warframe. Definitely the most fun I've ever had failing a mission.

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Since when is it possible to take more than 2 of the same frames into NM Trials? è_è

Under normal circumstances it isnt possible.

However, start the raid with 2 hydroid + 2 other frame. Invite 4 more hydroid while in game, then the 2 non hydroid leave and change to hydroid and rejoin the raid. Presto, you have 8 hydroid.

However, im 60% certain he didnt do it this way and just typed it wrong.

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