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Surprise...or Not, Augment Mods, Are They Really Working?


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     Did you know that augment mods are affected by other mods?  I did not know this.  I noticed this when I was using the pacifying bolts augment on Nyx.  With the build that I had it didn't seem like the enemies that lived from the psychic bolts were getting confused.  The mod is supposed to confuse the enemies that survive, for 10 seconds.  At first I thought it was a bug.  Then I wondered if duration was affecting the augment.  The current mod build had 40% duration.  I took off fleeting expertise and added primed continuity and narrow minded.  After that the augment started to work.  Since the duration on Nyx was more than 100%, it seemed like the augment got a boost too.  The enemies looked like they were confused for more than 10 seconds.


     This can complicate mod builds, because of negative effects on corrupted mods(for example, fleeting expertise, blind rage, overextended, etc.).  Sometimes you may have to compromise the effectiveness of other abilities to accommodate an augment.  This is most likely a concern in high level missions, like T4 missions, etc.


A possible glitch related to the augments or not:


     What about when players don't know that augment mod effects can be increased or decreased.  This can be a problem for other players when the augment mod is supposed to boost the effect for allies to.  An example is mirage's total eclipse mod.  If the player has less than 100% power strength, this will decrease the effect of the augment mod.  Which will also greatly decrease the boost.  There is something I ran into that I don't know is a glitch or not.  I had a shadow of the deads build for nekros.  Nekros had a increase in power strength to increase the number of shadows spawned.  I played two defense missions with a squad.  The first time had a decent amount of shadows spawn every time I used the power.  The second time in the defense mission a player said they would use mirage's boost. probably her total eclipse augment to increase the damage of another player.  When I used the power that time I was spawning maybe only one or two shadows.  I don't know if this is a glitch, or this has something to do with the augment mods or both. 


Another Problem


     How is Mirage's augment total eclipse affected by other mods when she is in the dark, is her ability to take less damage affected by other mods?

      Not knowing if certain aspects are affected by other mods may be a problem for other augment mods as well.




     Augment Mods should have some kind of additional info about what kind of mods affect it (duration, strength, etc.) or if the regular mods affects a particular aspect of the augment mod.  An additional note, abilities for warframes should also have additional info about what kind of mods affects it.  Most of the time you can probably figure it out.  Though for example how would you know that an increase in power strength for shadows of the dead increases the number of shadows, unless you actually tried to figure it out.


     I don't expect DE to cover every aspect of the game, sometimes it may be a lot of information.  Though, the game is evolving and getting things added to it.  This is making it necessary to know some more basic things about the game.  A suggestion would be to add a small statement about augment mods being affected by other mods.


     I'm not sure if having augment mods being affected by other mods is a good idea.  Although having at least 1500% damage (if my math is correct) for nyx's mind freak augment is not bad, I'm not sure its worth it.  Maybe it takes a little more detailed looking at the mod build to see if it might be worth it.  Looks like it may get complicated.  This may not be the case with other warframes and augments.  I don't know, I haven't taken a look at it.


Possible Suggestions for Mind freak and Pacifying bolts


Mind freak


unlimited duration on mind controlled enemies




resistant to the same percentage of incoming damage, that its damage is increased by which would be 500%




not be affected by other mods


Pacifying bolts


Increase the number of bolts and let none of the bolts disappear, they should come back around and find any enemies on the map and they should not be affected by duration mods.


Another suggestion


Depending on how other warframes are affected augment mods shouldn't be affected by other mods or only certain augment mods should be affected, not all.  To simplify things it might be better for augment mods not to be affected by other mods.






DE should take an ongoing look at augment mods to see if some of them need a upgrade.





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Augments are a terrible addition as most of them should be built into the abilitys in the first place

This a lot of this.

sadly it probably wont happen...in that case augments SHOULD NOT be affected by the strength/duration/efficiency/range stuff...otherwise they aren't augments :|

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loki's was nerfed out then augmented back. 

Hah! That's funny.

Lets look at Radial Blind, shall we?

Was able to open all enemies for finishers for the duration. Was instantly nerfed out in the next update. They re-added this as an augment and then re-implemented this again with his rework, making his augment relatively useless as finisher damage is usually it for that enemy.


To thread at hand, no, this is not a problem at all. People simply need to pay attention. That and "compromise" isn't a thing when there are literally hundreds of different builds that are all viable into late game.


Mind Freak suggestions:

No. Ancient Healer permanently on your side? I'm smelling an incoming nerf.


No. Heavy Gunner for ANY duration AT ALL with 500%+ reduced incoming damage on top of their already high armor and damage reduction? You could literally take one Heavy Gunner and have it kill everything for you at any point in any T4 mission.


No. Because then it would be less useful than it already is and that's an unneeded nerf for two reasons. One, you shouldn't put it on a build that it's not supposed to be on. If you have a low strength build, don't put on this augment.

Two, it would mess with people who DO have builds it's supposed to be on.


Pacifying Bolts Suggestions:

That would be... Ok. It'd make Psychic bolts akin to Smite, and Smite isn't that powerful.

Actually, come to think of it, no. This makes Psychic bolts not as good as its original augment makes it, which is perfect for high level anything, stunning a Heavy Gunner/Ancient/Bombard that's killing everyone .

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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Augments are a hit and miss in most cases.


On one hand, they take up a mod slot, making it more difficult to balance all your other mods with one less space; while simultaneously putting something else in the build to watch out for. If you build in a certain way that benefits your normal abilities but makes the augment near-useless, then the augment slot is wasted and you might have just put some other mod there. On the other hand, the augment is usually what makes the build work; as it provides a unique trait that's unattainable otherwise.


Some frames are lucky like Loki, Irradiating Disarm is incredibly good and doesn't interfere with anything, Shocking Speed for Volt as well. Resonance as well, fits Banshee's build quite well since it benefits from things she usually builds Sonar for anyway.


Then there's some things like Ash's Rising Storm, where the additional time on the combo multiplier is affected by duration; which is not part of a Bladestorm build. Now you'll have to make sure you don't gimp your duration too hard or you'll make the mod worthless. Then there's just things like Nyx's Chaos Sphere which is just a hot mess, where it was supposed to streamline builds with long duration so it won't make Chaos near-unusable.


Then there's Ember, whose augments are mediocre at best especially considering the fact that her base abilities aren't too good to begin with. Having those tiny buffs with the augments while she's already mod-slot starved with her poor synergy just seems like a slap to the face, she might as well not have any augments to begin with.

Edited by Draciusen
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Codex should have a list of warframe powers and abilities. By building a warframe you unlock all the data about its powers and augments -- stats and full description of the effect, what it draws from, what it changes. There's much more space in codex entries than there are on ability descriptions.

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It seems that all hands are on deck for U17, and ...




improvements are partially on hiatus. Except for game-breaking stuff.


Some augments are quite good, but others are just garbage. 


There is no single solution. "make mods not affect them" would break or turn into garbage as many or more augments than it would fix.


All augments require a full review to reassess their power and make them worth equipping. 


The only one considered OP was Greedy Pull. But now the nerf hammer hit it so hard that it flew straight into the garbage pile - it is not worth equipping anymore.

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