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True Quality Of Life Changes


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Tone down with the adding stuff. Quality, not quantity.

- Planetary(Syndicate-specific) hubs

- Proper looting system(kindof like generic survival games, you examine the lootable item instead of all shyte pops out) with proper animations.

- [your suggestion here]



Unnecessary, would slow progress of game when Warframe is supposed to be fast pace, not, bend-down simulator. Not with the ammount of loot. And if loot is reduce, grind increases.

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Oh, little baby RNGesus... I would love to see an actual item customization window for weapons, Frames, you name it similar to the level of usability of 'PayDay 2', the 'Army of Two' series, the 'Saints Row' series.. Etc.

So tired of squinting my eyes at my screen trying to figure what color I just changed and what tint it magically changed to from one item to another.

You feel me fellow Tenno?

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So tired of squinting my eyes at my screen trying to figure what color I just changed and what tint it magically changed to from one item to another.

You feel me fellow Tenno?

This is so true that it isn't even funny. I'm sitting there scrolling through the color palette trying to figure out what I just changed on my weapon.

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- Proper looting system(kindof like generic survival games, you examine the lootable item instead of all shyte pops out) with proper animations.




I'd argue that's immersion, and in the scope of a fast paced action game, kinda the inverse of QoL. 

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Oh, little baby RNGesus... I would love to see an actual item customization window for weapons, Frames, you name it similar to the level of usability of 'PayDay 2', the 'Army of Two' series, the 'Saints Row' series.. Etc.

So tired of squinting my eyes at my screen trying to figure what color I just changed and what tint it magically changed to from one item to another.

You feel me fellow Tenno?

While we're at it, can we take a few weapon mods and remove them for an actual weapon customizer? I want my Burston Prime to look Orokin Tacticool with an actual suppressor, scope, and special grips.

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this would be great.


Now, QoL changes in my opinion:

Instant(or much faster) weapon switch that's purely client side(so not lag dependant)

faster run speed for all frames

more aggressive homing on melee attacks for less whiffing around between enemies.

innate vacuum effect for everyone regardless of sentinel, at a reduced range compared to Carrier's.

Edited by Halser
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