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Carrier Prime Carapace Not Dropping?


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I've been having a go at T3 Exterminate for a FEW runs to try and get Carrier Prime Carapace and this is what I ended up with:


6x Sicarus Prime Barrel

5x Nyx Prime Systems BP

2x Rhino Prime BP

1x Forma


Am I doing something wrong or...? 

Edited by WhiteNightFury
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That's pretty typical.  DE_Sheldon's drop tables make certain things infuriatingly rare.  Coupled with the weird, sometimes faulty RNG, it makes for... issues for some people.


Hence the farming with nekros, gmag, mesa, etc.


People do those boring boring boring meta builds specifically because of that.  :/


You're not doing anything wrong, this is just how DE_Sheldon has made the game.  Try not to play it to the point of burnout, if you can avoid it.


I'm sorry if you're not having a good time, but... there's really nothing else I can say.


If you need more keys, try farming T3 keys over at Lillith on Europa, that's where I farm my T3 keys.  That's the best I can do for you, I'm afraid.

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48 of my own keys (not counting my clannie's keys or the other taxis) so far with no luck. Hope you get lucky before you run that many. Keys you have to farm + severely weighted rng are quite an evil combo. I thought 50 keys should be enough but we'll see... I'll probably need to go back to farming so that I can hope for the chance at more farming so I can probably just get more forma.


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Bro. You have not even come close to what I endured to get that S#&$.


50+ t3 ext keys


All of them are nyx prime systems, chassis, sicarus prime barrels....


Until a few days ago I went another 8 keys which dropped it for me on the last one.

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I got two within the space of 3 hours. Did plenty T3Ext keyshare runs prior to that though. I started with about 21 keys, ended up with 10 in the end with each one being used in a keyshare of 4. Also managed to take part in multiple freebie T3Ext runs from others too in the meantime so it's a lot more than just the keyshares.


But yeah, the drop rate is terrible.

Edited by Naith
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Warframe has an advanced Desire Sensor algorithm. It analyzes your inventory, trade history, chat logs, and possibly even browsing history to determine which items you have and which ones you need, as well as purchase history to figure out how likely you are to purchase items with money. Then it skews the drop tables so that you will have an extremely hard time getting what you need, making you more likely to buy Prime Access and the likes. It randomly pulls from the users who are looking for the same part, flags a small percentage randomly and gives them the part quickly or with only little struggle, so that they will boast and claim that surely you can get it because they have done so. Confirmation bias.

DE is getting wicked psychological on ya. Ouch.


Edit: See posts below for a perfect example of the Desire Sensor in action.


It really does explain everything though. Also, keep your hands dry, it can sense when your palms sweat on the Keyboard/Mouse when you get nervous and frustrated about drops.

Edited by CruelCrow
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