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The Random Game Invite -- How You React


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Depends. if it's a name I recognize I'll usually just decline it. if it's some random person out of nowhere they get an instant ignore. Sorry but if you don't have the courtesy to send a PM first explaining why you're inviting me I'm not going to waste another second with you.

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Depends. if it's a name I recognize I'll usually just decline it. if it's some random person out of nowhere they get an instant ignore. Sorry but if you don't have the courtesy to send a PM first explaining why you're inviting me I'm not going to waste another second with you.

accidents happen

After dupes I'd do it

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I always accept if I am not in a mission. I personally enjoy helping others when needed. My feeling is that I was once new and I wished I had more help in certain missions that were difficult for me to complete. I see this as paying it forward to those who helped me. In fact I received one today and I did go and the player thanked me for helping him with the mission. I enjoy helping others when needed, I guess I am just strange.

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To me, it just seems unnecessary and/or redundant to message first, because that's basically accepting twice.


Well, generally speaking, at least. In warframe, if you're gonna invite someone, put the mission up first before sending the invite, so invitees know what to expect. That's what I prefer.


Not that I invite randoms anyway....I kinda prefer solo but I welcome anyone who crashes in....except cheaters of course.

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-internal screaming intensifies-

/apply many forma'd sinister reach amprex or Mesa to mission

/make them regret inviting a MR 19 to a mission by making them watch the game play itself and denying them any kills

-Maybe if they stop inviting me the voices will cease-

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Well normally I message the person first to see if they're interested in doing anything before I invite them to anything. When it comes to receiving random invites myself, it never happens to me to begin with. Since I don't have anyone to play with on Warframe /foreveralone

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