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Goodbye Mastery! Nice Knowing Ya! (Not Really...)


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solid reasoning! Nice tweaks! :D

well.... the game is co-op based, soo... there's that.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for the idea, and not to brag but I usually thrive in skill based games, but you need a more or less unified force to push something this radical on the devs, and it will create a lot of resistance from them. I know it's a co-op game but not all people are so reasonable.

Also how will current mastery be compensated?

Edited by superfishy36
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You say the game is CO - OP based.... DID DE confirmed you in a written statement or something ?? I like your idea but this right here is a wrong statement.


I for one only needs to know one thing when I make a random squad for t3 or t4 survival 60 min grinding

1. Are their weapons totally top notch

2. Have they maxed out and made their WF op so they can survive/ Protect/ Kill till high tiers.

3. Would they be a burden on me or be an asset for the team( diying too much, running away from the battle field, not EV/healing/protecting enough)

4. And finally is each and everyone of them able to keep the hordes of enemy at bay


MR Tells me this .. maybe not 100% , or not even 60% but at least in my own statistical analysis of how many times i have run high tier missions and the kind of MR squad mates have; I know the better the MR the better my team's CHANCES are.


I like your idea to be included in the game along with MR as it would make me do more things for fun, things i dont like to do but would want to do even thats fun, cuz most times i find out that hey i actually like doing that or playing with that frame.


but as i said for me MR means the success of the mission, thats all i need to know. 

All you guys are coming to a solution when No on even know what the real problem is. Find that problem first.

Worded a bit....Strangely, But this makes perfect sense. No, MR isn't the End-All of ranking, but if you have a hard mission and have the choice to take an MR19 or an MR5, you have a MUCH better chance of having a strong team comp (totally ignoring frame choice even) when you choose the MR19. If absolutely nothing else, That means that they have experience with every type of weapon, every Gametype, and also probably every Enemy type. Maybe they Powerleveled all of the Shotguns, and sold them instantly....but they at least used them, so they have at least some working knowledge of how they function in the game, Its impossible for them not to know.


If you really want to get an idea of a person's Skill, Check out the Ratio of their Playtime to Kills. (To make this easier, I am going to compare Two MR19 Players)


Me: 2,525 hours in game, With a kill count of 1,155,476. Roughly 457.6 Kills Per Hour

Grey: 434 Hours in game, With a Kill Count of 556,303. Roughly 1,281.8 Kills Per Hour


Grey absolutely EXPLODED his way through to MR19, Using Boosters and everything in his power to get to MR19 as soon as possible. Meaning he killed much less with each weapon, but faster overall. So he has Much less experience than i do with each weapon, true, but he still has used them, He has still got at least a little experience. We are the same Rank, And he is only very slightly behind me in skill, because he picked the game up faster than i did, And he doesn't spend his time helping people.


Sorry for all the useless math....Its another one of those days that I've been awake WAY too long and don't know when to shut up.

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Don't get me wrong I'm all for the idea, and not to brag but I usually thrive in skill based games, but you need a more or less unified force to push something this radical on the devs, and it will create a lot of resistance from them. I know it's a co-op game but not all people are so reasonable.

Also how will current mastery be compensated?

still in concept phase... I didn't get that far.  just wanted ideas from more... open minded people, or at least more constructive people

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DE has stated in many a Devstream that WarFrame is a Co-Op and Solo player game, and thus will cater to both sides of the spectrum throughout game play. You may look for the evidence yourself, but screwing over Solo players' is not a solution, and you would be alienating a portion of the player base that may be quite costly to DE, and that isn't a way to go about improving the community, nor the game.

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still in concept phase... I didn't get that far. just wanted ideas from more... open minded people, or at least more constructive people

Mm. It's a concept of which it is our job to assess its validity. Obviously there are some points you have not considered, or even the fact that mastery lacks proper rewards and incentives. Simply because I don't whole heartedly agree with everything you said doesn't mean it isn't constructive.
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well.... the game is co-op based, soo... there's that.



That really isn't the point. Or a point. I already mentioned that people can't always find squads, or can't always find reliable squads, or don't want to. If it's really about branching out playstyles, instead of screwing people who want to play a certain way or physically can't matchmake... make it cap out below the maximum number of tasks.




So people can focus on the playstyles they really want to master. And if they just happen to straight up hate PVP, or they like playing solo, they can still get to the top without doing literally everything (which grows increasingly improbable with every update). Everything else is icing on the cake - icing to the tune of, say, a "Completionist's Badge" that just shows off how absurdly dedicated you are to Warframe and nothing else.


Still no to matchmaking being based on this in any way, though. Elitism will always be around, but we don't have to help it along.

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Rename the Mastery Rank to Completion Score lmao

Also why are leveling frames needed for 1-5? o.O Is this based on skill alone or we still need to own 4 frames to continue. Some people don't wanna pay plat and they will never progress past tier 1? 

My two cents about this whole matter is that the whole "Show how good I am" thing has to be rethought. MR at the moment just shows how much effort a player has put into the game and how long they have played. Skill score on profile page is random as heck. But honestly who cares if people are higher MR? Most players know better to not judge by MR anyway.

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High MR = more experience in gears = more access to META & personal effective styles

it's a good ranking imo


It forces ppl to actually try and use variety of gears other than listen to other ppl and follow mainstream META.

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High MR = more experience in gears = more access to META & personal effective styles

it's a good ranking imo


It forces ppl to actually try and use variety of gears other than listen to other ppl and follow mainstream META.

I think we are refering to people being biased to people with high MR. Ever seen those people who only want MR12 people cos they think they are more skilled? I had one time where I had Disarm Loki all set up and the guy rejected me becos I wasn't MR12. That's nonsense.

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Not a fan, honestly.

A lot of them seem to be the usual "grind out x amount of crap", and that's really not a good thing - especially if you can't sell weapons to make room. It's number stacking, but slightly fancier number stacking. We already have that. A lot of the rest like surviving x minutes would just be cheesed with the latest Meta anyway, so they wouldn't exactly raise the skill bar effectively.

Anything to do with trade chat is an absolute, unequivocal "no" - it shouldn't be considered a player skill integral to gameplay under any circumstances. Trade is peripheral and should stay that way.

Forcing people to work in squads or play conclave isn't great, either, because it railroads people into doing things they might simply not be interested in. The goal of any progression rework should be to enhance player choice, not to hinder it. What about people who can't play in squads because their internet is shot to hell? People who are honestly more comfortable playing solo? Should they be locked out of things like fancy progression cosmetics?

Matchmaking based on this would also be a terrible idea. The last thing I want is to be shoved into the inevitable elitists' club that would arise just because I played the game way too much and did as much as I physically could.

All of this.

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I think we are refering to people being biased to people with high MR. Ever seen those people who only want MR12 people cos they think they are more skilled? I had one time where I had Disarm Loki all set up and the guy rejected me becos I wasn't MR12. That's nonsense.

I had some random ask for my MR right off the bat for a simple Speed Nova farm. Had Nova ready and all. I was rank 16, but it's annoying, so I hate it when people make that the first thing they ask... I told them they could check. Never got a word back. Turns out the other guy was rank 8.


I honestly want to just get rid of the concept of "this number is an indicator of skill" because it's basically never going to be accurate.

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I don't like the idea of being forced to keep items and waste my slot. Or being forced into a specific conclave mode or conclave in general. Or being forced into a support role... or matchmaking based on this process or being discouraged from solo... you know what I just don't like the system at all.

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I don't like the idea of being forced to keep items and waste my slot. Or being forced into a specific conclave mode or conclave in general. Or being forced into a support role... or matchmaking based on this process or being discouraged from solo... you know what I just don't like the system at all.

That's quite the list of things you don't like.

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