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Melee 3.0 :


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Hey guys


U17 is finally here  , coptering is dead , stamina is gone. Parkour is fun as hell and extremely versatile loving it. 


Seeing how  2.0 has been designed I don't think DE will need to bring any major changes to movement ever again ; it adapts very well in the current tilesets and is pretty damn useful compared to what we've had .




Now why am I calling this thread Melee 3.0?


> The suggestion of another revamp of melee comes with the death of directional air melee. I wasn't fond of it nor did I hate it , it was just useful to hit enemy  airborne units and  move around a bit.


>Now air melee doesn't do anything. sure it attacks in the air , but with the new movement system it's almost impossible to hit something now. you just get 1 attack and then the animation resets. Therefore it feels like a waste , going  full melee even with the awesome aim gliding bullet parrying still isn't viable


How to make the sword alone relevant and useful again?

>  the return / introduction of heavy attacks  ( using the R button) and mix them with regular attacks for even more devastating combos which could lead to launching attacks which brings me to my next point

Air melee combos.   I'm not talking Devil may cry stay forever in the air melee combos. that would be so off.

IT's more something like the basic quick melee that we use on the ground but in the air and would pseudo lock airborne   or lauched enemies.  Exactly like in Archwing melee only on a smaller scale and much faster


Example. Rhino with galatine attacks grineer bombard: He uses a EEERR combo -> bombard and enemies close to him are ragdolled into the air -> rhino bullet jumps ,and has multiple options

>aim glides to get closer  and uses a powerful R attack to slam the bombard and his friends into the ground , rhino is still in the air

> Aimglides to get closer and hits him twice with his galatine with the basic air E combo for the galatine.  remains in the air and keeps moving 

> presses X at the right moment to grab the bombard and slams him into the ground creating a heavy gunner like radial slam attack stunning enemies in its radius and dealing finisher damage to the bombard



IF only I could draw it would be easier to show x)



I think a revamp similar to this could only a good thing for the playerbase. Also DE has the intention of reworking lephantis someday ; this would have to come with it.



Thoughts guys?

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From what i heard & seen. Bullet jump needs to be looked at again. You lose speed while bullet jumping & it doesnt benefit from fast warframes. Like loki with Rush & AA. Faster Warframes = Further distance. 

Sure it  isn't a bug?

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One other thing I think melee combat needs is a new Parry system, and it's own special Dodge technique that is more suited to melee combat.


Ideally I think Parrying should be based on the player hitting the block button right as an enemy attacks, and when they are "Stumbled" you should be able to choose whether to do a Finisher or something like a Disarm, which lets melee users deal with heavy targets easier.


The melee-centric Dodge should be able to interrupt melee attacks, allowing players to go from a chain of combos to dodging a bombard's rockets fluidly without issue.

Edited by Sasquatch180
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Sure it  isn't a bug?

Idk but either way it still need to be looked at again. Id thought id like bullet jump. But it doesnt push you that far when running. Maybe if i look up while sprinting & bullet jump & double jump maybe ill cover more air? I played it on a friend pc profile & it really gonna take some getting use to.

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Melee is DEAD as f as of U17


Death, death death death everywhere


Nullifier lanka 1 shots you

group of grineer shreds you

shotguns rip you


Even if ur facing them and pressing ur damned guard button


They no f'in care if you're blocking or not, they just shred you in matter of split seconds because BAM someone at DE thought damage reduction was good enough


If this S#&$ty dmg reduction (unless channeling for metric tons of energy) is all I'm going to get, I'd rather use my stamina mods with 100% dmg reduction.

Edited by Acidulant
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Melee is DEAD as f as of U17



Not true


Tested it

soloed T3 survival for 20 mins with Excalibur withour using exalted blade.


Melee works even better nown bullet jumping at the right moment and aiming your ground slams is an awesome combo . But it's still not good enough

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Do Wall Attacks and Ground slams - still do animation locks?

Basically they lock you in animation until you hit the ground, currently on PS4.

(Sucks because wall attacks are single target and rob momentum..due to animation lock)

Hoping they removed the anination locks to allow fluid transitioning between movement and melee...

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Do Wall Attacks and Ground slams - still do animation locks?

Basically they lock you in animation until you hit the ground, currently on PS4.

(Sucks because wall attacks are single target and rob momentum..due to animation lock)

Hoping they removed the anination locks to allow fluid transitioning between movement and melee...

Kind of but if you aim glide and ground slam its waaay faster and looks cooler. You can actually aim your ground slam quite well now.

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That sounds reasonable.

What about wall attacks?

Wall attacks?


I totally forgot about those

I don't think they exist anymre , they must have been merged with directional air melee since wallrunning doesn't exist anymore

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