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Parkour 2.0 Is Absolutely Breaking My Heart In Disappointment. And I'll Tell You Why.


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I mostly just miss being able to backflip off walls once I'm done running up them. At present I'm finding it rather difficult to get onto those platforms that require running up a wall then somehow jumping behind you because there's no reliable way to get off the wall.


Also wall-clinging seems a bit awkward at present.


And the wall-prancing animation, while fabulous, doesn't actually make sense. Who hops along walls? (Tenno, apparently.)

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They just need perma-sprint and hold "Shift" to walk/glide/latch.  Then bring back wall running by holding shift.


I think that would clean a few of the old relics out of the new system, bring back some of the things people enjoyed, and incorporate them into Parkour 2.0.  It would feel as if they never left, just re-located.

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I used to feel like an artillery shell given human form. Firing myself through the level until I saw enemies, diving into their midst, exploding out again in a sudden frenzy of heavy ordnance and whipsnap melee strikes, before once again becoming projectile and hurtling off in search of my next fight.


Nothing was more glorious than covering 7 or 8 tiles of an excavation map to reach a downed teammate in the nick of time, impacting the mob that had killed him in a magnificent cessation of speed and matching onset of cathartic violence, stepping cockily out of the impact debris cloud and tangle of ragdolled bodies to revive them. 


Now, I am a party balloon.


Party balloons have terrific freedom of movement. They do not, however, hurtle. They do not lash. They do not impact. 


I do not want to carry on playing a party balloon.

This, so much of this. I've been playing a few hours with the new parkour system, and no matter what I try, I can't seem to recapture the same feel of the warframe I loved before the change. No matter what I do, I'm just a balloon. I believe this can be broken down into three basic things.
1.Variety- Suddenly the game feels very repetitive. Coptoring may have been exploitable, but for general use it was just another tool in an ever expanding list of mobility options. Slide flips, wall flings, coptors, and directional melee were all great utilities, and while perhaps not always completely fluid, they did have a way of keeping you on your toes in order to make it past the next obstacle. Now we instead have bulletjump... It acts as the air melee, the coptor, the front flip, and even the wall fling (as there is now no decent momentum off of walls). As melee, my play is now an intermentent pattern of bullet, double, bullet, land and mash attack. Aerial meleing, into a wallrunn across a hangar to fling myself into an aerial coptor spin to the other side may have been tricky, but it was also both a lot more rewarding and fun. Now my only option is a sort of choppy almost-flight which uses the same repetitive behavior the devs were trying to avoid with the addition of air melee.
2.Lack of controller focus- As someone who plays mostly with controller, I feel the amount of directional control required for the new system is a little obscene. My camera now dictates wherever I need to go. If I need to quick move in a direction I must first turn and face that direction. This is most likely not an issue for mouse and keyboard users, but on an analogue stick it makes dodging / changing direction feelmuch more difficult. Before if I was in a jam I could slide flip/ coptor to the side, but with the new system, my movement feels very skewed by the placement of my camera. This is quite disheartening after hearing Steve comment about how the new system would be more friendly to controller users. (Btw on that, if your trying to be friendly why give us another button to map with the secondary fire? Couldn't ya at least make it a double bind somewhere else?)
3.The game feels slower- Some people obviously really like the new system, and have no problems with it. However to me it feels slower. Perhaps this is because I did not have any qualms about using coptor, or wall flings, or flips, or anything else I could to make myself faster. Coptoring/ air meleeing / flinging around a room slicing your opponents to bits and zipping out the door may be "cheap" by some peoples standards but god did I enjoy it. A huge part of this games appeal to me has always been its speed. Quickly going in and seeing how fast I could slaughter an entire ship full of opponents was satisfying in a way that no other mmo currently offers. If some people believe that was too fast, then I suppose that's their opinon, but I loved it. As it is the sluggish new pace leaves me feeling very sad.
I know DE put a lot of work into this, and that chances are it won't get reversed. But I also can't help but feel it might be the end of warframe for me. The unique "space ninja" vibe it used to give me is no longer there in this new float & gun format. Its been an awesome 935 hours played.
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I haven't played in a while and I'm coming back to try this new Parkor 2.0. Its' like learning to play all over again...




This, so much of this. I've been playing a few hours with the new parkour system, and no matter what I try, I can't seem to recapture the same feel of the warframe I loved before the change


...and that is probably one of the main issues here. Some people don't like change. Mechanically it may be just as good...or even better with some tweaks...but no matter what, your hardcore players are so used to the old system, anything this different will seem bad to them, at least at first.


From what little I've fooled around with...thematically it feels and looks better than the old system. Is it as "effective" though? I'm not sure yet myself, although many of posted some helpful tutorials that seem to say so.

Edited by Jadarok
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I have a hard time believing anyone in this thread has actual complaints about more hand pain after parkour 2.0's release. Before, coptering was killing my pinky, I tried changing the key bindings up to give it a rest but couldn't find anything that was comfortable enough. Parkour 2.0 is much much better on my hand on a whole.


It takes me way more button presses to cover the same distance as before, and pressing jump+roll about a hundred times a mission is killing my wrist. To be fair though I should probably use a macro.

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I don't care for the up-and-down wall hoping animation either. Perhaps different warframe animation sets should contain different wall running animations. Some sets could have hopping, and some actually running, as we did in parkour 1.0. I miss being able to should while wall running. Now my character kicks away from the wall when I look at an enemy, as I wall hop.

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It takes me way more button presses to cover the same distance as before, and pressing jump+roll about a hundred times a mission is killing my wrist. To be fair though I should probably use a macro.


Exactly this, compared to new parkour old parkour was MUCH less painful, I cant use new parkour for longer while without making my hand suffer., because of that I am lagging behind anyone who had good mouse with side buttons who can configure better buttons, new parkour only INCREASED distance between people who have "tools"(better computer equipment, macros) to run fast and people who dont.


DE promised less button presses in new parkour but they didnt fulfil it, they should have at least made all frames much faster(I in real life can run faster then space ninja >_>) also they wanted to destroy coptering so much that they didnt care that they also completly destroyed spin attack as a whole, it has now too short slide distance to be useful in combat.  Another problem is that they destroyed balance between slow and powerful weapons and faster but weaker weapons, now there is no reason to bring "light" weapons since heavy weapons have better damage and range, there is absolutly no reason to use fast melee weapons in game, now they have either to increase light weapon damage beyond heavy weapons or "magically" increase their range beyond heavy weapons to make them again useful in combat.

They said they wanted to untie movement from weapons to make all weapon choices useful but thats not what they did, they simply exchanged which weapons are useful and which arent, previously useful weapons for coptering which were weaker(it was peoples choice to use weaker weapons for increased movement possibilities) now are completly useless and strong weapons that werent as useful for coptering are now the only useful weapons.

Edited by Culaio
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My breakdown and analysis of the new system versus the old:

Cons and pros:


-Vertical movement made easier, especially the wall jumping up since no stamina drain anymore.


-Coptering dealt with... sort of.


-Zip lines no longer as bad deathtraps as they used to be, when you could not controll your actions too much.(once you latch, your committed to doing one of 2 things. Go to the end, or detach into a bad spot/pitfall)


-Gliding(in some maps) is a nice aspect.




-Horizontal movement has become less ninja like, more bunny like. And slower(even when "coptering" is left out of the picture)


-Coptering dealt with, too heavily.


-Melee utility basically non existent now, and alot of melee builds suffer from it.


-Zipline movement, despite having more controll over it, again. Made slower.


-Gliding, in most maps, not worth using.


-They tried to deal with coptering, but created a new problem, now people with volt, loki, zephyr. Can just leave others to choke on the dust, and make them run half or more of the map(yeah run, no killing no nothing) making it a "marathon simulator" for some people.


-Horizontal movement has also become less controllable.


-One of the games main atractions was fast paced mobility(since the early days) The new system encourages a more camping oriented style and "point to point roaming, behind chest high walls" like any dime a dozen shooter.


Indepth: The devs, despite making some welcome changes, made atleast 2-3 times more unwelcome changes. Firstly, the way they dealt with coptering, a simple limitation as to at what point the swing speed stops affecting distance traveled tweak would have been enough. Instead they opted to make everything just god awfull. Not defending coptering here, but I cant imagine using my melee builds like I used to, or anywhere nearly as efficiently, Movement was one of the points in melee, and you would balance between movement and damage, I for one, Loved! using Galatine with cleaving whirlwind, using the 1st phase of the jump+crouch+slice to get behind enemies, or get past them to a thougher target, Which i close in on with the 2nd phase of said manouver and proceed to slice him to bitesized pieces. Or to do hit and run melee madness with prismatic dual cleavers and use the 2 phases of swirling tiger jump slashes to go from group of enemies to another after i have my contagion clouds up... Gone are the days when melee was worth it, now anyone using a decent damage gun, can just run and gun anything while you desperately try and get 1 or 2 kills every now and then as someone who loves to get up close and personal. Also the melee utility despite what people say "Duuuh you can use your preferred weapon now" Nope, now it is only worth taking the most damaging weapons. There is no longer any point to consider anything else. If it would be worthwhile for me to take the weapons I like, i would be switching between Galatine, Dual cleaver, Dragon nikana, and orthos prime builds... But... Theres no point anymore, all utility as far as melee is gone. I loved switching between speedy takedowns, mass Aoe Swing from group to group. Or a flurry of cleaver swings creating contagion clouds from weaker mooks where stronger ones could step into, or stealthy one hit sneak attacks. Now... Just pick the thing that does most damage, because your axial movement speeds will be the same regardless(i know I know broken record, I need to say it all because this will be my only indepth comment on this thread)


Second. Vertical and horizontal movement. I love the horizontal movement tweaks, makes it less tedious to go up high into a sniping position in defence/intercept missions, and it gives you more acces to alternate routes in maze like maps. Not to mention the double jumps are extremely handy, especially in spy missions! Horizontal movement however... The wall run was fine as it was, had a good speed to it, and no frills controls, did exactly what you wanted it to do, and you had the option to catapult yourself over slight obstacles, or pitfalls if you played a slower frame. The new "bunny hop with a straight jacket on" type wall movement is just terrible, not only is it slower(and makes you a nice target) the controls are awkward, and can screw you over in a time critical situation. And dont get me started with the "bullet" jump no matter how you try to justify that, dragon kick is better in every way, was it not only more controlable, could be executed faster, it also knocked the enemies on their !, and traveled further.


Third. Zipplines, Yeah, it has become an episode from the southpark. Despite not forcing a "commit" on you, they did make it slower, meaning your longer on the open, in a game where anything on the open, is mercilesly shred to little pieces by dozens of bullets at you, each step you take.


Fourth. Gliding, Despite being a welcome addition, this too, lacked in execution, not a very usefull thing in cramped maze like maps, and alot of the open maps have spawn points set in a way, that the moment your gliding in the air, you become the next best thing to a shooting range(zip lining)... Also, it makes the zephyr feel less of a special character, because now, you can just launch yourself up in the air with tonkor, or any frame that as a skill that lets you gain altitude fast(novas teleport being one) and glide like she could...


Fifth. The problem created by their coptering solution. Anyone using a fast frame such as loki, volt or ash(to name some of the faster ones) can still easily do what irritated so many people who are whiteknighting the coptering solution. They can abso @(*()$ lutely leave everyone else to choke on the dust while they steam off to proceed on cleaning the map of anything that breathes, complete objectives while the rest of the team is still halfway through their scenic marathon. I S#&$ you not, I do this on daily basis to prove it for the people who keep telling me "I am glad we dont have rushers anymore" just to rub it in, that since they cant copter anymore, well, They got less to catch up to me with ;D An example Loki with maxed rush and armored agility, you get a sprint speed of 1,8 and change. which is double of the slowest frames without the speed mods.


Six. How they killed the games main atraction, while making it more tedious, more time consuming and less enjoyable. The game mechanics require a fundamental change because the enemies still act like they used when you were alot faster. Before the parkour update, Your main way of getting out of a tricky situation for classes that could not rely on brute strenght and impervious armor, Was speed. Now that you take that away, You are given less insentive to move around freely, or encounter larger groups out of cover. Because you cant just find an opening on their ranks anymore as easily. from where to escape, and you are more easily ambushed and trapped. Since it takes a longer time to get back to cover, or into an area with superior firing positions. You are now given insentives to A.) stick to into the cover and camp more often than you used to(henche less advancement is made, S#&$ gets done slower) B.) Roam between safe areas avoiding conflict with squishy frames, due to the fact, getting out of sight now takes longer. C.) I have seen how people are now less likely to revive each other, becase it takes longer to get to them, and therefore poses a larger risk for yourself.


all in all, a really bad movement update, I give it 2/5(Bad, but could be worse, but could be ALOT BETTER) sticks between two rocks, use your imagination what it means.

Edited by TheFatLippedMonster
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My breakdown and analysis of the new system versus the old:

Cons and pros:


-Vertical movement made easier, especially the wall jumping up since no stamina drain anymore.


-Coptering dealt with... sort of.


-Zip lines no longer as bad deathtraps as they used to be, when you could not controll your actions too much.(once you latch, your committed to doing one of 2 things. Go to the end, or detach into a bad spot/pitfall)


-Gliding(in some maps) is a nice aspect.




-Horizontal movement has become less ninja like, more bunny like. And slower(even when "coptering" is left out of the picture)


-Coptering dealt with, too heavily.


-Melee utility basically non existent now, and alot of melee builds suffer from it.


-Zipline movement, despite having more controll over it, again. Made slower.


-Gliding, in most maps, not worth using.


-They tried to deal with coptering, but created a new problem, now people with volt, loki, zephyr. Can just leave others to choke on the dust, and make them run half or more of the map(yeah run, no killing no nothing) making it a "marathon simulator" for some people.


-Horizontal movement has also become less controllable.


-One of the games main atractions was fast paced mobility(since the early days) The new system encourages a more camping oriented style and "point to point roaming, behind chest high walls" like any dime a dozen shooter.


Indepth: The devs, despite making some welcome changes, made atleast 2-3 times more unwelcome changes. Firstly, the way they dealt with coptering, a simple limitation as to at what point the swing speed stops affecting distance traveled tweak would have been enough. Instead they opted to make everything just god awfull. Not defending coptering here, but I cant imagine using my melee builds like I used to, or anywhere nearly as efficiently, Movement was one of the points in melee, and you would balance between movement and damage, I for one, Loved! using Galatine with cleaving whirlwind, using the 1st phase of the jump+crouch+slice to get behind enemies, or get past them to a thougher target, Which i close in on with the 2nd phase of said manouver and proceed to slice him to bitesized pieces. Or to do hit and run melee madness with prismatic dual cleavers and use the 2 phases of swirling tiger jump slashes to go from group of enemies to another after i have my contagion clouds up... Gone are the days when melee was worth it, now anyone using a decent damage gun, can just run and gun anything while you desperately try and get 1 or 2 kills every now and then as someone who loves to get up close and personal. Also the melee utility despite what people say "Duuuh you can use your preferred weapon now" Nope, now it is only worth taking the most damaging weapons. There is no longer any point to consider anything else. If it would be worthwhile for me to take the weapons I like, i would be switching between Galatine, Dual cleaver, Dragon nikana, and orthos prime builds... But... Theres no point anymore, all utility as far as melee is gone. I loved switching between speedy takedowns, mass Aoe Swing from group to group. Or a flurry of cleaver swings creating contagion clouds from weaker mooks where stronger ones could step into, or stealthy one hit sneak attacks. Now... Just pick the thing that does most damage, because your axial movement speeds will be the same regardless(i know I know broken record, I need to say it all because this will be my only indepth comment on this thread)


Second. Vertical and horizontal movement. I love the horizontal movement tweaks, makes it less tedious to go up high into a sniping position in defence/intercept missions, and it gives you more acces to alternate routes in maze like maps. Not to mention the double jumps are extremely handy, especially in spy missions! Horizontal movement however... The wall run was fine as it was, had a good speed to it, and no frills controls, did exactly what you wanted it to do, and you had the option to catapult yourself over slight obstacles, or pitfalls if you played a slower frame. The new "bunny hop with a straight jacket on" type wall movement is just terrible, not only is it slower(and makes you a nice target) the controls are awkward, and can screw you over in a time critical situation. And dont get me started with the "bullet" jump no matter how you try to justify that, dragon kick is better in every way, was it not only more controlable, could be executed faster, it also knocked the enemies on their !, and traveled further.


Third. Zipplines, Yeah, it has become an episode from the southpark. Despite not forcing a "commit" on you, they did make it slower, meaning your longer on the open, in a game where anything on the open, is mercilesly shred to little pieces by dozens of bullets at you, each step you take.


Fourth. Gliding, Despite being a welcome addition, this too, lacked in execution, not a very usefull thing in cramped maze like maps, and alot of the open maps have spawn points set in a way, that the moment your gliding in the air, you become the next best thing to a shooting range(zip lining)... Also, it makes the zephyr feel less of a special character, because now, you can just launch yourself up in the air with tonkor, or any frame that as a skill that lets you gain altitude fast(novas teleport being one) and glide like she could...


Fifth. The problem created by their coptering solution. Anyone using a fast frame such as loki, volt or ash(to name some of the faster ones) can still easily do what irritated so many people who are whiteknighting the coptering solution. They can abso @(*()$ lutely leave everyone else to choke on the dust while they steam off to proceed on cleaning the map of anything that breathes, complete objectives while the rest of the team is still halfway through their scenic marathon. I S#&$ you not, I do this on daily basis to prove it for the people who keep telling me "I am glad we dont have rushers anymore" just to rub it in, that since they cant copter anymore, well, They got less to catch up to me with ;D An example Loki with maxed rush and armored agility, you get a sprint speed of 1,8 and change. which is double of the slowest frames without the speed mods.


Six. How they killed the games main atraction, while making it more tedious, more time consuming and less enjoyable. The game mechanics require a fundamental change because the enemies still act like they used when you were alot faster. Before the parkour update, Your main way of getting out of a tricky situation for classes that could not rely on brute strenght and impervious armor, Was speed. Now that you take that away, You are given less insentive to move around freely, or encounter larger groups out of cover. Because you cant just find an opening on their ranks anymore as easily. from where to escape, and you are more easily ambushed and trapped. Since it takes a longer time to get back to cover, or into an area with superior firing positions. You are now given insentives to A.) stick to into the cover and camp more often than you used to(henche less advancement is made, S#&$ gets done slower) B.) Roam between safe areas avoiding conflict with squishy frames, due to the fact, getting out of sight now takes longer. C.) I have seen how people are now less likely to revive each other, becase it takes longer to get to them, and therefore poses a larger risk for yourself.


all in all, a really bad movement update, I give it 2/5(Bad, but could be worse, but could be ALOT BETTER) sticks between two rocks, use your imagination what it means.

Fixed formatting.

Edited by igo95862
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Now, I am a party balloon.


Party balloons have terrific freedom of movement. They do not, however, hurtle. They do not lash. They do not impact. 


I do not want to carry on playing a party balloon.


I cannot tell you how accurate this beautifully worded post is. I never thought parkour 2.0 could break more things than it ever intended to fix :( the very "feel" of the game has died like an overweight bunnyrabbit having an infarction. Jerky, bloated, thinking he might as well just stop.


Hopefully once i find and max some of those new mods, the regained speed will help me get over those wall-hopping animations.


I think they were aiming for ninja climbing spikes with this style of movement, but the old anims felt like sci-fi ninja in a way that is (to me) irreplaceable. Please DE, don't let this be it. 

Edited by Sigmas71
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I am one of those "loyal tenno" who have been around for most of the game, or at least long enough to have become a founder.


Warframe was a game that even when I got tired of the grind and needed a break, it wouldn't take long before I was itching to shoot some grineer in the face.


Until now.


Break over, work slowed down some, new update rolled out, time to check it out!


Enter Parkour 2.0 ... the tutorial, the movement, the changes ... DE, they're TERRIBLE. I've gotten on board or been on board with just about everything up till now, but you have COMPLETELY changed this game into something else. The movement is no longer fluid, no longer ninja, it's awkward and ... I mean really? Bunny hopping up a wall?


This is the proverbial straw for me. I know the playerbase won't care, and to a certain extent DE, I know you won't either. But this ... this I can't stomach. It's not fun, it's painful, and I'm out.


Revert, fix, change, and I'll come back, at least to check it out. But Parkour 2.0 as is ... no thank you.

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"You know, I'm finding how many people are *@##$ing and trying to chew me out because I dislike the new movement system. I seriously dislike it. But you're clearly not that sharp on the uptake so let me break this down for you as simply as I can. The new movement system is painfully slow. It is not fun. It is destroying any joy I have in this game. It has literally ruined the game for me. Do you understand this? This would be like taking away guns from an FPS. This is like taking away wizard or fighter classes from an RPG. Am I making sense to you? Do you understand why I dislike this update? It has fundamentally damaged this game for me. This isn't something like complaining that I can't have white or orange or green as a colour for my frame. This is a serious blunder, in my opinion, by DE that has sucked all the joy and fun from this game for me. Am I getting through to you? Do you see why I am so annoyed at this update? It's literally ruined a game I've considered to be one of my all time favourite games. Since Steam has started recording game time, I have over a thousand hours and I can promise you, I know for a fact that I've played twice if not half again as much time as that.


Yes actually, I could forward somersault forward, right click out of it, shoot if need be or hold crouch and shoot. If you're going to try and bullS#&$ someone, be more knowledgeable on what you're talking about."
upset and salty to the point of quitting the game because you can't do the somersault anymore
also maybe you wouldn't get insulted so much if your arguments weren't so laughably bad and overexaggerated


Edited by VinDanger
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Lol, this is a very emotional thread.


All because of a different look for things.


Front flip changed to Bullet Jump. Only problem there is I still don't know how to control the distance of Bullet Jump. I think it's about holding Ctrl longer.


Wall run changed to Wall hop. I find it a little harder to fling from walls, but I also find it easier to control myself. I can suddenly scale so many obstacles. I would try to fly across a hole, and if I fail, the hopping can save me from falling.


It's slow and painful. You got attached to a changing game. Imagine if you joined during Closed Beta. And fluidity? I would say that this version isn't any less, unless if you can come up with a less vague definition.

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Only problem there is I still don't know how to control the distance of Bullet Jump. I think it's about holding Ctrl longer.


I find it a little harder to fling from walls, but I also find it easier to control myself.


You can't control the distance of the bullet jump, it's a preset length that ignores all momentum and player input save for aiming, and it isn't even very precise about that.


This is one of the limitations that's hard to get used to about the new parkour- there are no short mobility moves the way you could do short little copters before, you move by a certain distance and that's it. It feels quite clunky to anyone was remotely proficient with the old system.


Also, it's not just 'harder' to fling yourself from walls, it's impossible. You can bullet jump out of a wall hop or you can let yourself fall to the ground, but the old momentum fling from wallrun no longer exists.

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