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How Parkour 2.0 Feels To Open Minded Veterans.


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It was incredibly easy, you could even intentionally undershoot the hole in the wall and simply brute-force wallrun your way up the the lip, also if you jumped on the crates below it then pretty much any frame would reach the hole in 1 wallrun and a flip easy. Also turning your camera 180* is not hard in the slightest. There were plenty of harder parkour related things that actually had some challenge, if you're using wallrun up and flip as an example then your skill ceiling regarding parkour must've been very low.


As for the "more challenging than anything in P2.0" you've clearly not actually tried parkour 2.0 very much else you'd find there's some really fun, actually challenging things to do.

E.g. http://gfycat.com/AlarmedWhiteKilldeer

PSN member he can't just making blind speculation

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As for the "more challenging than anything in P2.0" you've clearly not actually tried parkour 2.0 very much else you'd find there's some really fun, actually challenging things to do.

E.g. http://gfycat.com/AlarmedWhiteKilldeer

That it almost entirely bullet jumps.  If you actually bothered to read my posts then you would know that I am actually a fan of bullet jumps.

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As for the "more challenging than anything in P2.0" you've clearly not actually tried parkour 2.0 very much else you'd find there's some really fun, actually challenging things to do.

E.g. http://gfycat.com/AlarmedWhiteKilldeer

Now that was nicely done. I haven't gotten that good at it yet, but I'm definitely getting there. I will enjoy it when i get to the point of not having to touch the group through an entire mission, but I think my more practical use of it in combination with melee is probably better to perfect. 


PSN member he can't just making blind speculation

This person also made a good point. Where is it for you to judge such things when you don't even have it yet? 

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STOP arguing with the guy with the (PS4) tag about anything involved in parkour 2.0.  Might as well be discussing weapon balance with someone that's never installed Warframe on any of the platforms it is available on.


Wall hopping is the superior method because no one in their right mind ran on the wall regularly, much less for any real length of time.  


This post:



Funny, I could've sworn the title said open minded veterans... Must've been my imagination.




Tap away from the wall to kick off it, takes a bit of practice, much better than the old backflip since it gives you a lot more horizontal distance a lot faster. Pairing it with bullet jump can make it easier to learn since you need to press away from the wall (preferably for the shortest time possible before you press jump to kick off the wall) and bullet jump has a forced forward momentum while wall hops push you away from the wall ever so slightly.



There's not much need to vault over ledges, you can use a bullet jump or double jump at the top of the ledge to get yourself up, over and moving pretty fast.


You can shoot while wall latched, and you now have aim-glide if you want the shoot and move experience. Besides, shooting while wallrunning previously was practically impossible, you'd either have to rapidly adjust for your character moving, or run out of wall before you killed the enemy.


As for the glaive thing, I think melee will be touched up a bit... 2 words: Wall Melee, latch to a wall and try the old wall-melee-fling, you either go nowhere if you hold the button, or drop like a rock if you let go.

...Shows why we got wall hopping.  It seamlessly allows us to bounce off or along a wall for a hop or two before moving back into bullet jumping.  With practice, a Tenno could never stop moving through the air until they find themselves passing through a door or working within a low ceiling environment.
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STOP arguing with the guy with the (PS4) tag about anything involved in parkour 2.0. Might as well be discussing weapon balance with someone that's never installed Warframe on any of the platforms it is available on.

Wall hopping is the superior method because no one in their right mind ran on the wall regularly, much less for any real length of time.

This post:

...Shows why we got wall hopping. It seamlessly allows us to bounce off or along a wall for a hop or two before moving back into bullet jumping. With practice, a Tenno could never stop moving through the air until they find themselves passing through a door or working within a low ceiling environment.

Yeap. I could just hop from one pillar to another in my main dojo hall and I wouldn't even need to stop to wall latch or even touch the ground unless I wanted to.

And parkour 1.0 was easily overshadowed by copter and aerial melee to the point that wallrunning felt very gimmicky.

Mercury tileset with the wallrunning section and lava below. Nobody really bothered to wall run when copter literally did the same for you but more efficiently.

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Interesting how so many veterans are having problems with the new system that I never uncountered. Either they don't want to accept the change or are simply bad at parkour since I find it much easier to use than the old system.

Or they just recognize that they new system is worse in a lot of ways that mattered.


P2 is has better vertical movement while the old system has better horizontal movement. The problem is that so many of the rooms in the game have low ceilings and such, so you don't have a whole lot of vertical playground.

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1. Yeap. I could just hop from one pillar to another in my main dojo hall and I wouldn't even need to stop to wall latch or even touch the ground unless I wanted to.

2. Mercury tileset with the wallrunning section and lava below. Nobody really bothered to wall run when copter literally did the same for you but more efficiently.

1. You can do the same with wall flings in P1



2. I would use wall flings because ping ponging around was just more fun.

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Or they just recognize that they new system is worse in a lot of ways that mattered.


P2 is has better vertical movement while the old system has better horizontal movement. The problem is that so many of the rooms in the game have low ceilings and such, so you don't have a whole lot of vertical playground.

You're a PS4 player. You don't have parkour 2.0. Why are you here?

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Or they just recognize that they new system is worse in a lot of ways that mattered.

P2 is has better vertical movement while the old system has better horizontal movement. The problem is that so many of the rooms in the game have low ceilings and such, so you don't have a whole lot of vertical playground.

That or you're just not used to the controls? I just test P2 in my dojo and I'm pretty good at transition to vertical and horizontal movement, vise versa. Although I admit trying to horizontally move in the beginning was somewhat confusing it got better as I learned the controls. Heck P2 was confusing in the beginning.
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1. You can do the same with wall flings in P1


2. I would use wall flings because ping ponging around was just more fun.

1. But not as easily and enjoyable. Could you do it for 5 minutes straight without touching the ground?

2. That's very opinionated. I find Wall hopping and a little air glide to be much more enjoyable.

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That or you're just not used to the controls? I just test P2 in my dojo and I'm pretty good at transition to vertical and horizontal movement, vise versa. Although I admit trying to horizontally move in the beginning was somewhat confusing it got better as I learned the controls. Heck P2 was confusing in the beginning.

Have you seen this?




I am not debating that the horizontal movement is "adequate". I am just saying it is less effective than p1 and coptering.

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Parkour 2.0 has pretty good horizontal movement, actually a lot better than the old system had by a massive landslide. The only reason anyone would think it's worse than the old system horizontally is if they were comparing it to coptering which was pretty much flinging yourself at mach 20 across rooms in a straight line with no control.

I would seriously like to see someone give a legitimate example of the old parkour system outdoing the new one, and I mean parkour, not fling-yourself-with-melee system.


As for wall-flinging the new system does it a lot better, you can cover the same horizontal gaps just as fast, and you can also chain it a lot better since you actually have height control.

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It's a mixed bag in my books. I HATE the feeling of being slower than i used to be, and so far ive basically paid up in platinum and formas to get rush into my exilus slots on all my main frames, basically just perma-sprinting whenever i really wanna go fast from A to B.


I get how this can help you do stuff that LOOKS amazing, but a lot of it feels as if its not rewarded in a gameplay sense. If i wanna get in melee range, i'd rather just run at them than take that ~40% extra time to do it off a cool looking yet ultimately pointless bulletjump (when not jumping across gaps in the map)


Even without Rush it feels like the bulletjump straight ahead is just slower than simply sprinting. Plus it's feels really janky to control with the camera. Im sure it's great for controllers, but i find myself repeatedly trying to jump things i was EASILY jumping with the aerial melee and just not getting up there because of the low doublejump. And then i have to land, do the crouched bullet jump which sometimes based on my camera angle simply doesnt work and just jumps in a crouched stance instead of doing the actual bulletjump.


I know it's changed a lot of things for the better, it does feel more precise than before, but i also feel like there are a lot more things that i simply cant do anymore, i really miss the feeling of trying to optimize my speed, my angle to copter, it feels a lot less skillfull AND less rewarding, basically going off of just holding automated buttons.


And while im eternally thankfull that i dont have to bash my spacebar in to wall-bunnyrun i still cant help myself but feel stupid doing it, it just looks so wrong AND again feels a lot slower than just sprinting around a physically longer route that's still faster to run xD


Plus i am pretty much at war with wall-latching. The amount of times i've tried to walllatch and instead i went into a AirGlide along the wall because they're triggered by the camera angle is infuriating. I have to stare at the wall to get attached, then pull my mouse around to find something to shoot at before i fall off, and as an extra present the falloff indicator is MORE CAMERA SHAKING, which really makes me nauseous. I thought leveling the dual decurion had taught me about camera shaking, but this is on literally every level now, so i've unfortunately basically abandoned using it.


Im sure with some more mastery of the high bullet jumps minimum camera angles ill be able to appreciate the system more than i currently do. For now, it's flaws and the lack of reward in the form of velocity without extensional modding (which is then still beat by just sprinting with Rush) make me like the old system better. I know arguing the lack of precision in the old coptering days was a way of skillcapping is a lame argument and it mustve been really annoying to master (as well as limiting weapon pool, ill admit that), but it just feels like ive been punished for being a veteran and getting sat in a smaller, cooler looking, but still smaller sandbox, with less toys in it that are actually fun to use.

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1. But not as easily and enjoyable. Could you do it for 5 minutes straight without touching the ground?

2. That's very opinionated. I find Wall hopping and a little air glide to be much more enjoyable.

I find that the new animations and gliding break my immersion. Yes, it is just an opinion, but so is yours. 


Could I do it for 5 minutes?  Possibly.  It would be tougher though.  The skill level required to accurately control wall flings was much higher.

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I am a PS4 player because all my friends play it on PS4. Do you really think that there are people that don't have Gaming PCs and PS4s too?

Now can we get back on topic, or would someone else like to fling some ad hominems at me?

It is kinda a wise idea to use your PC account if you wanna give feedback like this when consoles don't even have the update... Because everyone's supposed to know that you have both?
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It is kinda a wise idea to use your PC account if you wanna give feedback like this when consoles don't even have the update... Because everyone's supposed to know that you have both?

Ad hominems are a logical fallacy.  It wouldn't matter if I have a PC account or not.  If what I am saying is logically sound, then it is logically sound, regardless of who is saying it.  I also like to keep all my posts under one account.


Plus, my PC account is completely "noob" tier.  I don't want to grind a bunch of stuff on it then have to do it again on PS4.  It's just there to try out a few things that I am too impatient to wait for on PS4.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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Ad hominems are a logical fallacy. It wouldn't matter if I have a PC account of not. If what I am saying is logically sound, then it is logically sound regardless of who is saying it. I also like to keep all my posts under one account.

Also my PC account is completely "noob" tier. I don't want to grind a bunch of stuff on it then have to do it again on PS4. It's just there to try out a few things that I am too impatient to wait for on PS4.

So you're implying that you've only tried out parkour 2.0 but not for an extent amount of time?
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Ad hominems are a logical fallacy.  It wouldn't matter if I have a PC account or not.  If what I am saying is logically sound, then it is logically sound, regardless of who is saying it.  I also like to keep all my posts under one account.


Plus, my PC account is completely "noob" tier.  I don't want to grind a bunch of stuff on it then have to do it again on PS4.  It's just there to try out a few things that I am too impatient to wait for on PS4.

All your logical arguements I've seen so far are just defending your precious coptering and wall flinging.

Also, tried it out? Instead of getting good at it and actually learning to use it skillfully and then giving it a review?

Edited by Senpai-Pie
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So you're implying that you've only tried out parkour 2.0 but not for an extent amount of time?

"OMG how dare you only try it out for 199.99952 hours?!  It takes at least 200 full hours to fully understand it!  You're opnion is fully discarded!!!111oneone"


You do understand how ridiculous that is right?  I don't need extremely long periods of time with it. I can see what other people are doing with it.  I can try it out briefly to learn how the (gamepad) controls work.  After that, basic critical thinking skills come into play.

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Ok, I'm glad you like your coptering and wall springs. Those were just abuse of the momentum system. Yes, you have a valid point that there are many places that restrict the P2.0, but there are also many places that give you full opportunity to use that new system to its fullest. Play with it for a while. Like, at last an hour. You might see how much more control you have is a good thing. Yes, we lose that massive speed of wall springs and coptering with super fast weapons like zorons or tipido, but we gain a massive amount of control too. 

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"OMG how dare you only try it out for 199.99952 hours?!  It takes at least 200 full hours to fully understand it!  You're opnion is fully discarded!!!111oneone"


You do understand how ridiculous that is right?  I don't need extremely long periods of time with it. I can see what other people are doing with it.  I can try it out briefly to learn how the (gamepad) controls work.  After that, basic critical thinking skills come into play.

izzatuw's post has nothing to do with the thing you typed in quotes. Do you understand how ridiculous typing that was? Who was it that was complaining about ad hominems a while ago?

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