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Umbra Excalibur, De Thats What We Want


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Look you founders thanks and all for helping fund the game but you still have your exclusive gear and its not logical at all because why would DE make a very limited set of umbra gear and that were probably going to have to buy and have that be skin. Are you @(*()$ kidding me its very obviously going to be frame and you don't own the game your exclusives are supposed to be a symbol of helping the game not the biggest symbol of elitism and douchebaggery in game. All of you shouldn't want us not to have a S#&$ty version of your symbol of greed. Its just wrong.

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At this point it seems you are regretting buying Excal Prime because you wanted to feel special and now that Umbra is here majority of the fanbase won't care for Excal Prime anymore.

On the contrary, I would love for everyone to have their share of fun or for everyone to stop whining about excal P.


Except as stated before literally the only reason I would be against it being released if it got put up to a founders vote, is because of all the children complaining over what is, effectively a skin, and the fact someone has something they don't *GASP*.

God forbid anyone should miss out on anything, ever. Its even worse when that thing provides next to no advantage over anyone else.

If people didn't make it a huge issue, then I would be 100% behind its re-release if DE ever chose to do so.


Also, you know that people will still be complaining about excal P after umbra even if it is a frame, because then they will whine about the extra mastery founders have and the fact we have a shot at both.

So in reality, it would solve nothing.

If Umbra is a frame I wont really care, but I will be slightly disappointed in DE because it does seem like a very underhanded way to re-release it.


Like I said, I'd rather just have Excal P released again then have DE dance around the issue.


Edit: I also, see no reason why it actually matters if it is just a skin. Like honestly, what will a new frame with slightly beefed up stats change? Will it make people feel better? Probably not.

I still view excal P as just a skin for all intents and purposes and not a frame, so what difference does umbra being a frame actually make to anyone?

It doesn't change anything about the current debate.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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You yourself just said that's why you bought Excal P to a certain degree

I don't disagree that I enjoy owning exclusive items to a certain degree. But that's not what he said. He said that I regret buying founder because I want to feel special and I wont get to feel important anymore.


Had he actually read what I said before, he wouldn't make such an ignorant statement. It comes down to the principal of keeping a promise, and not find a loophole around it. I also said that, if it was up to me, everyone would get a chance to own excalibur prime. THat would make me happy. I dont enjoy seeing people sad or upset for missing out.


So with those things in mind, how can he still think that this all comes down to me wanting to feel special? Does that make sense to you?

Edited by Zareek
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they could make excal prime clone, slap umbra skin on it, founders get a skin, players getting missing mastery points, win-win.

Mastery points no one needs. You know DE will release enough content for everyone to hit MR 30.

It will solve most of the anger about Excalibur Prime.

It really wont.

People will complain about excal p regardless of umbra.

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What would this Umbra even give us that is so much better then a normal Excalibur? +50 armor? +100 shields? Fact is that its only important feature are the looks and that's what skins are for.

Having Umbra as a separate frame is just DE being lazy.

100% agree. It wouldn't actually change anything.

I genuinely believe its likely a skin because it makes more logical sense.

Not because of all the Excal P drama. Thats got very little to do with it.


Umbra excalibur is not a loophole just because its likely made by the Orokin does not make it a loophole. Prime is Prime, Umbra is Umbra. Prime does not equal Umbra.

You don't understand the point.

It has nothing to do with Umbras lore or any of that jazz.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Are you serious there are very few people that would be angry about excal prime after umbra excal is available he even hinted to be stalker prime in similar design. And have you talked to non-founders to find that out?

I know its about what again than?

I think ittle be like the other guy said less defense more offense

It would be nice if he had a passive that when he would crouch and stay in place he would turn invisible for a number of seconds.

What is your point what is it about?

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It would only be a re-release if:

1) It looked exactly the same

2) It had exactly the same stats

3) It came with exactly the same gear as the founder's package


As long as any version of Excalibur they release does not fit those criteria, it is a completely NEW version of the frame. 


As far as DE keeping their promise, they absolutely should. There should NEVER be a point in time where the Excalibur Prime frame is offered. But anyone who thinks that the game's poster boy is not going to get tweaks, upgrades, or new versions is deluding themselves. Anything that is used in a product's adverts as much as Excalibur is, eventually gets a lot of attention and in the end, gets upgrades. Those of us that played Warhammer 40K saw this all the time with the Space Marines (specifically UltraMarines). They were the poster children and they got a lot of the new and shiny stuff first. It is not underhanded or shady, it is business. It would only be those things if again, they released the exact same thing to non-founders. I personally do not think that DE would stoop to such a level given their involvement with the community. Warmachine does the same thing. You have a standard version of a Warcaster, then an Epic version, and now they are working on a third version. In time, I'm sure all frames will have a prime version and at some point, if Umbra is the next logical step, they will each have one of those also. It is progression, not betrayal. 


All that being said, if Umbra Excalibur were to be exactly the same as Excalibur Prime in every way EXCEPT the skin, then I would say that is a thinly veiled attempt to grant access to the original concept without differentiating it enough to say it is a new frame. Umbra as a new frame needs to look different, have different stats, and possibly even a different passive to truly be a new frame.

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Are you serious there are very few people that would be angry about excal prime after umbra excal is available he even hinted to be stalker prime in similar design. And have you talked to non-founders to find that out?

I know its about what again than?

I've been lurking on these forums, had enough discussions about the issue, and understand enough about basic human psychology to know that as soon as the novelty wares off, many people will still be upset about the issue. It will satisfy some people, but likely not the majority.

People are oddly predictable like that.

Of course I could still be wrong, but its very unlikely that umbra as a frame would satisfy the majority.


Its about the fact it is a cheap way of DE working around their promise, for them to release something that would be in essence, the same thing. It may look different, or have slight different stats, but it still serves the exact same purpose (hence it being China's Founders package).

Regardless, I still don't care a great deal if it is a frame.

A skin just makes more logical sense because Umbra brings nothing new to the table as a frame except looks, which is what skins are for.


I'll be happy just to kill things while looking rad, frame or skin.

Because Umbra does look sweet.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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I don't get how people think it should be a skin. Excalibur Prime, Frost Prime amd Mag were basically skins before their buffs. Which is also why I don't get why anyone would complain about this. Founders basically paid for a skin and extra mastery, a unique looking version of the poster boy frame. Umbra Prime looks completely different except the gold but it's not even in the same design.

Is it the gold trim that breaks their promise, one they don't have to keep? The death orb bonus? The word Prime? That 25 armor? It would have been shady if they looked alike but they don't, you payed for an exclusive skin and maybe upgraded weapons.

Founders is exclusive. And it doesn't even affect you since currently our information says it's exclusive to star armor.

We don't even know what ours will look like.

Edited by (PS4)inuyasha279
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On the contrary, I would love for everyone to have their share of fun or for everyone to stop whining about excal P.


Except as stated before literally the only reason I would be against it being released if it got put up to a founders vote, is because of all the children complaining over what is, effectively a skin, and the fact someone has something they don't *GASP*.

God forbid anyone should miss out on anything, ever. Its even worse when that thing provides next to no advantage over anyone else.

If people didn't make it a huge issue, then I would be 100% behind its re-release if DE ever chose to do so.


Also, you know that people will still be complaining about excal P after umbra even if it is a frame, because then they will whine about the extra mastery founders have and the fact we have a shot at both.

So in reality, it would solve nothing.

If Umbra is a frame I wont really care, but I will be slightly disappointed in DE because it does seem like a very underhanded way to re-release it.


Like I said, I'd rather just have Excal P released again then have DE dance around the issue.


Edit: I also, see no reason why it actually matters if it is just a skin. Like honestly, what will a new frame with slightly beefed up stats change? Will it make people feel better? Probably not.

I still view excal P as just a skin for all intents and purposes and not a frame, so what difference does umbra being a frame actually make to anyone?

It doesn't change anything about the current debate.

ROFL why are you responding to comments that have nothing to do with you

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Its about the fact it is a cheap way of DE working around their promise, for them to release something that would be in essence, the same thing. It may look different, or have slight different stats, but it still serves the exact same purpose (hence it being China's Founders package).

Regardless, I still don't care a great deal if it is a frame.

A skin just makes more logical sense because Umbra brings nothing new to the table as a frame except looks, which is what skins are for.

How do you know no one knows the stats except the platers in china. the only similarities to excal prime is the gold and the white lines on the frame look kinda similar to the brownish-grey lines on excal prime.

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