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Umbra Excalibur, De Thats What We Want


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Let's forget about Excalibur Prime for a second. What about regular Excalibur? If DE make Umbra a separate frame which does certainly look good, it will also have access to the immortal, proto and prisma skins and on top of that better stats. So how is that supposed to be fair to those who put time and effort in forming and leveling their Excalibur and would still like to use Umbra skin?

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Let's forget about Excalibur Prime for a second. What about regular Excalibur? If DE make Umbra a separate frame which does certainly look good, it will also have access to the immortal, proto and prisma skins and on top of that better stats. So how is that supposed to be fair to those who put time and effort in forming and leveling their Excalibur and would still like to use Umbra skin?

why would it be fair? When frames get modern(power creep)primed the same thing happens.
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Let's forget about Excalibur Prime for a second. What about regular Excalibur? If DE make Umbra a separate frame which does certainly look good, it will also have access to the immortal, proto and prisma skins and on top of that better stats. So how is that supposed to be fair to those who put time and effort in forming and leveling their Excalibur and would still like to use Umbra skin?

Well, that wouldn't be very different to the release of regular primes.

ROFL why are you responding to comments that have nothing to do with you

Because this is an open discussion and you have lumped me in with Zareek in previous comments, thus its only reasonable to conclude that comment would be relevant to everyone that agrees with him, or agrees with him to a degree.

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And a lot of people were angry before because they were denied an upgraded version of the Excalibur warframe. They just want an upgraded version of excal and since at the time we thought excal prime was going to be the only upgraded version of excal prime we were angry now with this new upgraded version of excalibur prime well be happy because we can an upgraded version of the excalibur warframe.

Umbras could be very different we dont know yet

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Which is just as bad. But why create a new line of clones with different tags? What's next? Umbra Frost, Mag?

It's not as broad, it'll be a very limited series, and we don't know our Umbras stats.

The last time I heard about stats was them saying theres will have that 25 armor of Excal P.

I really want to see Umbras especially since we can get umbra primes.

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So far, and it seems totally confirmed, we know that Umbra Excal for Chinese market is a totally separate frame from excal or excal prime.

Before DE takes the final call, lets say to them what we want Umbra Excal to be for us.




Personally id like more if it was a Skin for both excal and prime excal. Maybe because i threw quite some formas on my excal knowing i would never get the prime one.

I care very little for the 6k mastery it could bring as a separate frame, and in any case i'd say NO to him bringing better stats.

And i would sign now to have it NOT real money exclusive. But i would threw very good plats if it was a platinum skin (wouldnt mind wasting 2k plats or more).

As a separate frame it would also be a very cheap way to sneak "another" excal prime into the game (mind im not a founder)

But thats my opinion, tell DE yours


Multiple choices allowed. dont mess too much please.

thats a cute poll.

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Umbra volt uses black lighting and Loki Prime already looks like a demon so umbra loki will be satan.

no goat god Oberon is.

Loki is Loki.

And I am willing to trust Changyou's word since they are the last who spoke and all the ads said prime, had a gold trim.

OK, here's a thought. DE makes Umbra Excalibur a new frame, BUT they also give an option to buy the skin separately and use it on normal Excalibur and Excalibur Prime. That way both those who want better stats and those who want the looks are happy.

shouldn't it be the other way around? Your not trying to protect looks or stats your trying to protect forma. And again same situation as primes. Edited by (PS4)inuyasha279
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no goat god Oberon is.

Loki is Loki.

And I am willing to trust Changyou's word since they are the last who spoke and all the ads said prime, had a gold trim.shouldn't it be the other way around? Your not trying to protect looks or stats your trying to protect forma. And again same situation as primes.

It is my personal belief that primed frames shouldn't exist as upgrades to originals but the ship for that discussion has sailed a long time ago.

Now with the emergence of Umbra excalibur I fear we are in for a new wave of pretty clones with slightly better stats. That is why I would prefer to have Umbra as a skin

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It is my personal belief that primed frames shouldn't exist as upgrades to originals but the ship for that discussion has sailed a long time ago.

Now with the emergence of Umbra excalibur I fear we are in for a new wave of pretty clones with slightly better stats. That is why I would prefer to have Umbra as a skin

A very limited series of "clones".

Plus why shouldn't they be upgrades?

You work harder for them and they're more technologically advanced.

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I want it to be a skin. Why?

- It almost seems like a shady way to release a new Excalibur "Prime"

- We already have several Excalibur types

- Umbra seems like something the Chinese rushed into the game with no regard for the lore

- Many founders including me will lose even more trust to DE

Primarily though, it's the first reason. Excalibur Prime was exclusive to founders. "We would NEVER backstab our founders and re-release excalibur prime".... "We'll just make a new one and call it something else". Maybe that's ignorant of me, but it looks shady.

1st- Why do you assume that is a "New" Excalibur prime? Because the gold?

2nd- We will never have the Excalibur prime that you have, you have a chance to get it as well. If umbra Excalibur seems better to you,than buy it and use it over your regular Excalibur prime. What I'm trying to say is we will never have the Excalibur prime that founders have.

3- Rebecca said the new umbra gear, not skins.

They kept there promise, but I guess we will just have to wait until it comes out.

Edited by (PS4)abb12355
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So far, and it seems totally confirmed, we know that Umbra Excal for Chinese market is a totally separate frame from excal or excal prime.

Before DE takes the final call, lets say to them what we want Umbra Excal to be for us.




Personally id like more if it was a Skin for both excal and prime excal. Maybe because i threw quite some formas on my excal knowing i would never get the prime one.

I care very little for the 6k mastery it could bring as a separate frame, and in any case i'd say NO to him bringing better stats.

And i would sign now to have it NOT real money exclusive. But i would threw very good plats if it was a platinum skin (wouldnt mind wasting 2k plats or more).

As a separate frame it would also be a very cheap way to sneak "another" excal prime into the game (mind im not a founder)

But thats my opinion, tell DE yours


Multiple choices allowed. dont mess too much please.


Just an FYI, the masses will 10/10 times support power creep. This would be considered power creep, because you are setting the standard of skins becoming frames becoming better than the original frames.

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1st- Why do you assume that is a "New" Excalibur prime? Because the gold?

2nd- We will never have the Excalibur prime that you have, you have a chance to get it as well. If umbra Excalibur seems better to you,than buy it and use it over your regular Excalibur prime. What I'm trying to say is we will never have the Excalibur prime that founders have.

3- Rebecca said the new umbra gear, not skins.

They kept there promise, but I guess we will just have to wait until it comes out.

Im not calling it an actual PRIME in the sense we know them. But the Umbra is an excalibur, its founder exclusive in china and he has gold parts. The only 2 differences here are slight changes on his model and the last name. 


Excalibur Umbra the the Chinese Excalibur Prime, regardless of the last name. And when it hits OUR game, then EVERYONE else will be able to get their chinese Excalibur Prime.


Calling it UMBRA instead of Prime changes NOTHING. They will indirectly break their promise.

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Im not calling it an actual PRIME in the sense we know them. But the Umbra is an excalibur, its founder exclusive in china and he has gold parts. The only 2 differences here are slight changes on his model and the last name. 


Excalibur Umbra the the Chinese Excalibur Prime, regardless of the last name. And when it hits OUR game, then EVERYONE else will be able to get their chinese Excalibur Prime.


Calling it UMBRA instead of Prime changes NOTHING. They will indirectly break their promise.

Here's a tissue.

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