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What's the worst that's happened to you in WarFrame?


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You know what I'm talking about. Those awesome moments where everything is fine, and then something happens which just turns everything pear shaped.

I was doing a rescue alert on Thebe about an hour ago. All was going well, although I was running dangerously low on both ammo types, as I was underleveled. I'd fought my way to the hostage, losing all of my revives in the process (Yes, I suck, I so nub, etc etc) and slowly and steadily worked my way to extraction. I could see the extraction pod in the distance, however the previous fight had left me on about 25 Health. All was fine though; the end was in sight.

I was wrong.

Within one single moment, I had already lost. For you see, one of the Corpus Walkers had fired upon me, and just so happened to take out an explosive barrel positioned under a reinforced glass window. I was next to the barrel at the time, which took off all but 30 of my shield. I sprinted towards the gate to unlock it, but I was too late. I ran out of Shielding and HP, and died. Less than 15 metres from the extraction point.

It was quite a sad story, indeed.

Does anybody else care to share their unfortunate events?

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get the last bit of the blueprint..bam..game crash..

you don't get the items during that game session if you crash or disconnect..

happened to my friend a couple of times...I crashed a few too..but I wasn't getting a blueprint or anything..

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I was doing some random Jupiter mission with rank ~15 stuff unmodded. First coupl'a minutes were fine and then a pack of infested came at me. Leapers.... leaped, Runners disrupted my melee, Disrupters took away my energy and shields while Toxics took away my hp and BOOM! I died and then cried and then raged... like a loser. The end.

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Full health, full shields, think it was 360+ shield and 312 hp.

Open a door, see a laser, turn around to shoot the camera and find 2 shockwave robots.

Got shockwaved into a laser, get hit by laser, orb ball drone starts pooping on me, 2nd shockwave jackal starts its wave, knocked back to laser again, laser pushes me back to the drones leftovers on the ground, bam dead all in 5 seconds.

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Spent a few minutes looking for a game in progress, couldn't find it.

Went on an alert mission on solo then.

Killed everything in sight.

Found a ton of useful loot.

Alas, buggy artifact mission, couldn't collect artifact, had to abort.

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Near a laser gate, a grenier /w shield bashed me into the laser fense, after i got back up, he bashed me into the fense again, until i died. My teammate tried reviving me after i died, but unfortunately the grenier bashed him into the gate too..

Edited by Golde
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I bought the Rhino blueprints, and then found that I'd need to get special parts instead of regular mats. Then I farmed Psamathe and Fossa till I got one of them, and It turned out the parts themselves need to be built. Then I got all the parts, and waited all day for them to build. Then I noticed the actual Rhino build time and had to go out and buy a milkshake to take my mind off warframe.

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Playing with a friend, we were fighting the Jackal. He shoots his grenades at me, I try to get away but the AOE is enormous (like wtf). I get killed instantly. I revive.

He shoots the grenades again immediately after I revived. I die instantly. 355 shields and 177 health gone. I revive.

Grenades again. I revive. Grenades again. My friend tries to save me, the Jackal stomps the ground. I die for good.

The Jackal doesn't use his grenades ever again for the rest of the fight, which lasts at least 5 minutes, it only shoots its machineguns. (I feel like the f**king thing is mocking me).

My friend loses all revives between the Jackal and extraction. Just as he is about to finish the map he runs into 3 shockwave moas. He is perma-knocked-down, he dies. Mission failed.

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Full health, full shields, think it was 360+ shield and 312 hp.

Open a door, see a laser, turn around to shoot the camera and find 2 shockwave robots.

Got shockwaved into a laser, get hit by laser, orb ball drone starts pooping on me, 2nd shockwave jackal starts its wave, knocked back to laser again, laser pushes me back to the drones leftovers on the ground, bam dead all in 5 seconds.

This sounds hilarious, wish you'd gotten it on video!

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Once I joined someone in a Corpus level. I like to kill and loot everything before moving on. But this guy didn't. Not only he went forward by himself even tho it wouldn't have accomplished much, but the didn't destroy any camera either, so we could't catch up, blocked by lasers every minute or so. Really, really annoying.

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Vas Dis fun??

BTW: is the Gorgon good? the damage and clip's awesome.. how about the accuracy? i couldn't find a video on youtube about it..

The accuracy is fine as long as you control your shots and don't go full-auto on anything other than targets that are almost next to you.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone, just entered the beta 2 days ago and having a blast thus far. There is a frustration however that actually brought me to the forums in search of knowledge, and a bit of an outlet I guess. Not really a 'worst scenario' kinda thing, but it just keeps happening.

It's those darn laserfences on Venus. What's up with those things? Running into them is good for a laugh, and after the 3rd time it keeps ye on your toes, but they seem to (de)activate randomly. Ones I thought I figured it out, "just shoot the turrets". Well, I guess I was wrong. Just now I got stuck in front of the very first door in the level, while my team allready past it. After a minute or two they decided to continue, for which I can't blame them at all. None of us could find a way to deactivate the fence, and there was no enemy in sight so that "solution" was out the window. By the time the fence finally deactivated, guess what's behind door #3, right, another $#%$# laserfence. Minutes later I am good to finally continue ... *hosttransfer* ... "well, I guess the rest of the team died on me then". They probably got devided and ripped to pieces by laserfences. Now, I tried to finish that mission on my own, but since I had to carry a suitcase around, all I had was my pistol. This doesn't really do the trick when you get mobbed. It does make ye appreciate your teammembers though :)

Now, I'm probably not aware of something that will make all of this go away, but if this is how it is and there is nothing to do but wait, than that's really bad. This just isn't fun!

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