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U17 Bug Report Megathread


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Description: Bug affecting Frost's Snow Globe. Occurs with both Frost and Frost Prime. Snow Globe's UI shows 100 until the 4-second damage absorption period, after which the UI shows 0. The Snow Globe becomes invincible and will thus never despawn, unless more Snow Globes are placed.4


Can I reproduce the bug?: Yes, it occurs without fail.


Reproduction Steps:


1. Use Frost.

2. Use Snow Globe.

3. Enjoy your invincible Snow Globe until it becomes a hindrance.

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Who: All Loki's(Primes) (I suppose)

What Cannot teleport to doppelganger when even the slightest interference blocks your view. Dopple when spawned no longer spawns a few inches from obstructions, but IN walls and doors and thus gives the message of obstruction when you try to teleport to it. <----This happens even on flat open spaces such as the extraction pad. 

Where Anywhere.



REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Hop on a Loki Prime.

 2. Spawn a doppelganger in a vent, extraction point, near a wall, behind a laser wall, in a hallway and see if you can teleport to it.

 3. Nothing happens unless your view is completely clear.



Side note: Running around as a tiny person in the new boss fight after jumping out the water is fun. Also flying with my sharkwing after I jump out the water is fun. 

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Who Loki prime with carrier

What soma prime, gamacore, dragon nikana

Where Mastery rank 9 stealth test




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. In test, once i was discovered by enemy i hit the cloak ability and the game wouldn't recognize i was seen or that i killed the enemy, it doesnt progress to the next phase of the test, resulting me to being stuck in that part and having to exit the test and having to wait the 24hours, this happened 2 days in a row.


not sure if its the invisibility ability or its not recognizing being detected by the enemy


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Description :

More wall latch bugs, this time to report that there is latching on the falling water in the Uranus Sea Lab room with the flooded staircase.  Also, I have been able to latch onto Zephyr's tornados, but I do not have a picture of that.  See a picture below :



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DESCRIPTION: Whenever Valkyr's customizing slot 'B' is modified from default every changes made afterwards (not only Valkyr's, but all other Warframes' and weapons' too) are reset on login. And when I tried logging out with that customization applied, Mag with slot B was selected as my 'current frame' instead of Valkyr on next login. So it seems like Valkyr's slot B is completely unusable.

(*It looks like if I exit out of Armory to save my changes after each customization, not touching Valkyr B, others are safe. But Valkyr's slot B resets regardless.)


Who Valkyr (I have Excal and Mag too, but they're fine.)

What Cosmetics

Where Liset





 1. Make some cosmetic changes on Valkyr, slot B selected. (Main colors, movement set, attachment colors, sigils....anything.)

 2. Logout.

 3. Re-login to see everything reset back to default.

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Description: Multiplying codex scanners

What: Codex scanner

Where: All missions

I had codex scanners in my gear because I wanted to use my Helios but after some time I realized that my Helios was not scanning anything so I looked to my gear and found that the codex scanners dissapeared even though I had about 1000 codex scanners left. I thought I just removed them by mistake so I put them back in my gear but suddenly after every mission all codex scanners that I did not use from the 100 that you have for a mission is somehow given to me as a mission reward. So if my Helios used 20 I had 80 left to use in a mission but after the mission I get another 80 as a reward. Also the codex scanners are in two spots when I open my gear circle (or whatever it is called).


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Probably not... I'm not sure how to force the codex scanner to dissapear from my gear.

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This is two fold but the bug originates due to interaction between equinox's sleep and other frames in pvp. I think the first one is triggered by being knocked down as sleep is being cast on you. this causes you to float up untill you are killed or if you bring up the escape menu. Second happens if you manage to kill equinox right as they sleep you but before the ability has fully started. You are stucj in sleep animation indefinitely if you do this.


Reproduceable?: yes though as i was not the equinox in question i can only guess the steps.



First Bug

1. go into conclave with an equinox and any 2 other frames for ease

2. have equinox cast sleep and while its triggering have player 3 knock down player 2. this should  make you fly up though im not 100% sure since it only happened to me once but i did see it happen to another in similar situations


Second Bug

1. go into conclave with an equinox and any other frame preferably equipped with a weapon that has travel time to make it slightly easier maybe

2. stand realtively close and nearly kill equinox

3. once this is setup but before equinox can recharge shields cast sleep

4. the moment sleep's animation starts kill equinox. if done with proper timing you will now be stood in place as though you were asleep with no power effects on you. it will not end until you are killed.


screenshots of what these look like





ahead of me no enemies


and behind me no enemies


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Sprinting and Power Menu with X-Box controller bug: 

Who: Any Warframe

What: Any Load-Out

Where: Everywhere 





 1. Sprint

 2. While sprinting try to use the Power Menu button

 3. The Power Menu button will not work until I stop sprinting.

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DESCRIPTION: Taking damage during rift walk(Limbo). Damage source: Enemy grenades during Uranus boss fight.(Very sure the enemy is not banished into the rift)

Who Limbo

What Opticor , Angstrum , Galatine , Carrier

Where Titania , Uranus





 1. Start a mission in Titania with Limbo

 2. Use rift walk

 3. Fight the boss

 4. Go near some grenades

 5. Take damage


Edit: grammatical mistakes correction, Description correction

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DESCRIPTION: Mirage's holographic mirror images (1st ability) not showing correct animation during bullet jump. They show correct bullet jump animation ONLY when the projectile is big enough. Otherwise when bullet jumping horizontally, the mirror images appear to be sprinting.

Who Mirage

What Opticor , Scindo , Carrier

Where Tower 4 Defence





 1. Use Mirage's 1st ability

 2. Bullet jump at a small inclination


Edit: Grammatical mistakes correction

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DESCRIPTION: While using parkour 2.0, there are moments where a specific bug occurs where i cannot roll, wall latch or use my melee at the same time and this bug has been happening consistently and it seems to be whenever i parkour either too often or do a specific combination of parkour movements that i am unaware of.



CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG?  yes but intentionally. it just seems to be when i use parkour. an example would be if i roll too often, it occurs or if i bullet jump along with double jumping too much it occurs. 


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. parkouring too often

 2. rolling too often

 3. combining movement combinations too often


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DESCRIPTION: While I was using parkour 2.0 or using melee, it would suddenly stop my warframe from meleeing,rolling, and wall latch all together. 




REPRODUCTION STEPS: Its completely random but for example I would throw my glaive and then it would stop allowing me to throw my glaive, using wall latch and roll. Or when I bullet jump, all of a sudden i can use my melee, wall latch, and rolling. 

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DESCRIPTION: I keep trying to change the appearance of my warframes once I log out or do a mission I get the "warframe could not update account information progress was not saved" and it does not save. I also noticed that on the last nightmare mission because of this notice i did not receive the nightmare alert mod I tried it on a regular mission as well to no avail. I have tried to repair my warframe and even re-downloaded it and I am still having the same problems please help.

Who Just me

What warframe could not update account information progress was not saved

Where my ship/when I return from missions 

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Cannot roll or melee


Who: seemingly irrelevant (Volt, Nyx, Oberon)

What: Melee weapons (confirmed with Galatine, Ether Daggers)

Where: Solo (have not tested in multiplayer) Missions, mostly on Grineer/Infested Grineer tilesets but probably everywhere.


Not certain how to reproduce but have a vague idea.


I sometimes find myself being completely unable to melee attack (both Quick Melee and Full Melee attacks stop working, channeling and blocking still work) or roll. This usually happens when I use the melee weapon a lot, has happened in both quick melee and full melee. This stays this way for the rest of the mission, all other weapons, abilities and sentinel work fine.


Reproduction: Use the roll (or possibly the bullet jump) in combination with melee attacks. At some point (seemingly random) all forms of melee attack will stop working and the player will find himself unable to roll.


Other players have had this problem too.


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DESCRIPTION: Equinox Maim DPS is decreased when enemy is affected by Molecular Prime.

Who Equinox

What Ability

Where Misson




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1.Nova used 4 skill

 2.Equinox used 4 skill



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Ack and Brunt


While equipped, cannot use the slide attack


Also, I'm not sure if this is intended or an oversight, but the attacks are different while equipped depending on whether you're standing still or not? It's cool, but just a heads up.

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I have found out that the Kulstar, that uses Sniper ammunition, can modify the ammo maximum of other weapons using the same type of ammo.

I do not know if this is intended or not, but this allows players to "raise" the maximum ammo of certain weapons like the Penta (primary) or have much less in others like Paris. This is, the "ammo" value is overridden by Kulstar's own value.


For example, just having the Kulstar with the Penta as primary allows the later to have a maximum ammo of 30 (when the set value was 20 in game). Now, if we add the "Trick Mag" mod at maximum capacity to the Kulstar, we can have a Penta with a maximum ammo pool of 57.

While this bug seems small, it reveals a severe flaw in the way the "ammo" is accounted and assigned. This may, if another secondary weapons are introduced using ammo pools previously reserved for primaries, lead to exploits allowing weapons have its "pool" overridden at will and have access to larger capacities.


Magazine size is not affected at all, what makes me thing the ammo value is set "globally", while other attributes are set "locally" (or just inside the scope of its own object).


Who: Weapon

What: Kulstar

Where: Anywhere (In Mission)




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Equip Kulstar alongside any other weapon that uses the same Ammo pool.

 2. The ammo pool of the primary weapon will be then "overridden".


Penta: http://s28.postimg.org/qkasyy3u5/2015_08_04_00003.jpg
Kulstar: http://s24.postimg.org/anfvz8yut/2015_08_04_00004.jpg

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WHAT prisma dual cleavers (maybe other melee weaps to)

WHERE missions


can't reproduce the bug


(I'll try to explain the bug my english isn't that good)

Sometimes when I stand infront of a guy and I want to kill him with my melee it takes 10+ hits before I actually do any damage this started after U17 and it's really annoying -_-

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I saw many players have the same problem : the one they don`t have the Arcan Enhancement . Like me here:



I complete every quest warframe have .. but still no existance. And my friend just start playing warframe and he have it in foundry.


If anyone can clarify what`s wrong i would be very greatful. 

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Who Ash Prime

What Blade Storm

Where Conclave


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? It's depend not on me, so alone I can't to


REPRODUCTION STEPS: Just have to use Blade Storm on 2 or more enemies and it performing should be somehow canceled. Ash become primary in Blade Storm state (invulnerable for any damage). It never happens agains 1 target.

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Who Warframes

What You can not use roll/melee/wall latch

Where Anywhere




REPRODUCTION STEPS: If I have try to use roll in my options sometimes it will randomly trigger an error and usage of roll/melee become impossible untill respawn. I have tried don't use roll and error was never triggered in this way, so in my opinion there is something wrong with roll's scripts combined with others actions. This error happens maybe once at 10-20 min, so it happens very often.


And Wall Latch doesn't work as well when this happens. So bugged are roll/melee/wall latch

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Who Secondary weapon

What Don't works ammo pick ups

Where Conclave




REPRODUCTION STEPS: If don't equip primary weapon and get only secondary in battlefied ammo pick ups will be consumed but it gives 0 ammo. If i have equiped both primary and secondary it works as it should be.

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Who Warframes

What Doesn't work Anticipation mod

Where Conclave




REPRODUCTION STEPS: I have maxed Anticipation and could be staggered every single time by Excalibur Slash Dash even 3 times in a row. I'm not sure about melee staggering, cuz too hard to survive so long agains melee hits.


p.s. you will better set it to resist 1 staggering hit with 30 sec cooldown, cuz right now this mod gives NOTHIG!

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Who Warframe.

What Out of map, and in archwing while on land/ground. 

Where Uranus, Ophelia.




REPRODUCTION STEPS: Was just trying to do the new survival mission and get to the start/hack panel from the water at the start of the mission. 

 1. I streamed the Happening.

 2. Starts at about 1:20, and fixes itself at about 6:30

 3. http://www.twitch.tv/tehdanno/v/9666018



Forgive the poor quality of the video, I'm new at OBS and streaming and not really sure how to improve it. lol 

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