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Lets Talk Parasitic Eximus And Why It's The Worst Thing In The Game


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Placing an effect on the afflicted Tenno under the aura would be the only necessary solution.  DE recognizes a core problem in Warframe:  Power spam.  Simply put, efficiency is through the roof between cost reduction and duration increases.  Increased range and power make some powers even more mindless to execute.  A player in this thread mentioned something about feeling "rushed" to move through a spy tile.  These tiles were designed to be possible without a perma-invis Loki.  In fact, bringing the Batman tool kit (bow, kunai, glaive, scanner, enemy radar) is probably your best bet.  They'll cover every situation.


Point is, the challenge IS in the energy drain because it forces a change of tactics - immediately.  I don't expect DE to take away energy drain until ability spam is finally not a practical thing to do in Warframe.  The only real flaw with the setup is in fact that a Tenno often doesn't notice they're bleeding energy until they realize they're out of energy, and that might need changed.  Everything else?  I'm leaning towards "as intended."  I really wouldn't count on a change towards getting energy back upon destroying the eximus.  The idea seems to be to kill the eximus before it drains too much energy.

Edited by Littleman88
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Placing an effect on the afflicted Tenno under the aura would be the only necessary solution.  DE recognizes a core problem in Warframe:  Power spam.  Simply put, efficiency is through the roof between cost reduction and duration increases.  Increased range and power make some powers even more mindless to execute.  A player in this thread mentioned something about feeling "rushed" to move through a spy tile.  These tiles were designed to be possible without a perma-invis Loki.  In fact, bringing the Batman tool kit (bow, kunai, glaive, scanner, enemy radar) is probably your best bet.  They'll cover every situation.


Point is, the challenge IS in the energy drain because it forces a change of tactics - immediately.  I don't expect DE to take away energy drain until ability spam is finally not a practical thing to do in Warframe.  The only real flaw with the setup is in fact that a Tenno often doesn't notice they're bleeding energy until they realize they're out of energy, and that might need changed.  Everything else?  I'm leaning towards "as intended."  I really wouldn't count on a change towards getting energy back upon destroying the eximus.  The idea seems to be to kill the eximus before it drains too much energy.


This is the faulty logic that I'm sure got them into this situation. As I pointed out, DE has plenty of ways to raise the difficulty. Depending on how geared and skilled you are, things are probably getting pretty action-packed by 40 minutes/waves. To me, the early minutes/waves are really boring, but right when it's starting to get good, they throw a curveball in that is completely game breaking. The enemies are tough enough at that point that sometimes it requires that everyone be "ability spamming" just to stay alive and do more than neglible damage. This is called intense gameplay and it should not be considered a problem.


No one said remove them entirely, energy drain is an acceptable concept. Some are saying it should be an LOS aura, I'm saying it should be a buff to the Eximus' allies, but it's pretty clear that an unavoidable aura gives the tenno the least opportunity to display skill. All it means is "immediately find the eximus and kill it as fast as possible" whereas having energy drain be something you can avoid means that the eximus is a serious priority, but ninja skills are still important.

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Also the Energy Drain should have an indicator which would look very similar to the Trinity's Link. All Tennos affected by the parasitic eximus should be linked to it. That way people could spot it fast and actually NOTICE the energy drain before it's too late.


This would save so much effort of looking around for them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Why not make the eximus more predictable?


-energy drain units only show up on 'denial' units (Ancient disruptors, nullifiers, Napalms etc)

-Flame units only show up on AoE enemies (infested ospreys, Scorches, Tar moas etc)

-Shockwave units only show up on close range enemies (Butchers, prodmen, powerfist etc)


and so on and so forth. makes things more logical, and we now know what types of enemies to look for when we notice something wrong, or at least know what to keep an eye on for fear of X

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Agree with the OP, especially on the grounds that its extremely hard to pick them out of a crowd of writhing, screeching infested that replinish their numbers faster than you can kill them without spamming powers. Its like you're playing normally, and then suddenly without warning, you're forced to play a twisted game of Wheres Waldo, only everyone looks like Waldo, and you're looking for slightly bigger with a faint outline Waldo. And then there are multiple Waldos that show up at the same time the longer you play amongst even more Waldo lookalikes. 

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As I have read through this topic and as stated before why they are there.


Keep them working the way they are.


Add a trinity like link from them to the tenno.


That basically solves the one and only problem i have with them. Being drained by a crawler in a huge horde of infested.

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