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Future Content (Possibly U20)


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I'm just spit balling some ideas I came up with while playing, I was thinking maybe we can increase the number of powers a warframe has by double (so 8) and how you would go about doing this is doin a quest (lore best quest) specific for that warframe unlock a level cap at 60 and unlocking the warframes true power within. 

Now some ideas on how the quest would actually work using valk as a example, the quest can only be done by that specific frame so you can only invite other valk to help with the mission. Next what the quest could be based upon, I thought it would be cool to see how and why valk got captured by alad and maybe thru doin that unlocking somesof her old abilities. Now yours probably wonder what old abilities, I mean the ones she had pre going nuts and become a berserker or maybe add some powers that further enhance her berseker powers. 

I'm leave it at that, tell me what you guys opinions on it.

Edited by (PS4)BeastJalil
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1: This is bait. Clickbait to be specific.

2: More powers? While i enjoy Equinox who already has 8 powers her/his power set can be confusing at times.

Now imagine this on every frame

Also would Equinox get additional powers too?

3: restricting a quest to a certain frame only means every frame needs it's own quest. A waste of dev work for something marginal.

4: Increased max rank. What for? For more mod points? Rank 60 with potato means 120 mod points. We either need more slots or remove formas to make this not completly redundand. Also this would be horrible power creep

Edited by Helch0rn
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1: This is bait. Clickbait to be specific.

2: More powers? While i enjoy Equinox who already has 8 powers her/his power set can be confusing at times.

Now imagine this on every frame

Also would Equinox get additional powers too?

3: restricting a quest to a certain frame only means every frame needs it's own quest. A waste of dev work for something marginal.

4: Increased max rank. What for? For more mod points? Rank 60 with potato means 120 mod points. We either need more slots or remove formas to make this completly stupid. Also this would be horrible power creep

1: I'm new at making forms, so sorry about that

2:I pretty sure with time you'll grow adapt at it, and yes I think equinox should get more for each form of course.

3: you wouldn't wanna see a lore based quest on your favorite frame, weird

4: I think more about unlock the abilities (like 1-30) not the mod points, but the level cap doesn't actually have to be increase, maybe each part of the mission unlock 1 more power or something, again I'm just spit balling

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This would just be confusing, and really a general use of time which could be better spent elsewhere. Maybe give  an ability such as the syndicate weapons have, and make that a warframe specific effect each; Which would as the weapons did, auto-use upon a certain XP achieved. This could be seen as a 5th warframe ability that could be unlocked by some sort of means, and would in some way co-inside with the waframes other abilities

Edited by -Pixi-
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