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OP writes idea.



Idea gets no likes.



Second comment makes salty statement.



Salty statement gets 50 likes.




Seriously though, I would like the community of Warframe to please be more appreciative of ideas. Just because you're not agreeing with someone doesn't mean you have to be harsh on them. It's really a joke to see that people can make statements like that but not get warning points but when they swear they get '1' added.


And I know you agree with me here DE. If you want to make the forums more 'fresh' for respect of others and development of ideas, stop letting go of people being negative all the time! Honestly, it's like we have a competition here! 'Who can make the saltiest comment in this thread?', 'Praise the second comment!'


This needs to stop. Avoid rejecting ideas and start actually reading what people are trying to write. Then make a constructive idea that adds to the OP. If you do not agree with it, don't write JUST THAT! Say why you don't in a full paragraph and give a solution to the problem! There is nothing worse than to have people write the shortest answers possible while being negative.


To all those who do not do the above, I deeply thank you. You are one of the survivors who still respects others' ideas.


This thread alone will not stop anyone who is currently writing these comments. But I hope DE at least sees it.


See you another time.

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Ideas are appreciated when they're good ideas

Edit: sorry to rush my comment I just wanted all those salty second comment likes

But some comments don't deserve to be appreciated when there's constant threads about excal prime being made available to non founders because why shouldn't we all have it, or I didn't buy the prime accessories so can they release them in game because I didn't want to spend money on them

Edited by Lewgis
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*insert salty comment here*






Serious now, I agree to you that many people posting in the forums just are salty and post oneliners that don't really offer any constructive feedback. However punishing those people with warning points is not going to do any good to the forum posters, I even highly doubt anyone will change his way of commenting because he got a warning point for that. They'll probably even rage too.

Putting a simple thought in one line and posting it is sorta the standard of many forums and while I whish it could change too I highly doubt it will.

(not saying that oneliners can't be constructive too)

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 The problem, dude, is the interaction between Freedom of Speech, maturity of people and the dynamics on Internet, mainly because of the wrong use of it.
People of every age open everyday the usual naive threads not to discuss, but convinced they're right and thinking it's important that others see it (...looking for attention and sympathy).
This is the reason it's not a Forum anymore: in the end forums on Internet are just a place to let a vast majority of people vent their personal problems somewhere.
What you write here doesn't change really anything in the Real World. (Exception made for bug reports and some interaction with the Staff).

Generally talking, Forums aren't an healthy place.
This isn't worth your preoccupation, even if you raise people to keep it good, it won't last long.
Just make use of the Report in the correct manner and let Moderators do their work.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Yes, too much saltyness involved in many threads.

But that depends on the idea itself, the way the OP presented and defended his/her idea, and lastly, the wild variable; the way the readers respond.


The idea could be straight bad, but if the OP presented it nicely and doesn't let his ego ruled his/her way of thinking, it would enabled the idea to evolved. It's a good thing.

For the third element though... We can't really control it. But in the bright side, this forum's toxicity level is waaaaaaaaay lower than any other game forums.


Satly comments / inconstructive oneliners are bad, but doesn't necessarily warrant any immediate warning points. As counterflux and burnthesteak said, giving the poster an immediate warning points for it doesn't directly fixes anything; it could even incites further rage, so let the moderator do his/her responsibility to judge it.

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Appreciate all comments. Not just good ones. In simple terms, try to make the bad idea a good idea.


How about no? Not every post is worthy of praise. I'm actually sick of the mentality people have these days where we all deserve a trophy just for showing up.


Sorry this isn't grade school bud.

Edited by f3llyn
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I don't think it's that people reject ideas without giving it any though, there is some of that. It's mostly that people don't even bother to read the OP at all, and typically respond to the title of the thread, or the first or last sentence.

I don't have any numbers but I'd wager heavily that the majority of posts made on this forum are not even relevant to the thread and don't get read either. You could easily remove half of all the posts and nothing of value would've been lost.


That being said I can't agree that all ideas deserve to be taken seriously. It's not unusual for idea threads to basically be "turn warframe into this other game I like" with no consideration of if it's remotely possible.

A common bad idea is to turn Warframe into an open world RPG, just think about what that would take to make, take away from the game and what it would actually add.

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Hold on a minute there - while the sentiment is noteworthy - there are a multitude of myopic, poorly thought out and just plain bad "ideas" posted on here - every day. Most of them don't deserve much more than the salt that they get.

How about instead of asking people to not be salty - you ask them to stop being stupid instead? :P

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