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So What Exactly Was The Point Of The Syndicates?


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About that: 


DPS for the Synoid Gammacor is still the same, but just with less ammo efficiency. Just slap on an Ammo Mutation mod if you really run out of ammo at a frequent rate while using it, or plan to use it for extended periods of time. 

Yeah, putting on ammo mods and the fact you CAN NOT put on fire rate mods decreased its DPS. Don't fool yourself thinking it still has the same DPS. I do agree it deserved a nerf, but 7.5 times ammo consumption is more like a crime scene not a nerf.

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So purely for curiousity's sake (with a slight touch of moving the discussion passed endless arguments) I'm wondering something.  So I'll pose a question to you here DesecratedFlame;

Were it up to you to have been in control of designing Syndicates, what precisely would you do with their design?  What intent would you have with their implementation?

It does appear quite clear that, in their state as is, the Syndicates aren't something which you view in a positive light.  So what precisely would change that about them?  Just to make this clear I'm not saying this out of negativity or anything of the sort nor am I trying to lure you into some trap where I can point out flaws in your idea.  This is just pure curiousity here.  I personally see the point behind Syndicates in their current state but I also am not one who finds myself greatly immersed within them.


Everyone enjoys different aspects of gaming, I'm mainly wondering what it would take for Syndicates to "have a point" from where you're standing.

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So purely for curiousity's sake (with a slight touch of moving the discussion passed endless arguments) I'm wondering something.  So I'll pose a question to you here DesecratedFlame;


Were it up to you to have been in control of designing Syndicates, what precisely would you do with their design?  What intent would you have with their implementation?


It does appear quite clear that, in their state as is, the Syndicates aren't something which you view in a positive light.  So what precisely would change that about them?  Just to make this clear I'm not saying this out of negativity or anything of the sort nor am I trying to lure you into some trap where I can point out flaws in your idea.  This is just pure curiousity here.  I personally see the point behind Syndicates in their current state but I also am not one who finds myself greatly immersed within them.


Everyone enjoys different aspects of gaming, I'm mainly wondering what it would take for Syndicates to "have a point" from where you're standing.

Step 1: stop nerfing everything that comes out of them.

Step 2: make the mods more relevant by allowing them into the utility slot.

Step 3: get rid of hit squads

Step 4: players can only be in one syndicate at a time

Step 5: Make them part of a dynamic game type where players play against specters of tenno (based on actual player setups) from opposing syndicates. There is no actual PvP, but players play against each other's characters to take over all the nodes for their syndicate. (Think something similar to Conquest mode in Soul Caliber 2's arcade version.) And make the rewards actually worth having for sticking with one Syndicate and conquering all the nodes.


Or something similar.

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You're wrong. The syndicate mods are no longer affecting EB, that makes it syndicate related.


I would be if we were just talking about skana weapons, but since the Covert Lethality thing is still fresh I stand by my point. But, really:


Tower Keys Nerfed- because a theoretically infinite amount of keys available is fair.


Arm laser- The ammo efficiency did. Good thing, because I wasn't going to play with any other weapon.


Hydroid- Nekros, anyone? Or perhaps avoid farming for a few weeks and take a break.


Melee Weapon Mods- You do know that you can still wreck mobs at high levesl without those mods, right? 

Edited by R34LM
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Step 1: stop nerfing everything that comes out of them.

Step 2: make the mods more relevant by allowing them into the utility slot.

Step 3: get rid of hit squads

Step 4: players can only be in one syndicate at a time

Step 5: Make them part of a dynamic game type where players play against specters of tenno (based on actual player setups) from opposing syndicates. There is no actual PvP, but players play against each other's characters to take over all the nodes for their syndicate. (Think something similar to Conquest mode in Soul Caliber 2's arcade version.) And make the rewards actually worth having for sticking with one Syndicate and conquering all the nodes.


Or something similar.


An interesting setup for sure.  Would the progression among tiers in a given player's syndicate still work as they do, requiring a sacrifice at each stage's increase upwards or would it work out differently?  Also, what of the ways in which the affinity/reputation gains work?  Would you implement a hard cap on gains on a per day basis as we have with the current system, make it a long-term goal based thing with slow gains, or have it be a system which allows for very swift gains?  Specifically how would switching amongst the given Syndicates work out as well?


The most important of those questions there are the ones focusing on the core design ideology of it all;  The core length/gains of things.  Mind you there isn't an inherently wrong answer to that, each person has a different desire for these sorts of things.


Looking at it myself here steps 4 & 5 are two that strike me as being the most intriguing among the ones you've noted.  I also have a slight inkling towards step 2 as well (not a full agreeance mind you) due to the rather broad nature of usability amongst the Augment mods.  It'd be a waste of time on both our parts to really delve into Step 1 since you and I are from opposing schools of thought, so there's nothing to say there.  Lastly I'm a little iffy on Step 3.  The hit squads are sort of interesting in my mind because they're not overly difficult but at the same time they allow some light access to the specters which you wouldn't normally obtain.

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Hydroid has a nice mod that helps farming - nerfed

To my knowledge...uh no, it wasn't



DPS for the Synoid Gammacor is still the same, but just with less ammo efficiency. Just slap on an Ammo Mutation mod if you really run out of ammo at a frequent rate while using it, or plan to use it for extended periods of time.

Uh, no it isn't, it's been nerfed three times in total, once for damage, once for ammo efficiency, and then once on damage AND efficiency at the same time, pistol mutation cannot keep up with it

Also, by the way, why do you say there's something wrong with Bright Purity? it works fine

Edited by NocturneOfSolace
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An interesting setup for sure.  Would the progression among tiers in a given player's syndicate still work as they do, requiring a sacrifice at each stage's increase upwards or would it work out differently?  Also, what of the ways in which the affinity/reputation gains work?  Would you implement a hard cap on gains on a per day basis as we have with the current system, make it a long-term goal based thing with slow gains, or have it be a system which allows for very swift gains?  Specifically how would switching amongst the given Syndicates work out as well?


The most important of those questions there are the ones focusing on the core design ideology of it all;  The core length/gains of things.  Mind you there isn't an inherently wrong answer to that, each person has a different desire for these sorts of things.


Looking at it myself here steps 4 & 5 are two that strike me as being the most intriguing among the ones you've noted.  I also have a slight inkling towards step 2 as well (not a full agreeance mind you) due to the rather broad nature of usability amongst the Augment mods.  It'd be a waste of time on both our parts to really delve into Step 1 since you and I are from opposing schools of thought, so there's nothing to say there.  Lastly I'm a little iffy on Step 3.  The hit squads are sort of interesting in my mind because they're not overly difficult but at the same time they allow some light access to the specters which you wouldn't normally obtain.


If you aren't familiar with it:


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Funny thing is, I agree with OP, but for none of the reasons listed. The Syndicates were a wonderful opportunity to expand the WF universe, and DE has done exactly squat with them. :P Probably because DEReb wanted her Catbrows, nao. :

Can you take your cynicism elsewhere? They're a small dev team, they can only get so much done, they have a huge list of things people want

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Can you take your cynicism elsewhere? They're a small dev team, they can only get so much done, they have a huge list of things people want


Like a story? Like endgame? Come on. I don't dislike them, I just wish they'd stop hopping from project to project. It makes it feel like nothing ever really gets a chance to be developed.

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Like a story? Like endgame? Come on. I don't dislike them, I just wish they'd stop hopping from project to project. It makes it feel like nothing ever really gets a chance to be developed.

They're not 'hopping from project to project'

They've been continuously working on many things people have requested, a lot, and the game does have a story, I'm sorry you're not paying close enough attention to get it yet, oh I'm sorry, you wanted something more involved? Oh

As I've said many times before, this isn't a singleplayer game, this is an MMO. And what is this 'endgame' there's no such thing in an MMO.


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Uh yea, because some of us really liked it, and then it got overnerfed

Gee, imagine people being upset about that, what a weird idea

If you were using it pre-nerf but stopped post-nerf, then you didn't like the gun enough in-itself, you just liked the power it provided you with. 

There's plenty of others though, no short supply of powerful weapons here. For the record, it's still a really good secondary, and it's not like the nerf made it useless (because it's not). 

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They destroyed the point of syndicates, but not by nerfing things that were obviously broken.


Syndicates were intended to be a background system that progressed while you did other things. It was nice rewards that you worked towards while getting other things. It progressed slowly.


Since people like to obsess over the latest content, they whined about it being a grindfest. Since it was a background system, this was a silly way of looking at it. DE gave in to the pressure and buffed gains massively. Exploits (AKA Viver, Draco, etc) forced them to add a cap so players couldn't do the whole thing in a day. They then buffed dalies (which were intended to be the only active part of syndicates), so that people could get more rep by playing missions that can't be exploited. This actually makes it MORE grindy than the original system.


It went from an interesting passive system with months of slow content to an active grindfest that is over within a couple weeks.




The issue at hand is the same reoccurring issue: DE does not design new content to be focused on. They design it for the long term. Vay Hek at implementation? Not a grind if you played on Ceres at all. Mutalist Alad? No problem if you just pick up the coordinates when convenient.

They aren't creating grindwalls. Players just approach them as such.


these are some points a lot of people dont get and whine on forums until DE makes a move about it.


i certainly agree with what you said. what i find bad about the syndicates design is that after having maxed to last rank in them and gotten all mods, cosmetics, weapons and even sigils there is nothing to spend the reputation except for Specters. 


Lets be honest about the 25000 rep for 3 random keys being  total bullS#&$ (same thing i can say about 5x T4 keys for 5000 rep).


So i stay with maxed rep and buy a random augmet everyday so i dont waste points. 

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these are some points a lot of people dont get and whine on forums until DE makes a move about it.


i certainly agree with what you said. what i find bad about the syndicates design is that after having maxed to last rank in them and gotten all mods, cosmetics, weapons and even sigils there is nothing to spend the reputation except for Specters. 


Lets be honest about the 25000 rep for 3 random keys being  total bullS#&$ (same thing i can say about 5x T4 keys for 5000 rep).


So i stay with maxed rep and buy a random augmet everyday so i dont waste points. 


Yeah, they never expected that to be much of an issue with 1/10th of the gain.

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