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Tigris And Duplex Trigger


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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY my old tigris is back to its old firing self *mwahs my tigris*


as a long time Tigris user since U14 I must say I prefer the duplex shot, it made the weapon unique, different to use, and was a niche weapon, then came the U17 buff and everyone jumps on it as the new superweapon, and now they are complaining about the shooting mechanic all over the place, do you know what was hardly ever mentioned before the buff? tigris only to be brought up by the people that actually used it, and it was usually a request for it to be the next prime.. but now its buffed, the mainstream users are picking it up and complaints is now dime a dozen, incase you didnt notice its still a niche weapon.. leave it alone as it is

Edited by Sibernetika
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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY my old tigris is back to its old firing self *mwahs my tigris*


What the hell? It already was, unless you deliberately used the alt-fire you would never have noticed any changes at all.


Did you misread something in the patch notes, or what?

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What the hell? It already was, unless you deliberately used the alt-fire you would never have noticed any changes at all.


Did you misread something in the patch notes, or what?

nope I hated the alt fire, but now it will go back to be used mainly by niche users, and everyone else can go back to their soma and bolter primes

Edited by Sibernetika
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nope I hated the alt fire, but now it will go back to be used mainly by niche users, and everyone else can go back to their soma and bolter primes


Oh Ok, so you do realize that the presence of the alt-fire did not affect you or your operation of the weapon in any way, you're just pleased that they took away options from other people whose experience has nothing to do with yours.

Edited by Cathair
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The weapon is absurdly powerful.  The weird firing mechanic is intended to keep it in check to an extent, and players who master it are rewarded with better performance.  Powerful weapons should be clunky and challenging to use.  That's what makes the game fun.  DE keeps overtuned options around for those who want the game to be easy or only care about efficient farming, but that shouldn't be the paradigm for weapons overall.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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The weapon is absurdly powerful.  The weird firing mechanic is intended to keep it in check to an extent, and players who master it are rewarded with better performance.  Powerful weapons should be clunky and challenging to use.  That's what makes the game fun.  There's more to this game than just efficient farming, people!

you're kidding, right? i can't tell.

Edited by Urquiora
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No, the weird firing mechanic is because there was never an alt fire in the first place and the Tigris was released before replacing zoom for alt fire was even a thing. It's clunky because of limitations. The Bronco has two shots but is a lot more comfortable to use than this duplex nonsense. If "uniqueness" is your thing, there are no other shotguns or gun in general in the game that would actually shoot two shots at once.


Also, not sure how Tigris has anything to do with efficiency farming but I guess people need to make up some stupid excuse not to fix things.

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No, the weird firing mechanic is because there was never an alt fire in the first place and the Tigris was released before replacing zoom for alt fire was even a thing. It's clunky because of limitations. The Bronco has two shots but is a lot more comfortable to use than this duplex nonsense. If "uniqueness" is your thing, there are no other shotguns or gun in general in the game that would actually shoot two shots at once.


Also, not sure how Tigris has anything to do with efficiency farming but I guess people need to make up some stupid excuse not to fix things.

I can say for myself that I'm far more comfortable with using my Tigris than I am with using the Bronco series of guns.  Maybe I should come after your Bronco and start a ruckus asking DE to change that arbitrarily, then?


The last part of my post is basically saying that challenging weapons are fun weapons and that there are already options that are super strong with few or no trade-offs available to those who just want to grind missions as quickly/safely as possible and aren't so interested in actual gameplay.


The notion that Tigris' firing mechanic is something that needs to be "fixed" when it was deliberately implemented that way is rather conceited.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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It's not arbitrary man, it really isn't. You can be delusional all you want but having to hold a button, that can also be operation halted by anything outside of sprinting and jumping doesn't make ANY sense. There's been so many reasons WHY it should be change to accommodate new buttons and then there are people like you that can only say "but it's the way it's always been because it's special". You and the others haven't brought any worthwhile arguments, just borderline troll responses.

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I wonder if ppl will complain about it during their dev stream =X hopefully with more ppl showing concern over this removal they'll undo it but its longshot though =(


Plus it could've been rebinded to the any key so it also had flexibility to be anywhere for more convenience

Edited by Coud
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Oh so we are trolling because we don't agree with you? Maybe we just want the gun to stay as it is since there is nothing wrong with it

He thinks you're trolling because the alt fire should not have effected your old play style of the gun at all. It was on the middle mouse button the regular left mouse button double barrel fire or hold down for single shot fire was unchanged. You still had your tigris the way it always was, but with the alt fire people didn't have to hold down the trigger if they didn't want to they could just tap middle click, or whatever your alt fire key was binded too.


So you not wanting it to just keep that alt fire for people who enjoyed it and adding that "myah" comment seems a bit troll like.


I don't see why they removed it. It made more people like the gun i thought that's what we are aiming for in this game to let as many people have fun without taking fun away from others. The alt fire added another way to use to gun for more people to enjoy. It took nothing away from the original users of the gun that liked it's double shot mechanic. It was off to the side and unless you changed your hotkeys or tried using it specifically for a build you made for the double barrel shot it shouldn't have effected your play style.


If you like the "fix" for the alt fire just because now less people are using it and it makes you more special you're acting a bit childish.

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A: it keeps the weapon and its usage in check

B: it keeps the kiddies running to the new post U17 buff super weapon in check

C: the only people complaining about it is the new users that is now using it post buff

D: if it really bugs the people that much then they should find another weapon, I refuse to use the Soma due to its firecracker firing sound, should the sound department go change that just because there is people like me that also hate the sound the soma makes?

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The duplex-auto mechanic makes the gun a little more complicated to use compared to its peers, which creates gameplay and limits a very powerful weapon that can one-shot anything in the star map or voids and a good deal beyond.  Adding a single fire option dumbs the gun down and makes it like any other shotgun except with a smaller clip.

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A: it keeps the weapon and its usage in check

B: it keeps the kiddies running to the new post U17 buff super weapon in check

C: the only people complaining about it is the new users that is now using it post buff

D: if it really bugs the people that much then they should find another weapon, I refuse to use the Soma due to its firecracker firing sound, should the sound department go change that just because there is people like me that also hate the sound the soma makes?

It keeps the weapon and usage in check ? Is there a membership I must purchase to be able to use this weapon ?


I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here you don't want people using buffed weapons from U17 ?


I've seen older users liking the new mechanic, and since when is there a certain window for someone to like a gun to be able to post feedback about it ?


I'm still going to use the gun. I'm sure others will still use the gun and again it doesn't effect your liking of the double shot mechanic. You can still use it and maybe if they added multiple sound options to guns that'd be kinda cool to be honest, maybe it could depend on what mods you put on it. But that's for another feedback thread.


It really sounds like you're spiteful about this whole thing because it's not "your" weapon anymore. It's a weapon more people can enjoy more.


It's a small "QOL" improvement that a lot of people have been wanting. I do not see how it effects your play style of that gun.


Choices make a game fun, It makes players more diverse which is why I've been playing warframe for so long and sunk so much money into the game. Constantly changing builds and loadouts and color schemes. It's great, everyone can use a gun to their own preference almost whether it be raw damage,utility or a mix of both. An alt fire option for a double barrel shotgun seems to fit into their and I still fail to see a reason to not have it.


Other then of course "it's always been that way why chance it", "it's not a special weapon if it can fire 1 shot at a time", "it's the way the gun it meant to be used" which all seem to go against all the nice choices warframe gives you with it's guns,warframes,and mods.


Really now still waiting for that reason I'm still very curious.

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The only real argument for adding a single fire option is "I want the power of this shotgun without any of the drawbacks."  It's literally an argument for making the game easier and less thought-provoking.  That's why I'm against the proposal.  

The drawback is it only has 2 shots you can still fire 1 shot at a time. The alt fire mechanic still never changed the dps of the gun there were still big delays between each shot..


There's many arguments for adding the single fire option mainly it's already there just in a way a lot of people do not like. It doesn't make the game easier because it's the same shotgun, same damage with whatever mods you use, same option to fire a single shot at a time. But now you can press a different button, that people may think to be more comfortable or make more sense.


The only argument I'm seeing for it not to be added is, "the gun was always like this", "now it's too mainstream","it's easier to use" I may be missing a few but that's what I've seen from replies.


Imagine if fully automatic guns could fire 1 shot with alt fire (if they didn't already have an alt fire) what would be a problem ? If people wanted to just press a different button to fire 1 shot to maybe get more accuracy does that' make the guns dps better just because it's there ? It may make the player aim more specifically which I don't think would be a bad thing it could promote some new skill level into the game.


I feel like i have to clarify this with every post I do not want anything from the tigris's main shot to change. I'd just like an alternative to holding down the left click button for firing 1 shot. Which was added and then removed due to it being an accident, even as an accident it was one a lot of people liked.And older tigris veterans may not have even noticed. But now that people want it back they notice and now they think it's going to make the gun too meta or not as challenging to use.

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Just wondering if you guys are aware that the duplex-auto mechanic came with with the gun on release when it only did 200 damage/shot. It was considered one of the worst weapons in the game at the time, so I don't think it was "to keep the weapon in check." The real reason was because DE couldn't add a secondary fire at the time without sacrificing the ability to ADS. Duplex-auto allowed the weapon to fire in both semi and burst while also allowing ADS. As for the delay between shots, it's actually related to the firerate. The 2.0 firerate is a huge handicap and is the reason for both the delay between shots in semi-auto and the long delay before the reload kicks in. If you add +firerate mods to it, the delay before reloading actually decreases. If DE increased the firerate by 5x, both of these issues would be nonexistent.


I 5-star'd the Tigris the day it came out in U11 and have been using it ever since. Do not throw me under the bus with you two, Sibernetika and RealPandemonium. Duplex-auto is obnoxious and I'd much rather see OP's suggestion be implemented. This is how double barrel shotguns have worked in every other game, and for good reason. The "unique" argument is awful and adds nothing. That'd be like defending a game using low-poly models and low-res textures because "I like the graphics on the N64 more than those pesky modern graphics. Those "pesky modern graphics" exist for a reason.


Also, how extremely niche is Tainted Shell on the Tigris? D polarity, 14 points, and the base gun is already accurate as is. That's a really massive waste of potential. Not to mention you'd still be able to avoid the slow firerate by simply firing both barrels at once. Tainted Shell would also give a downside, like it should, for the semi-auto mode. It's hilarious that you guys are talking about "keeping things in check" while openly admitting you don't want Tainted Shell to have a downside on the Tigris.


You also come across like an ! when you say that you want it to have bad handling so only a few people will actually use it. You're not a special snowflake for using the Tigris. It's a publicly available weapon that anyone can build. If you wanna be a true hipster, go drop $110+ for that fancy Tigris skin. There's absolutely no reason to deny a QoL update for a weapon just so you can brag about using bad mechanics.


Edit: Dank memes, bro.

Edited by Boondorl
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my boar prime build.. ooohh look what I'm using on it




anyway leave the gun as is, suddenly most of the people find it crap because it can't single fire? tell me what is the most used and Iconic weapon in the Doom series? no its not the bfg, its that double barrel shotgun that cant single fire, granted this isnt Doom, and the Tigris is not Iconic, but it sure is making headway from not having single fire, then having it as a bug, and then the bug got fixed...

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I really was just curious if there was a reason to not have the alt fire on the tigris that was beneficial to the game. But I guess forums will be forums. While I don't see a need to have the whole tigris trigger changed like OP suggested I like the idea but I'd be happy with just having an alt fire. I've said my reasons and tried having a discussion about it but seems like if this continues the thread might be locked and there are a few good comments here.


+1 for OP would like to fire a shot from the tigris by pressing 1 button.

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Cybernetika is a troll dude, don't listen to him, even realpand is getting there.


A: it keeps the weapon and its usage in check

Usage in check? What the hell kind of excuse is that? Boltor P, Soma P, even secret top tier guns like Quanta Vandal doesn't have stupid "limiters".


B: it keeps the kiddies running to the new post U17 buff super weapon in check

I've had my Tigris fully built since U11 and the duplex trigger has ALWAYS been criticized, so again, stop trolling. And I'm pretty sure I'm better at this game than you.


C: the only people complaining about it is the new users that is now using it post buff

No. This has been asked for since it was released.


D: if it really bugs the people that much then they should find another weapon, I refuse to use the Soma due to its firecracker firing sound, should the sound department go change that just because there is people like me that also hate the sound the soma makes?

Good thing you aren't a dev because you can't differentiate a gameplay mechanic to an aesthetic.

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