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Mirage Eclipse Test With The Hek


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Hey guys It's me Nabu :D

After the Shotgun buff i decided to give the Hek a try! And so far i'm loving it :D! So i had to go to the simulicrum and give it a try with mirage and here are the results 

PS:it's not much of a quality but i just wanted to show you guys the results ^~^

Edited by Naburakty
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I've always doubted the Simulicrum. Is the enemy level properly being applied in there?

Went there and spawned 20 Manics lvl 100 and killed them with ease using a melee weapon (Orthos Prime).

you can see the huge crit numbers and all though

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My Hek has only been Forma'd once (and potatoe'd LOL) and I still haven't spent all the credits to max out the mods yet and it is still simply amazing.


I KNOW they are going to nerf it hard eventually, but I am just going to have a blast (get it) while I can.


Love hearing that BAM, and seeing the enemy fly across the map 3 miles followed by the CHU CHUNK of the next round.


NEXT!  :)

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rude ;[

My Hek has only been Forma'd once (and potatoe'd LOL) and I still haven't spent all the credits to max out the mods yet and it is still simply amazing.


I KNOW they are going to nerf it hard eventually, but I am just going to have a blast (get it) while I can.


Love hearing that BAM, and seeing the enemy fly across the map 3 miles followed by the CHU CHUNK of the next round.


NEXT!  :)

they need to increase the fall off damage

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Lets make powerful weapons more public so they get nerfed to the ground instantly, good thinking.

atleast they should nerf the falloff damage in my openion >~< i can snipe enemies from so far away with it


TBH, Mirage will make EVERY gun into a god gun.

yeah that's why i was testing it with the hek xD god x2

level 65? that's it?

i'm only rank 13 >~< i never use mastery fodders i just go to what i like

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OP you know what a Shotgun is ?

Shotguns are strong by definition, high damage with small magazine size (balance).

This is definitively not OP.


What makes it op isn't its strength really. What makes it op is Warframe's maps. They're relatively small and mostly in small corridors with some little slightly bigger space sometimes.


I wouldn't call this a "positive buff", since now every other enemy units with shotguns (corrupted corpus crewmen, other corpus crewmen, grineer dude in yellow armor, etc) gets buffed too and can even 1 shot you faster than before.


And not to mention that they haven't fix the issue with Corrupted Crewmen firing their damn shotgun as if it was an automatic gun and kill you in an instant.

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OP you know what a Shotgun is ?

Shotguns are strong by definition, high damage with small magazine size (balance).

This is definitively not OP.


What makes it op is the huge range :O the fall off damage is so low that i can snipe enemies from far away it's insane!

They finally fix the god awful damage falloff and then someone wants to revert it. Hek never did anything to you. Let the shotty live its life.

it's not that :[ i love it!!! all i did was test the damage with eclipse and view it >.>

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Well it is with a Mirage using Eclipse, possibly with powerstrength modded. So +200% dmg atleast. Not to keen discussing balance on numbers that are atleast 3x greater than they would be on most Warframes.


The Hek was a good weapon before, and im sure the buff to shotguns has made it better. But i wouldn't call it OP.

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Your joking right?


You go to simulacrum to test on lv 65 corrupted Ancient?? and with a Mirage with Eclipse+Hall of Mirrors??


I'm sorry, but you could get any weapon and do the same on these settings (Mirage + lv 65 infested)


How about, you go get Loki, get lv 95 Bombard or Heavy Gunner and show me this again, hmmm???

Edited by DraccoDoom
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