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Survival Is Absolutely Horrid Now (15 Minutes Of Nothing)


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Recently ran a T4 with 3 other members.

We all ran Corrosive Projection in anticipation to murder the corrupted as quickly as possible and of course...survive for as long as possible.

Roughly 15 minutes we stood around doing jack-all collecting the Life Support killing the occasional few enemies that popped up. Eventually splitting up in attempts to find more enemies fearing they were stuck or something.

From then on we struggled to get our Life Support % up.


I understand DE wants that "frantic" gameplay of running from room to room collecting it but with Parkour 2.0 I have no problem bypassing hoards of enemies. Around the 15-20 minute mark enemies started to spawn decently and we were all engaged constantly which was nice. But the fact enemies hardly dropped any Life Support ATOP the fact we used it all waiting for spawns to pick up just really ruined it for me.


I don't want to feel like I'm going into survival KNOWING I'm going to be standing around for 15 minutes or so

I don't want to feel like I'm being pressured into REQUIRING a Nekros be on my team just to spam desecrate

I don't want to limit people from playing something like Nova in my squad who slows enemies down in fear of lesser enemy spawn rates and costing us chances at more life support.


The new changes absolutely ruined Survival for me I'm afraid.

Guess it's on to camping Defense/interception for Prime parts then till they fix this

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Not exactly the correct subforum, but I remembered some suggestions from way back on survival some of which may be more interesting than just changing spawn rates etc.

Personally, I don't like the idea of survival depending mostly on number of enemy kills (due to he portable life support drop). It sours the "survival" idea. Might as well call it "massacre" or something.

The direction I am hoping to see is more variations/options in obtaining Life Support. If the main means is still by killing enemies, it is probably the wrong direction.  If I have it my way, I will reduce the PLS drop rate to so low that it cannot be depended on, (more like being a surprise bonus. yeah, too bad Nekros) and move the focus to Lotus Life Support.

If DE wants us to be more involved and move from room to room more, maybe the following:

- Assisting LLS: have consoles which becomes activated near a warping-in Lotus Life Support, that when hacked, can decrease the time the current Lotus Life Support arrives. (of course, will need team to defend the hacker in the meantime). Consoles will become active randomly and will show up on minimap/waypoints (ESPEICALLY the full map, showing the exact location, not the next portal location used for navigation in the main view). This can happen repeatedly (but when consoles are active is random) for each LLS warping in.

- Defending LLS: have threats which is random and will slow down the next LLS unless dispatched. (e.g. a sentry drone is counter-hacking, slowing Lotus down. Or some-fancy-unit is at a place where a LLS is warping in, but projects some insert-fancy-name shield/field which will stop the warping until it is removed- either killed or lured away)

- Special Supply Rooms: which has a pre-existing, one-use cache of Life Support which is not from Lotus. When activated, it functions like LLS, but is only found in special rooms and can only be used once (will not regenerate). The amount of LS gained per activation can be more than LLS (so more incentive to hunt down these rooms and activate strategically). Some can even include Tower versions of Special Supply Items (see below)

- Special Supply Items: have new special deployable turret/emplacement-like items that lotus can warped in and be placed by the team to reinforce some areas.  Can be like the new Grinner gun emplacement, portable barriers, one-use traps, hacking modules that can be used to take over the tower's native defences (like turrets). They will warp in much like LLS, but appear as crates, that when activated, will place the item in a special gear slot that is only available for the mission (it will be removed at end of misison). Player can activate that gear slot to deploy that item.  Again, chances of these supplies can be improved by special hacking consoles.

So the hopeful end result is the team will probably have to spit up to obtain the mini-goals which will include

- holding enemy back (and CC being potentially more useful than just killing. because they no longer drop PLS reliably)
- activating a LLS
- locating and hacking an active console to speed up the next LLS
- defending a warping-in LLS from special units which will slow/stop the warp process
- locating and hacking an active console to trigger warping in of a special supply item. Then deploy the items to booster defenses.
- search for special-supply rooms, possibly mark them, and activate at strategic moments.

How is that for survival variety?

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I think someone very important from DE is on holiday, sick or something. All that was changed in survival missions need to be undo. 


They said they test it but only tested it for 20 minutes. I know so because I ran a t1 survival with an 6 forma amprex. Meaning instant kills to all enemies (maximum air drops) solo and I only manage to reach 22 minutes. 

With this update there is no need to forma weapons because in any survival u can manage 20 minutes with even all unranks...


GOSH DE survival is now screwed! 

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Said it before, I'll say it again

Life support should be the second thing you worry about in a "Survival" game.

The main concern SHOULD be "surviving" against the onslaught of enemies with their ever increasing difficulty

They want "Frantic" gameplay? It WAS frantic before the change.



When you got to around 30-40 minutes and were trying to fight difficult enemies? Then you had to worry about "Surviving" the enemies in order to get to life support. That was frantic. Worrying if you'd make it, if your team members would go down or not. Where the nullifiers were, where all the heavies were.


It was FUN.

Now it's just stressful...


Honestly, if we need life support so bad, send us in with our Archwings.

They enable us to breathe just fine out in space.

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I like how survival missions always start with the Lotus saying "A lone tenno operative..."


take that however you will.


Survival itself needs an overhaul


Why are we letting a Tenno Operative search for stuff? Why not just do it ourselves?

Why do we need life support? Our frames don't have it?

If not...why not just bring Archwing? That thing lets us stay in space infinitely if we wish


But Survival needs some sort of timer/countdown so people don't combine powers and camp somewhere for as long as they want...

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This is how Derelict Survival use to be, back when I first started playing. I tried so many times to get to 20 minutes to get the Burston Prime parts I needed, but never could because Life Support would always run out between 11~16 minutes. It did not matter if I was alone or had help, either. But they eventually fixed that.


Now ALL survival is that bad. Good luck getting to 20 minutes now, because that's all it is, luck. It doesn't matter if your are strong enough or skilled enough to survive for an hour, because now all that matters is being lucky enough to get enough Life Support drops to survive.


And because quitting a Void Survival mission past 5 minutes in loses you your key as well as the rewards, its not like you can just quit and retry to get luckier with the Life Support drops if you fail too early.


But, I guess DE thinks having a Life Support capsule spawn just a second too late and failing the mission at 19:58 because of that is fun. If they are going to keep things this way, the least they could do is make 15 minutes rotation C, so it is actually consistently reachable.

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