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Corrputed Vor Is Dated,new Improvements


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so,for me corrupted vor is weak and dated ,95% of players kill him before he finish is speech,so I thought about some simple improvements for him.


add the possibility of its respawn,and reintroduce his golden eruption ability to make things more interesting



Defence: after his first death he respawn after 18-20 waves

survival: after his first death he respawn after 20-22 minutes

interception: after his first death he respawn after 7-9 waves


its level changes depending on the waves/minutes where he respawn(ex 40 minutes he is level 60...ecc ecc)


his speech before respawm


foolish tenno,like i said i am energy,and your attempts to kill me are vain




tenno,i am corrupted vor the immortal,with the power of my janus key I am reborn from my death



his speech after spawning:



brothers once again i am here to help you kill these impure beings,Now let us show them the power of the void




stop them,these beings are muddying our sacred place,death to the tenno


and,when he dies we can put his old "Urgh... Klos os ni'sk varr" (Urgh... This is not over...)...in a fit of rage he threatens tenno in the grineer's language


so,what you think?, it's a good idea?




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If he's that easy to beat simply having him return during the same mission wont change much. He needs his kit and stats tweaked appropriately. Also not seeing what you have to say about his Golden Eruption ability.

well...higher waves,higher level,stronger vor,about" He needs his kit and stats tweaked appropriately" yes i agree too.

what i have to say about his golden eruption is, give it to him back,first time he was released,he was able to use it, I see now that the only things he does are

telepor teleport,nervos mines,teleport teleport ecc ecc

 the wiki explain all about golden eruption,but have you ever seen vor use it? me not, only in old video I saw it


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Agreed, some bosses like Stalker, Zenuka, Phorid need or are crying out to get updated not only in stats, mechanics, animations but in looks! 


Also Void Vor needs to look more Orokin or Corrupted, since his energy like he said can even make himself look younger. I guess updating bosses must be in a low priority for DE right now. 

Edited by 0zryel
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Sure but I think we need more bosses like him first honestly like I always thought so many waves in a endless mission you should have a mini boss fight like corrupted vor


Assassins kinda have this effect, and Eximus units are also kinda meant to be this (though they fail), but I do agree. There's just something intimidating about a character with quotes and a set of specific skills that would make the appearances a lot cooler - rather than just a reskinned mook with glowy effects.


They'd need to be named in a more generic style - like "Grineer Captain" or "Corpus Officer" - in order to keep things from getting too "back from the dead-ish".


add a cutscene would be nice, and mak him cooler


A cutscene for his entrance would kinda break up the combat a little bit and all-in-all be jarring for players. It would be cool, but the fact that his appearances are random means that players could be doing just about anything during them, and that might be detrimental based on what's going on.


Agreed, some bosses like Stalker, Zenuka, Phorid need or are crying out to get updated not only in stats, mechanics, animations but in looks! 


Also Void Vor needs to look more Orokin or Corrupted, since his energy like he said can even make himself look younger. I guess updating bosses must be in a low priority for DE right now. 


tbf, we don't know WHAT his current state is or how literal he's being. While he may be energy, i.e. that core in his gut, it could just be that he's wearing his body like a suit, and that body he really can't change the appearance of.

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