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Sunika Prime... Can It Be?!


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Don't be obtuse - of course DE isn't putting guns to our heads while we hover over the consign button. That doesn't change the fact that if something you own gets an upgrade - with the creeping nature of the game - you do pretty much have to take the upgrade.


First off, thank you for being insulting.


Second off, what you just said here was "Of course we're not being forced, but we're pretty much being forced."

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i hope DE is wise enough to put a possible prime sunika to the exclusive pack-part of the prime-pack's in general ^^)




No , i dont want this , this is stupid and doesent make sense , what comes next ? Ordis Prime ? Tenno Prime ? 


for clarification and help: remember always that warframes are suits which carry TENNO's or vice versa ^^)


now we could talk about the development of a tenno because this is the part where DE cant get its hands on ^^)

Edited by LEEV_
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None of that does anything to disprove the fact that Sunika is completely devoid of useful utility - unlike all the other breeds.

All that is just you bragging about going fast ... Which by the way isn't really that hard.

That's not true.  They are great for subduing capture and synthesis targets.  They are the perfect companions for fast frames and missions that require speed.  Not only that, they can use finishers to increase their damage.  They are highly underrated.


Sahasas are the best all around breed.  They can use finishers and dig up resources.  Useful all around, but not specialized.


Raksa are great for ranged frames keeping the master safe from harm.


Huras is bad.  Their stealth is a joke because they break it by attacking enemies.  Their one breed ability directly contradicts their other breed ability.  Let's not mention that frame stealth is far better than any kubrow/sentinel stealth currently because it's inconsistent.


Chesa is bad too.  Sure, they can get stuff, but it's weak compared to the carriers.  They also have conflicting breed abilities.

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if this happens I hope we can 1: upgrade current Kurbows by re-cloning them with their imprints and prime DNA and 2: I want to see some visual difference between the two types. Anyone else think these would look great with slightly longer claws perhaps coated in PBR gold? I imagine these things with a skeleton and claws coated in orokin alloys like Wolverine's from the x men and it'd be a nice touch to make them look "Prime" without ruining the fur color or pattern.

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if this happens I hope we can 1: upgrade current Kurbows by re-cloning them with their imprints and prime DNA and 2: I want to see some visual difference between the two types. Anyone else think these would look great with slightly longer claws perhaps coated in PBR gold? I imagine these things with a skeleton and claws coated in orokin alloys like Wolverine's from the x men and it'd be a nice touch to make them look "Prime" without ruining the fur color or pattern.


I rather not have a Kubrow running around looking like it's wearing tacky metallic gold nail polish.

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Sunika is the most worthless kubrow. I have video of it right next to to capture target and not doing anything at all.

You can find videos of all the older breeds not using their abilities.  It's a well known and documented issue in the kubrow feedback thread.  Not related to any breed in particular.

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You can find videos of all the older breeds not using their abilities.  It's a well known and documented issue in the kubrow feedback thread.  Not related to any breed in particular.


The AI on kurbows is still wonky, I've been taking out mine a lot more since the upgrade segment got launched and I've seen it get stuck on the level a few times. It seems like most of the melee unit pathfining in this game has some issues but we don't normally see it since they're mostly enemies who just get gunned down when they bug out anyway. That being said the Sunika isn't that bad of a kubrow, if nothing else you can swap out the capture power and put in the locker one and just turn it into a loot machine without wasting a mod slot like the other breeds. 


Of course I tend like the little furballs no matter what so I can't really be too harsh to any of the breeds.

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You can find videos of all the older breeds not using their abilities. It's a well known and documented issue in the kubrow feedback thread. Not related to any breed in particular.

I have no other issues with the other 3 kubrows they all use abilities fine.

Also holding a capture target or synthetis target I'll pass if you can't down a capture target before your kubrow gets to it well then you know the rest.

Also running a kubrow for something that doesn't even occur on other missions like mobile defense or non special vip targets is useless for sunika.

Need an ability that is versatile the finisher damage doesn't seem to work either. Just a broken kubrow imo.

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