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The Warframe Market Is A Joke And Actively Discourages Impulse Purchases (Updated, Includes Solution To Installed Catalysts/weapon Slot On Weapons)


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I have money to spend. But why the F*** would I spend more than I have on most games I own for a single item in a mmo


The prices they have set turn away a good amount of people like me who see an item for the price of a game. A whole complete game or a single item... hmm which is a more worthwhile investment..

Edited by GSGregory
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PLUS 100000


i played over 610 hours so far and i got only once a log reward 75% discount so i bought 1000 plat for nearly 15$  .

i tried so many times to buy and i could Not because it is so expensive and it is not worth anything comparing to the Market store prices.


Dev should know that less prices = more selling even for the average people's money.


btw ... it was the first time for me to buy from a game and am not gonna buy unless i get another 75% and i dont think this is going to happen again (through my 610 hours i got it only once). even with 25% or 50% it is so expensive for me and i can NOT afford it .

thats all.


Edited by Joya
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  • 2 weeks later...

I too I'm waiting for another 75% discount on the plats, 'cause that way, to me atleast, it seems as a reasonable price to pay... I mean, who's with me that the plats at 75% discount should be its regular price... That way I would buy it alot more.


From my bedroom, to the world.

The joyful tenno.

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If those priced you edited in were real...
I would own every single buyable weapon.

While I may be a minority (not everyone is an insane collector like me, who already owns 55 weapons, 52 of which are potatoed), there are plent of people who would be willing to throw 25 platinum at DE for a unpotaoted, simple Viper for mastery, as well as people who want to actually ue the weapon.

It would also be more friendly to new players, who would throw their basic 50 platinum for that shiny ninja ninja Kama or something. And $5 is a perfect amount to lure angsty Naruto fans into buying Kunai.

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Agreeing. As it stands I buy nothing from the market (except the occasional Dangly Bit).

It's simply too costly

'tis exactly. The platinums worth in-game its too low. Like paying 20 bucks for a single burger or something alike fellow tenno's countries.

Hopefully this thread lives long enough as to make DE realize this change on the market system has to happen. It's a necessity.

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  • 1 month later...

As a founder I have bought;


That's it. I would tend to agree with OP; nobody is buying the vast majority of the stuff on the market because the majority of it has a ridiculously price tag given its' availability in the game. 

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Charge people higher if they like to shortcut things.

-Buying Frames

-Non-Blueprint Weaponry

-Stalker Pack

No problem with me.


Keep Accessories/Resources/Potatos the same.


I like the fact we can preview items now before we buy.


Because I was pissed off when I bought one of the scarves.  Looked nothing like the advertisement and it started to crip walk all over my warframes back.


They fixed that glitch now though :)

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I don't really have any issues with it because I'm generally against buying weapons, warframes, mods etc.. Don't mind that others do it, or that its possible, but to me it feels like cheating so I build/find everything that I use. I still feel like I have things to buy though, which are very reasonably priced. The biggest f2p barrier for me was the need for frame/wep slots, which I was pretty bummed about at first. But 5 bucks for 3 frame slots, or like 12 weapon slots? Honestly thats like a third of what I expected. After clearing the barrier though there was still plenty I wanted to get, like color schemes and other cosmetics. When you buy a weapon or warframe, really you are just buying time. All of it is obtainable through normal gameplay. Its totally optional and I feel like the pricing doesn't matter at that point. I'm actually really satisfied with this game's payment model. Its just restrictive enough to create the need to make a purchase, without being too restrictive for players who have supported the game. The way I always look at it is, if I spend 50 bucks on this like I would a normal game, how much of the game do I get? For some games like Planetside 2 and Firefall, I feel like the f2p restrictions continue to harass me into spending money way past the 50 dollar point. With Warframe I spent 50 bucks and I get literally everything except the stalker pack and maybe a helmet or two. F2P games are kind of a trap, because while you can play them for free they are designed to eventually get more money out of you than possible through sales alone. Its not just some charitable gaming revolution, its at its heart a pretty sleezy business model. Some companies make that very clear. DE, in my opinion, is not one of them.

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I don't really have any issues with it because I'm generally against buying weapons, warframes, mods etc.. Don't mind that others do it, or that its possible, but to me it feels like cheating so I build/find everything that I use. I still feel like I have things to buy though, which are very reasonably priced. The biggest f2p barrier for me was the need for frame/wep slots, which I was pretty bummed about at first. But 5 bucks for 3 frame slots, or like 12 weapon slots? Honestly thats like a third of what I expected. After clearing the barrier though there was still plenty I wanted to get, like color schemes and other cosmetics. When you buy a weapon or warframe, really you are just buying time. All of it is obtainable through normal gameplay. Its totally optional and I feel like the pricing doesn't matter at that point. I'm actually really satisfied with this game's payment model. Its just restrictive enough to create the need to make a purchase, without being too restrictive for players who have supported the game. The way I always look at it is, if I spend 50 bucks on this like I would a normal game, how much of the game do I get? For some games like Planetside 2 and Firefall, I feel like the f2p restrictions continue to harass me into spending money way past the 50 dollar point. With Warframe I spent 50 bucks and I get literally everything except the stalker pack and maybe a helmet or two. F2P games are kind of a trap, because while you can play them for free they are designed to eventually get more money out of you than possible through sales alone. Its not just some charitable gaming revolution, its at its heart a pretty sleezy business model. Some companies make that very clear. DE, in my opinion, is not one of them.


wall of text


From a busniess standpoint they are loosing ALOT of money


Take me for example

Spent in warfram: $100 - still have 1600 plat left because I dont want to buy overpriced items

Spent on planeside 2: about $400 and have used almost all of it because the items are priced fair.


I am one of those that has a job and have money to spend. But Im not dumb and wont spend on items that are clearly overpriced and not worth it

Edited by Karzak
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wall of text


From a busniess standpoint they are loosing ALOT of money


Take me for example

Spent in warfram: $100 - still have 1600 plat left because I dont want to buy overpriced items

Spent on planeside 2: about $400 and have used almost all of it because the items are priced fair.


I am one of those that has a job and have money to spend. But Im not dumb and wont spend on items that are clearly overpriced and not worth it


^ this too (except for the fact i havent planetside 2 :p )

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I was expecting some crazy ideas about making everything ridiculously cheap. I was surprised.

And that last picture is especially cool.


EDIT: just to add something, I think (sentinels + slot + reactor + catalyst) probably are the best priced items in the game right now.

Edited by The_Doc
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I think some of the ideas are good. Being able to buy a weapon alone or with extras at different prices is a nice option. Other than that, I can't comment on what would be best since I haven't spoke to DE about their business strategy around the market. Also I don't have access to their financial numbers to say what it working or not working or what could be improved. The proposed ideas sound like they might work, however we don't really know what the numbers are. The financial numbers and sales statistics will tell the real story of what is working and not. Some of the people posting in this thread seem to be posting information that sound like facts such as which item is the highest selling but the they are just opinions unless those people have access to DE's sales statistics. These unsubstantiated claims sound good but take away from the credibility of the argument. I've seen businesses have sales to cut their losses on a product in their inventory and so it doesn't result in them making a lot of profit or liquidation sales to minimize the loss to creditors. I only know this only because I've spoken to managers and I work with businesses on a daily basis.


I can only say that the prices on the store would need to be rethought to entice me to buy items rather than farm to build them. It would be great if DE considered the original poster's ideas and then looked at their statistics to see what makes sense to do with the market to maximize their revenue and profit while providing a satisfying service for the players. Ultimately it's in DE's best interest to provide something that people want to buy.

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I personally agree with high price tag on stalker set there. Its a rare ingame item and it should stay that way. The frame prices start looking expensive if you want to test out every warframe. If you set youre mind on one particular and cant farm it in game, like Nekros for example. For me personally farming Nekros will be a pain since i am not in a clan and people in chat rarely take random players in to void. Every warframe can be obtained ingame, with moderate effort. I do agree on some weapon price tags there, but only on some. The weapons in store are craftable and i do not see a reason why a new player (much less older) would flat out buy them with platinum. Usually it takes some time for one to decide if they like the game or not and in that time the starting frame is already lvl 30 and they have resources to craft two/ three weapons from store. All they need is the reactor and catalyst, the minimum 75 plan more then covers it. All in all ingame price tags are more or less fine.

Edited by RustyCircuit
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wall of text


From a busniess standpoint they are loosing ALOT of money


Take me for example

Spent in warfram: $100 - still have 1600 plat left because I dont want to buy overpriced items

Spent on planeside 2: about $400 and have used almost all of it because the items are priced fair.


I am one of those that has a job and have money to spend. But Im not dumb and wont spend on items that are clearly overpriced and not worth it


I'm not sure you can objectively say they are losing a lot of money based on your spending habbits. Its funny because I am the exact opposite lol I couldn't bring myself to spend more than 15 bucks on PS2, because I felt pushed really hard to buy weps and after I did I found out they are all the exact same thing with stat tweaks. So it was either grind them out instead of getting any other upgrades, which takes forever with the amount of time I have to play, or drop ten bucks for every identical new gun. (Just for you Mr. Gorbachev ;)


I could probably assume that SOE are losing lots of money based on my experience with their store, but as you have shown some people have no issue with it, prefer it even. A lot fo the posts in this thread say things like "Most people spend" "They are making more money from" "They are losing money" but really nobody outside of DE has the data to back any of those claims up. Though I do agree that certain things cost too much to be worth it, like the Stalker pack. There just isn't a whole lot of that in my opinion. Weapons and Warframes are pricey too but buying them is like paying for cheat codes that spawn items, so I think its justified.

Edited by FlyDungas
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Tell me DE has read this and is making plans to implement these changes after all this time.


DE's logic is everything is free so that's why they have the right to keep these absurd prices.


DESteve said that in a past livestream. So no they won't implement. 

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Wait a minute! I'm playing a free game, and because I'm lazy I want to buy all of the content extra, extra cheap NAOW! This is madness! These prices make my tenno blood boil!


Pffft... You guys. Always complaining.

Yeah, because having reasonable prices are crazy. I mean, why wouldn't we want to spend $10 on a skana, or $15 for the vulkar, or $25 for Ash? Sheesh, people amirite? (/sarcasm btw)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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This is why I farm everything. I can't justify spending that much on one weapon or frame when I can farm for a few hours and then build it. I will never spend more than $50 on one game, and I bought my founders package already spent my plat on frame and weapon slots and potatoes.

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