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The Warframe Market Is A Joke And Actively Discourages Impulse Purchases (Updated, Includes Solution To Installed Catalysts/weapon Slot On Weapons)


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hmm,1200 upvotes are not enough people,these upvotes mutst become 1 million or 1200 messages must reach the DE team's mailbox

Social power mobility is only natural at this ocasions.It is weird why the Warframe community does not gather and coordinate it's power to change the game

Edited by VoidGhost
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"it's merely a suggestion we feel would help DE earn more profit and make the overall playerbase much happier."


I dont think its fair to make blanket statements like this. If im in the one percent here that dosent even CONSIDER buying weps from the market, than oh well. Id like to think im not tho.


"That's what you want, you want everybody to consider buying weapons from the store first, before they even think of grinding the weapon up in game."


No, what you want is people to actually PLAY your game. The person that opts to buy any piece of gear from the market tends to cut some of there total play time, by obtaining a wep via paying outright. Personally buying any piece of gear is a waste of plat. Its cheaper and more fun (at least for me) to obtain said gear and purchase the slot and/or potato. 


If you play a game to basically not earn anything, then by all means buy it. But wheres the fun in that?

I look at buying weps in the market as punishment/lazyness/casualness. Theres no real point, unless you really want it of course. I mainly use the market for potatoes or cosmetics. As it should be in a F2P environment.


However I DO agree that when purchasing weps, you should be able to get a discount by having options to get the wep itself or with slot and potato.

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"it's merely a suggestion we feel would help DE earn more profit and make the overall playerbase much happier."


I dont think its fair to make blanket statements like this. If im in the one percent here that dosent even CONSIDER buying weps from the market, than oh well. Id like to think im not tho.


"That's what you want, you want everybody to consider buying weapons from the store first, before they even think of grinding the weapon up in game."


No, what you want is people to actually PLAY your game. The person that opts to buy any piece of gear from the market tends to cut some of there total play time, by obtaining a wep via paying outright. Personally buying any piece of gear is a waste of plat. Its cheaper and more fun (at least for me) to obtain said gear and purchase the slot and/or potato. 


If you play a game to basically not earn anything, then by all means buy it. But wheres the fun in that?

I look at buying weps in the market as punishment/lazyness/casualness. Theres no real point, unless you really want it of course. I mainly use the market for potatoes or cosmetics. As it should be in a F2P environment.


However I DO agree that when purchasing weps, you should be able to get a discount by having options to get the wep itself or with slot and potato.

They don't want to prioritise people playing an hour more than just buying with plat as they don't make much money from us farming, it's a free to play game.

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Ah, and the 1.2k upvoted thread rises to the front page once more.


I guess waterframe emerging from the depths dragged something along.


I mean dayum look at all those upvotes. And this thread is still going almost a year later. Dayum.

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As much as I'd like cheaper stuff, if this game works like most other f2p then the top few percent throw so much money at the game it makes up for the other ninety percent buying nothing or very little.

If you aim for Joe Average you're gonna have a bad time because pretty much all Average Joes buy exactly nothing no matter how reasonably priced everything is. As little sense as it seemingly makes to us, aiming for the rich kids and bored managers making several grand a month seems to net most f2p the most amount of money.

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Holy Christ this thread is still going? I haven't been here in months.


Lol, it's funny because I just checked your profile to see when was the last time you logged in.

"Damn I wonder what he thinks about his thread still being talked about?"




Well, yeah. You made a damn good thread about an issue that really needs to be addressed. Good job :P

It will probably continue to be brought back until it's fixed.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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How do you know?

There are endless stores around the world selling common items for ridiculous prices and they do fine.

Hek, people continuously by the Iphone which costs several hundreds of dollars each time a new version comes out.

That's because of supply and demand, which doesn't apply in this game because everything is in infinite supply.

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Thing is, you can buy prime warframe parts through trade chat, add catalyst and reactor, buy a slot and rush everything - and that together is cheaper than buying a normal warframe. Something is off. Same with platinum to credits conversion. It's so expensive that nobody who already understands how many credits are needed for various things would buy them with platinum.

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I thought it was overpriced to actively discourage pay2win


Or at least thats what i was told


There isnt much you can really do to pay2win in a game like this though


So far

Edited by Azawarau
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I thought it was overpriced to actively discourage pay2win


Or at least thats what i was told


There isnt much you can really do to pay2win in a game like this though


So far


Considering everything besides cosmetics can be attained in game and you can even get plat through trading, it isn't pay to win in the slightest.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Considering everything besides cosmetics can be attained in game and you can even get plat through trading, it isn't pay to win in the slightest regardless of the prices.


This. It's "pay for convenience", or more exactly pay to avoid investing time, effort and sanity in getting the gear.

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Considering everything besides cosmetics can be attained in game and you can even get plat through trading, it isn't pay to win in the slightest.

Theres that too


It bugs me when people say pay2win kind of when its hard to pay2win in warframe

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