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Getting To Be Pay 2 Win...


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I know y'all hate to hear it but this is getting a little extreme.


First we got the exilus slot which requires a full quest, Simaris faction grind as well as 2 forma and 1 argon crystal to build. That's a lot of work or you can have fun grinding out mods, prime parts etc to sell them on trade chat and just hope people are buying for fair prices so you can get enough plat to buy one. Much easier just to fork over cash to DE.

Now they made the new syndicate weapons locked behind mastery rank 12? Seriously?! It's bad enough you have to grind out so much faction for the damn things but i can understand that. Now I have to grind out parts and stuff to sell for plat so i can buy slots, so i can level weapons I don't even want just to even access these?


I figured they would keep the MR requirements low so we wouldn't be running into this. I'm MR 11 and I don't level weapons for no reason, at 1500 hours of gameplay grinding unwanted weapons makes the game drag. If they keep this up we will be seeing weapons rank locked at 30 or perhaps someday even further. 


Infinite grind or pay, is p2w for all intents and purposes. If this trend continues I'll probably quit the game. I really hate to do that but DE had me feeling like a fool when I spent my plat on those exilus slots. I figured, well this is DE give them a mulligan, I doubt they will push this further. I know i was fooling myself though, the weapons are bound to get utility slots too and mastery rank has continually been rising. Players should be paying because they like the game and they are having fun, not because they have spent so much time on it they feel attached to it even when it's raiding their wallet. 

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No its not P2W for all "intents and purposes" as thats not what P2W means.

MR 12 isn't that hard, even if you don;t play too much with weapons you don't like.

DE was just upping the anty so mastery even matters remotely.

Personally I'd prefer a rework to the whole thing, but its no biggy.


Exilus is a moot point. Its not mandatory and can be achieved while just doing regular stuff. Scan eximus, capture targets every so often, or spam simarus targets.

Its grind, not P2W.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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for the record: if ya dont want to spend slots for weapons u dont want to play with in the end, just keep your selfe 2 (or 3) slots open for lvling stuff. Its not like u can take more than 3 weapons to level into a mission anyway (and only do that if u are confident to be usefull enough with ur frame not to drag down the team)

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You wot? You can't pay for mastery rank, you still have to grind those in Draco.


Also, Exilus slot isn't even a necessity that make missions a walk in the park. No way in hell that's pay to win.

You pay for the slots, yes you have to level the weapons which is again stupid but purchasing plat accelerates the process considerably. Exilus isn't essential but nearly nothing is. You can beat most content in the game with a 6 forma mk1 braton that doesnt mean the game is f2p just because anyone can access it. Bottom line the Exilus slot is an addition that strongly affects game play, in such a way that paying for it should not be so preferential to grinding for it

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You pay for the slots, yes you have to level the weapons which is again stupid but purchasing plat accelerates the process considerably. Exilus isn't essential but nearly nothing is. You can beat most content in the game with a 6 forma mk1 braton that doesnt mean the game is f2p just because anyone can access it. Bottom line the Exilus slot is an addition that strongly affects game play, in such a way that paying for it should not be so preferential to grinding for it

Exilus really doesn't effect things that much.

Also, you do realise that if we had no incentive to pay for things ever then DE wouldn't have money to fund development.

There has to be some incentive.


Its pay for convenience, not P2W, no matter how you twist it.

You can't just straight up change the definition of things to make a point.

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Exilus slots are optional for warframes and not that hard to grind for. I don't mean to brag but it takes about 10 minutes to max out your daily Simaris rep all you need is just think through what gives you rep for him and do that.

Syndicate weapons are a grind, if you want to bulk purchase them and sell them but you get a fully built weapon for literally nothing else just having been playing the game with a sigil on.


The mastery rank requirement is not that hard either. Even without spamming Draco missions.

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Son I suggest you browse the internet and again and look for what PAY TO WIN actually means. Here is a hint, at the moment WF does not fit the definition of p2w.


Pay to win: "Buy the best gear solely through monetary means without having a chance to get the same stuff in game for free!" That is 1 definition. 

Edited by Hatzeputt
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Exilus really doesn't effect things that much.

Also, you do realise that if we had no incentive to pay for things ever then DE wouldn't have money to fund development.

There has to be some incentive.


Its pay for convenience, not P2W, no matter how you twist it.

You can't just straight up change the definition of things to make a point.

There is a continuum between f2p and p2w, very few games fit either extreme. The greater the grind is to get things that strongly affect the gameplay the closer to p2w the game becomes. On the other end you become less p2w when the things you pay for have a smaller affect on gameplay, things like cosmetics for example. In a "space ninja" game in which most players rely on movement a slot that affects things like mobility affects gameplay considerably. Therefore the game becomes more p2w.

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no offense, but if you spent 1,5k hours leveling things and got to MR 11, that's a bit unproductive. i have around 1,2k hours and i'm at MR 16, besides, high MR weapons are a needed thing, because once you got past mr 10, there was pretty much no reason to continue.

That only makes sense if the ultimate purpose of the game is to level trash you don't even want to use. If thats the case WF's end game is Draco grinding. 

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Son I suggest you browse the internet and again and look for what PAY TO WIN actually means. Here is a hint, at the moment WF does not fit the definition of p2w.


This. P2W games creates a large imbalance between paying and non-paying players. Paying players will have access to equipment, powers, and upgrades that non-paying players can only dream about. In WF, when you join a random with 3 others, can you really tell who is a paying or non-paying player? No, you can't, since non-paying players can be as strong or even stronger than paying players.

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There is a continuum between f2p and p2w, very few games fit either extreme. The greater the grind is to get things that strongly affect the gameplay the closer to p2w the game becomes. On the other end you become less p2w when the things you pay for have a smaller affect on gameplay, things like cosmetics for example. In a "space ninja" game in which most players rely on movement a slot that affects things like mobility affects gameplay considerably. Therefore the game becomes more p2w.

You can argue that its moving towards being P2W as much as you want. Thats another discussion.

It is not however currently P2W and as far as I'm concerned, its not even close.

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There is a continuum between f2p and p2w, very few games fit either extreme. The greater the grind is to get things that strongly affect the gameplay the closer to p2w the game becomes. On the other end you become less p2w when the things you pay for have a smaller affect on gameplay, things like cosmetics for example. In a "space ninja" game in which most players rely on movement a slot that affects things like mobility affects gameplay considerably. Therefore the game becomes more p2w.


Exilus slot.... okay, you need 23 currently in total if you don't want to keep non primed versions of the already primed frames.


At your MR it means 96 consecutive days of a daily 10 minute routine.


Sounds bad, but do you actualy own every warframe? Let alone play with them all that much that you suddenly need an Exilus slot for them? Especially that it needs around 1-2 extra forma per build to fit them in properly.


Sorry but from where I stand it seems you want everything to the max immediately. That is not how Warframe works. It never worked like that.

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That only makes sense if the ultimate purpose of the game is to level trash you don't even want to use. If thats the case WF's end game is Draco grinding. 

Well we already knew that. WF's endgame is either the forums or grinding "meta spot of the month" for mastery.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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This. P2W games creates a large imbalance between paying and non-paying players. Paying players will have access to equipment, powers, and upgrades that non-paying players can only dream about. In WF, when you join a random with 3 others, can you really tell who is a paying or non-paying player? No, you can't, since non-paying players can be as strong or even stronger than paying players.

Oh I can tell lol. you can be just as strong but it takes a hell of a lot longer

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Exilus slot.... okay, you need 23 currently in total if you don't want to keep non primed versions of the already primed frames.


At your MR it means 96 consecutive days of a daily 10 minute routine.


Sounds bad, but do you actualy own every warframe? Let alone play with them all that much that you suddenly need an Exilus slot for them? Especially that it needs around 1-2 extra forma per build to fit them in properly.


Sorry but from where I stand it seems you want everything to the max immediately. That is not how Warframe works. It never worked like that.

I never said i needed everything maxed immediately but grinding for even 2 exilus slots is wayyyyyyy too long.  

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I never said i needed everything maxed immediately but grinding for even 2 exilus slots is wayyyyyyy too long.  


Big? For me it takes 5 days to get 2... That means that I do my little 10 minute grind with my morning coffee. I integrated the task with finding Kuria to keep things interesting. I'm by no means the best player and I have a convenient standing cap at MR20, however, even at half the standing cap I would say this is not hard.


Getting Syndicate rep is not a task that cannot be done simultaneously with grinding for credits, prime parts, etc. if you want an extra slot, put in the work for it. 

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First of all, having Exilus slots doest make you ALOT stronger than any warframe without one, and you still be doing fine without one. Its just an extra, nothing more.


Your just complaining things that are not related with "Pay to Win", complaining that you cant get the things you want to try RIGHT AWAY without effort.

No one tells you to grind the same weapons just to get high MR. 

Complaining that Pvp is pay to win (which is not).


And for the Plats? by just playing the game, you can easily get enough stuff to sell and gain plat to buy stuff you want. No money wasted, just your time playing the game. I don't know any game that has this feature but having this type of trading makes this game far from pay to win. You can pay but youre not obliged to do so.


Tell us which online games doesn't have grinds excluding those plain pvp shooters,pvp moba and another pvp games. 


Tell us whats the difference between Pay to win and Pay for convenience.

Edited by CrystalRibbon
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yes you have to level the weapons which is again stupid but purchasing plat accelerates the process considerably.

Umm what? Purchasing plat accelerates leveling weapons?

Lets assume you mean affinity boosters(which we all live without most days) pay to get boosters so its pay to win is your point? Well considering u dont have to pay actuall cash and u can trade the in game currency, i dont see what the problem is..u have 20 weapons u like? Buy 24 slots.. craft 4 weapons keep them in slots 21-24. Rank them up. Sell them. Rinse and repeat?

The fact alone that u can get everything in the game without spending a dime shows this game isnt pay to win. Pay to win is when u can drop a few thousand dollars and get everything.literarily accomplish everything in the game. Drop all the money u want on warframe. U still have to rank up stuff. Farm credits and all. Warframe isnt pay to win..stop whining.

Am a good example $0 spent on warframe. I have every warframe each in its slot wit its potato. Over 30 weapons slots all with potatoes. Arcane helmets event mods, and i started playing watframe when those where expensive. And am still sitting on 1k plat.

Edited by (PS4)Treezzy1
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