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Liset Space Travel


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How ambitious would it be for us to be able to actually fly our lisets through space from planet to planet, or explore our solar system?


Our controls would work the same as archwing, and we would have freedom of movement to dock with a relay or travel to another planet or system. The docking animation can be triggered by entering controlled space around a location, and an option would pop up to dock with it, making use of our current animations.


The same would work for planets. Entering the "atmosphere" area around the planet would bring up an option for navigation where we choose the location or mission on the planet. From this point, the current animations screens would take over like we have currently of us entering the mission. I think the described transition from actually being at the planet to being in the mission would be amazing.


Players logging in would be brought to their lisets like normal, but within the area of their dojo. The dojo could be located with a group of other dojos all from the same alliance. I think this could promote great social behavior among players as the relays have done so far. This would also give a more active approach to dojo use, instead of the occasional deposit of pigments or research.

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Making the game open-world would be amazing, but I just don't see it happening, since the game is built and optimized (and I mean code-designed) for small squad coop in a random tile generated dungeon crawl.  Something on the scale of what you're talking about would be Elite Dangerous, which focuses itself on procedural generation to generate the necessary space.  I just don't think it is feasible to create such an open space with the detail and art WF is prized for on its game engine, although it is awesome to dream about


EDIT: I could see some sort of travel being possible if it was very rigidly controlled, as in you set a course and the game runs the animation of flying there with perhaps a small amount of player input.  However, this could be a double edged sword, since the joy of space travel comes from full control of where you are going, and the sense of scale space provides.

Edited by Hammithimmis
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i see this happening in 2 or 3 years, obviously it would be stupidly amazing, but with so many open worlds, there needs to be a good reason to have it other than being just a hud, since once you have a space, you need to populate it with something, planets need a proper environment or its just a boring place too, a glorified hud rather than a gameplay or immersion element, thats why io think that in 2 or 3 years they will have a clear vision on why open world could or should be a thing in warframe, about the eingine, i suspect that the tiles can allow this, but what the hek i know

Edited by rockscl
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Well comparing the scope of the current game, I actually dont think full open world is the right direction to take. I think what im looking after is areas, or sectors.


For example, take a standard archwing interception. We have a large area to travel around to begin with. Lets put ourselves into an area like that, and increase the area size a little bit. As you fly around, you can travel to different areas in that sector of the planet. In the distance maybe you can see a battle going on. This would be an archwing mission if that planet has one.


Or if you travel close enough in the direction of the planet, it gives you an option to select a mission from navigation. If that planet has a relay, then when you get close enough to that relay, you have an option to dock with it and enter the relay like normal. If it HAD a relay, then maybe we see the destroyed remains of the relay floating around.  If you fly away into empty space, or basically reach the boundary of the sector, you have the option to travel to another sector, or another planet, so on and so forth. The liset could zip off into space, and we see the current animation of us traveling at "light speed" or whatever.


All of these sectors could be hosted on dedicated servers just like the relays. Dojos could work in a similar way. The dojo space area could be filled with the other dojos of clans that belong to your alliance. Clans that do not belong to an alliance, or alliances with too few clans would be hosted by the player like normal.


An alternative would be to be able to host our alliance or dojo sector from our own player hosted dedicated server.

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