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Exterminate Is Too Boring


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I mean It's a basic mission but it doesn't have to be boring DE . 

We need some randomization here.


But on what aspects of the mission?

>More enemies? Instead of what we have right now we just have to fill a   quota : we jump in the ship with 300 grineer on board. your mission ; kill at least 125 . all the others will be extra affinity and will make the mission more difficult=> kill stuff and gtfo before the rest of the enemies get you



> I think time should be a factor here ,  not a time limit of course but something 



>Stealth. Sure stealth multipliers are a thing but we can link this with the time factor. Let's say your objective is to wipe out a facility's crew/ force before they can send reinforcements  to another location where tenno are already fighting ( indirect assistance like the lone tenno operative). you would have to kill your foes stealthily , if not you will lose some time because of the alarm, speeding up the deployment process


> Mini bosses , more please. Like the void sabotage ones , but generic / "faceless versions of those. Would stop the players in their tracks and make them cooperate to take it down fast



I mean sure there's affinity. But I always feel like i'm wasting my time when doing a regular exterminate mission on the starchart. Nothing interesting ever drops.  Rescue has specters , interception, defense and survival/excavation have tons of rewards and way more xp. 

Edited by Deidaku
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I totally agree with your ideas. Exterminate is boring, has no variety, no challenge and also stealthing an exterminate is amost pointless. It needs those things like special rewards, minibosses, stealth factor and so on.


Timers don't seem like a very good idea if they limit the time you can spend on the mission, but they seem better if they take an indirect approach, let's say that if you don't complete a mission within 6 minutes, a ship of elite troops comes to support the enemy and prevent the extermination.

Edited by (PS4)Chino_Feo_1337
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Mission failiure if not completed under let's say x minutes


No. I like being able to clear all the enemies out and then go Medallion hunting during my Syndicate missions without being bothered.


I like the mini boss idea, though. Maybe combine it with the stealth aspect, so that a mini boss spawns if the alarm is triggered.

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The objective of exterminate missions, from a story perspective, is to eliminate potential threats.
We're Tenno, what we consider a threat can only be the elite of the elite, it would be a waste of time to send a cell of Tenno to eliminate small fry. So the enemies we face on these missions should logically be considered enough of a threat that preemptive action has to be taken.


This is just a lore reason to get higher level enemies and mini-bosses to spawn on the missions.
As for the actual enemies, I think they should be 10-20 levels higher than the planet's max level.
Mini bosses should also appear, to spice things up a bit.

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No. I like being able to clear all the enemies out and then go Medallion hunting during my Syndicate missions without being bothered.


I like the mini boss idea, though. Maybe combine it with the stealth aspect, so that a mini boss spawns if the alarm is triggered.

sure why not . time doesn't have to be implemented that way. But at least you should be rewarded for being fast and efficient


The objective of exterminate missions, from a story perspective, is to eliminate potential threats.

We're Tenno, what we consider a threat can only be the elite of the elite, it would be a waste of time to send a cell of Tenno to eliminate small fry. So the enemies we face on these missions should logically be considered enough of a threat that preemptive action has to be taken.


This is just a lore reason to get higher level enemies and mini-bosses to spawn on the missions.

As for the actual enemies, I think they should be 10-20 levels higher than the planet's max level.

Mini bosses should also appear, to spice things up a bit.

Exactly , why send us to kill  regular enemies just standing around minding their own buisness?

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sure why not . time doesn't have to be implemented that way. But at least you should be rewarded for being fast and efficient


NO! Then it's 'Saryn nuke that stuff please' all over again.  If you want speedruns then a new mission type should be created for that requiring only parkour, no hostilities or something I'd say.

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NO! Then it's 'Saryn nuke that stuff please' all over again.  If you want speedruns then a new mission type should be created for that requiring only parkour, no hostilities or something I'd say.

So actually that's an excellent idea


speed orientated gamemode , not bad :)


Can't find a name tho

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Rush? idk haha

Seems  to obvious x)


Yeah, extermination & Deception are in a baaad state...


If they could add a stealth aspect, I'd jump to the ceiling! (I'm feeling a bit less excited about a time constraint though : Stealth takes a while to do...)

Understood i'll remove time rstrain from the OP 

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I kinda like how ODE, Deception (when you don't turn off the alarm in a certain amount of time), Infested Hive, and when G3 spawns kind of works; when certain and/or special conditions are met, it could change what the objective is.


Or alternatively, like in a Hive missions case, when you destroy one hive, something goes haywire inside the ship (turning lasers on, those red gas bubble things start showing up more throughout the map, etc), or during Vault runs in ODE, once you open the Vault with enemies still left to kill, alot of the Infested is replaced with the Orokin enemies.


Subtle things like that as well are always a plus, as small as accidentally shooting the broken glass in (I think) any Corpus tileset that will end up locking all the doors, the whole sucking all the oxygen out into space, then just solely a Deception mission turning into a Exterminate missions. I think that's what they were talking about with future Crossfire missions, but I have no idea yet lol.


Though something like after collecting the data from Spy missions, and if an additional alarm goes off while running to extraction, might have a chance to trigger a side mission to exterminate the left over enemies is always welcomed as well.


Or hell, even during a Spy mission, if the timer goes off if you trigger the alarm in the data-protection room, (not sure how it would exactly work), but it could turn into a quick Mobile Defense mission to have a second chance to get the data before it gets destroyed; especially in the one Spy room on a Corpus tileset that has that huge room with the lasers in the middle boxing the data like a boxing ring, would be neat to have it in (alternative the one huge room as well with the super fast moving lasers).


I don't know, just spit-balling ideas here hahah~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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NO! Then it's 'Saryn nuke that stuff please' all over again.  If you want speedruns then a new mission type should be created for that requiring only parkour, no hostilities or something I'd say.

They did mention the next rework is Sayrn, I believe in conjunction with the touchups on Valkyr before releasing her new skin, so her 4th might work in a different function, you never know xD

I actually love how the Masculine form for Equinox works, where you need to build up power before you can even leave a scratch (huehue pun via the slash proc), so it's significantly alot less spammy, and the 2-2.5 second slash proc stun CC is always a plus as well, since it doesn't last as long, but long enough to run over to that one enemy to kill them before the stun ends xD

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Mini Bosses of sorts is certainly an option.

i'd also like the Dungeon Master to be slightly cheaty in Exterminate. really push the Player, make really over the top Enemy combinations that normally would be insane in Missions with more Enemies.

since the number of Enemies you fight at any given time in Exterminate is much harder limited than Endless Missions, you can get away with having some borderline Overpowered Enemy Spawns.

really mix things up. flank the Player, distract them while surrounding them, change up what you're Spawning to make either big Priority Targets or sneaky devils, so much interesting stuff that sounds great.

the amount of insanity would increase for higher Difficulty and Level Exterminates, so that newer Players don't get destroyed.

the closest to this that we have at the moment, is when you're in an Invasion Exterminate from Corpus to Grineer, when you cross the Portal to the Grineer side, the Grineer side of that room almost always spawns like, 100 Enemies in that room. (not all at once, but they keep coming). this often consists of a couple dozen Heavies at a time, Et Cetera.

this is overkill compared to Exterminate currently, but it's also actually frightening, and a big change of pace from Exterminate.

so i guess ultimately, what i'd really like to see is 'normal' times, but also mix it up with about the same amount of the crazy stuff.

so that it fluctuates way up and down throughout the Mission. having really tense moments and also very lax moments makes it a lot more interesting in general.

No. I like being able to clear all the enemies out and then go Medallion hunting during my Syndicate missions without being bothered.

mildly adjust it to Kill the Enemies in that time, and then once you've done that, leave whenever you feel like.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone is talking about stealth here, yet they dont seem to know that its most worst done part of the game.

Dont get me wrong, i like the idea but we need stealth 2.0 or something first.

True dat.


Spy 2.0 is an amazing addition,but even as an amazing addition, if the system revolving around it feels clunky... :/

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