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So Base Damage Mods Are Getting The Axe, Too?


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Because it made no sense to me


fan: are you going to fix armor scaling/serration/all damage mods along with multishot too?

Goose: Nuclear bomb


Seriously, what? That comment only exists to spark a panic and doesn't actually make sense



No its exists to say they are basically going to wipe the current system and have large scale changes. Seems pretty obvious that means large changes are coming.

Edited by immolator1001
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That likely means that our weapons will become more powerful as they level, as has been speculated for quite some time. If that's the case this is actually just a means for powercreep.



For an oldie like yourself i am suprised that you didn't realize serration was a progression based mod, where you need time to raise it to make weapons viable in later areas of the game.

Raising a weapon to rank 30 takes far less time than to raise a rank 10 serration, a new player will need to do countless games to gather up cores and mods to boost serration.


your solution is not an alternative, as the players can just raise the weapon to rank 30 and own the initial stage of the game.

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your solution is not an alternative, as the players can just raise the weapon to rank 30 and own the initial stage of the game.

K, and? Your gradual sense of progression comes from leveling up the weapon as opposed to getting the absurd amount of cores required to rank a single mod up to its max. This might help new players see the potential in their weapons.


That isn't my solution by the by, it's been proposed since before I was ever even part of the forums by many many users.

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I get it now...


All damage will be converted to Radiation damage.  Well played Grineeer...  Well played...  XD

That makes no sense. Grineer are weak to radiation. Why would Scott give us more of what he's weak to? Why would he make us suffer less? There's got to be some catch.

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"All this multi shot feedback has lead to a deeper dive on weapon levelling. Time to face some demons" (direct quote from the tweet in question)

Somehow translated to:

"Serration and Primed Point Blank will be removed"


And that there is why this thread is getting shut down.

There is no civil discussion, no constructive feedback and frankly it's hard to judge any kind of balancing change until it's actually been put in place.

Put away those jerking knees, folks. Let's see how things look when the change is made.


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