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3 Things To Improve Stealth Gameplay In My Opinion.


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1. Reaction time

When a enemy sees you, there should be a interval of about 2-3 seconds before he is able to alarm the rest, giving you a fair chance to kill the enemy if your reflexes are fast enough, havent we all had that situation where you come around the corner just to see a grineer insta aim you and raise the alarms. ( reaction time should be decided by DE, im just giving a example!)


2. limited spawning

its just weird to know that you have cleared out a part of the ship without alerting anyone, and suddenly from the door you came out from comes this corpus guy all whistling, i could understand there would be backup if you would trigger the alarm but when not triggered i dont see any reason for a ship to get random backup. ( exception on endless modes offcourse)


3. Hide and Seek system

I think DE should make use of Last Known Location. this gives  a oppertunity to keep the gameplay stealth even when seen, as they would search for you, you would be able to ghost them. also i think a stealth kill should be able to be made when you are not in direct sight of the enemy thus making it possible to ghost while the enemy is no longer in his unalarmed state, wich i think is needed for a stealth kill to happen in the first place.


share your thoughts and opinions !

Edited by NickBoay
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I have to admit that using Loki / Limbo for spy runs can get tiresome at times, why i cant use the frame i want to use especially if i want a no-alarm run, you know, for challenge!?

Allow us to use the shadow to our advantage after all we are NINJA damnit!!!

Also +1

Edited by Prinny13
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1. Reaction time

When a enemy sees you, there should be a interval of about 2-3 seconds before he is able to alarm the rest, giving you a fair chance to kill the enemy if your reflexes are fast enough, havent we all had that situation where you come around the corner just to see a grineer insta aim you and raise the alarms.


I want this

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Yes to all of this. Anything to improve stealth gameplay.

Don't mean to jack your thread OP but I have some ideas as well:

1) Something like a sight line indicator for enemies would be useful. Sometimes there are enemies on the other side of a door, but you dunno if they're looking your way, so you can't approach them until they move, which is lame.

2) A way to disable the enemy's ability to set off the alarms, maybe by breaking or pre-hacking the consoles. Limit this to only disable the alarms in that tile so it doesn't trivialize the challenge.

3) Add some mods for stealth gameplay, like decreasing enemy detect/sight range, increase time required to set off alarms, etc. Stealth gameplay should not be limited to invis frames only.

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Yes to all of this. Anything to improve stealth gameplay.

Don't mean to jack your thread OP but I have some ideas as well:

1) Something like a sight line indicator for enemies would be useful. Sometimes there are enemies on the other side of a door, but you dunno if they're looking your way, so you can't approach them until they move, which is lame.


2) A way to disable the enemy's ability to set off the alarms, maybe by breaking or pre-hacking the consoles. Limit this to only disable the alarms in that tile so it doesn't trivialize the challenge.

3) Add some mods for stealth gameplay, like decreasing enemy detect/sight range, increase time required to set off alarms, etc. Stealth gameplay should not be limited to invis frames only.

maybe i can help think along with you 


1. add the arrow on the minimap if your using the radar mod/aura, with the arrow pointed towards the direction the enemy is facing, 


2. il let that one to be decided by DE themself, sounds cool tho if u could sabotage them to raise alarms, making it your hunting ground , it has a ring to it for sure,


3. the silencer mods i dont really like , infact i think they should make attachments for weapons where you could add for example a silencer(with a actual silencer model attached to your barrel), way better and doesnt take up mod space wich we are pretty short on already due to certain mods being in every build thus reducing your optional slots, i mean who goes out his ship without serration on his rifle? so attachments might be more efficient towards stealth gameplay, without reducing weapon effectiveness


edit: wanted to add that warframes also make use of attachments so why not weapons too?


thanks for thinking along !, feel free to drop more opinions

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i hope DE takes their time to check out this topic, i love stealth missions but i hate how each time something weird happens that just insta pulls me out of my gaming experience, im hardheaded so il keep doing the missions tho because its still doable, i think DE could expand a bit around stealth

they could even add spygear in the future,


for now i have good advice for people running stealth missions without a loki i found a secret weapon to litterly scan the room for enemies.


( it cant look behind closed doors tho, so first open door , peek around corner and scan room and ul have a main idea of whats on your way, without missing some moa in the shadows)

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1. Reaction time

When a enemy sees you, there should be a interval of about 2-3 seconds before he is able to alarm the rest, giving you a fair chance to kill the enemy if your reflexes are fast enough, havent we all had that situation where you come around the corner just to see a grineer insta aim you and raise the alarms.


2. limited spawning

its just weird to know that you have cleared out a part of the ship without alerting anyone, and suddenly from the door you came out from comes this corpus guy all whistling, i could understand there would be backup if you would trigger the alarm but when not triggered i dont see any reason for a ship to get random backup. ( exception on endless modes offcourse)


3. Hide and Seek system

I think DE should make use of Last Known Location. this gives  a oppertunity to keep the gameplay stealth even when seen, as they would search for you, you would be able to ghost them. also i think a stealth kill should be able to be made when you are not in direct sight of the enemy thus making it possible to ghost while the enemy is no longer in his unalarmed state, wich i think is needed for a stealth kill to happen in the first place.


share your thoughts and opinions !

1. The average human reaction time is approximately 250 milliseconds, even with the degrading Grineer it couldn't be 2 seconds long, at most 1.5 or something.

2. Agreed. Too many mobs hiding in the treasure rooms which is pointless as hell.

3.The visual field of the human eye needs to be considered, with the Grineer being slightly degraded. And that would be a disaster, since the human eye can spot objects from 48km, which makes stealth almost impossible. Definitely no.

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+1 for removing respawn in previous rooms.


As a matter of fact, missions where you've not alerted the enemy should function much like exterminate with respawns.  They should even give you an enemy count in each room you enter if alarms are off.


AI reworks should be on the table in general, but the way the spawns are setup need to be looked at.  About 50% of the time the Lotus says, "Heads up, a Grineer Assault team is headed your way." they're just standing in a room waiting for me to show up.  They're not "headed my way"...not even in the slightest.

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What about this to work about Detection and Visibility?


...about stealth, I noticed that Mirage's Eclipse works according to Light/Shadow on the Tenno, so essentially I'd wonder if it would be possible implementing in Warframe a system of Light/Shadow helping stealth and making harder getting detected. Obviously, when you are inside Shadows or Crouched you'll be harder to detect, involving also distance, similar to the enemy precision system.
Also I'd like to understand how the Tenno Detection works, if enemies have a detection threshold involving a Line of Sight mechanic check on partial or full body. Maybe a full body would send the enemy istantly on alarm while a partial detection would require investigation or a time lapse before alarming.
It could promote stealth and add taste to many missions.
Edited by Burnthesteak87
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1. The average human reaction time is approximately 250 milliseconds, even with the degrading Grineer it couldn't be 2 seconds long, at most 1.5 or something.

2. Agreed. Too many mobs hiding in the treasure rooms which is pointless as hell.

3.The visual field of the human eye needs to be considered, with the Grineer being slightly degraded. And that would be a disaster, since the human eye can spot objects from 48km, which makes stealth almost impossible. Definitely no.

true , but they cannot say " the enemy is here everyone watch out and get into cover" in 250 milliseconds, wich is the case at the moment, so they see you in that short interval , and actually there should be another interval on top of it wich alerts other units , so in theory


1.5 sec for 1 unit to know your there , and about 2 -3 seconds for that unit to alarm the rest ( in a certain radius , or if they have radiocommunication the rest of ship) ,in terms of time needing to pass to communicate the fact that he seen you, i did notice as OP responded that you have the interval to kill them, tested it real quick and yeh it works without them shooting at you, but still the fact that in the next room everyone is hidding in cover kinda makes it pointless, not to mention that one time when i had a really good hiding spot just to see grineer suddenly going to my location , so the GPS is also a problem ( my 3th point in main post)


to respond on the 3th point, stealth means getting passed things unseen , enemies have a backside, infact i find it a bit fake if you could just walk up to the enemy from the front up till a radius of detection, that line of sight is legit, they should be carefull tho not to make it so that the enemy can see everything above them or below them, else its overkill, further i see no problem with the enemies working with line of sight, infact i think it can solve the problem of the enemy automaticly knowing your location even if your not at the location where you got detected by a camera or whatever, they just home in on you and i think that should change, else the ninja element gets ruined, just imagine a search party looking for you while you ghost them one by one, or some search drone scanning the level after the alarms been raised and you dissapeared, i think it supports stealth and improvements for enemy AI asin what to do in the situation where they are aware of a tenno being on their ship / hq / we, without just running to the player as mindless gps bots



What about this to work about Detection and Visibility?


could also work , reminds me of splinter cell, and they did a very good job. so ye +1

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just played a spy mission where all of these things bothered me to no end, ended up aborting the mission because it ruined the stealth experience,


- i stealth kill a drone , out of the blue a moa starts charging me , he even came from another room


- i somehow managed to undo that stuff by resetting alarms / killing enemies before they can fire their weapon , and inside the vault i noticed a even more annoying element for stealth, nullifiers , somewhere i can see the challenge of having to melee them, but you totally making it impossible DE if they are surrounded by 3 -4 normal mobs, if i take them out first , nully will notice , and yeh doing the nully first will make 3 guys see me , now im blessed to have conceiled explosives and it did the job nicely, but for the regular player without fancy mods those situations can be very nasty


- i managed to sprint away from the enemies with ash sprint speed ( Armored Agility + rush mods equiped) , so i totally left them in the dust and took cover as my stealth " you got caught" instinct tells me to do, just to find out they know exactly where i am, for now imma abandon warframe stealth based missions because of all the small things that prevent it from being perfect :( please look at it DE

Edited by NickBoay
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1. Reaction time

When a enemy sees you, there should be a interval of about 2-3 seconds before he is able to alarm the rest, giving you a fair chance to kill the enemy if your reflexes are fast enough, havent we all had that situation where you come around the corner just to see a grineer insta aim you and raise the alarms.

No, I don't like this idea as it would make things too easy. I can already kill enemies in front of others while cloaked without alarming enemies. Giving me 2-3 extra seconds to cloak again is even more ridiculous.

Get better at stealth as it's not hard.

2. limited spawning

its just weird to know that you have cleared out a part of the ship without alerting anyone, and suddenly from the door you came out from comes this corpus guy all whistling, i could understand there would be backup if you would trigger the alarm but when not triggered i dont see any reason for a ship to get random backup. ( exception on endless modes offcourse)

NO! No way in hell as this is how I level up powerful weapons. Because stealth killing enemies gives so much EXP with double EXP. Instead of heading to an Interception or Draco.

3. Hide and Seek system

I think DE should make use of Last Known Location. this gives  a oppertunity to keep the gameplay stealth even when seen, as they would search for you, you would be able to ghost them. also i think a stealth kill should be able to be made when you are not in direct sight of the enemy thus making it possible to ghost while the enemy is no longer in his unalarmed state, wich i think is needed for a stealth kill to happen in the first place.

share your thoughts and opinions !

In Warframe this is useless because you're not limited by movement like in other stealth games.

Don't ruin Stealth gameplay as it is with bad stuff like this.

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No, I don't like this idea as it would make things too easy. I can already kill enemies in front of others while cloaked without alarming enemies. Giving me 2-3 extra seconds to cloak again is even more ridiculous.

Get better at stealth as it's not hard.

NO! No way in hell as this is how I level up powerful weapons. Because stealth killing enemies gives so much EXP with double EXP. Instead of heading to an Interception or Draco.

In Warframe this is useless because you're not limited by movement like in other stealth games.

Don't ruin Stealth gameplay as it is with bad stuff like this.

" I can already kill enemies in front of others while cloaked"


why dont you play without a cloak? as stealth is not that hard



so we have to play a unrealistic spy mission where unneeded backup shows up, like a room farting out enemies ( without a single alarm raised) for the sake of you leveling gear. thats not doing a spy mission thats just exploiting the exp gained from the rooms farting out enemies. and you actually dare to say dont touch my exp exploit, okay okay..  you camp them?, because on a normal spy mission on your way to the vault it is not really nice to have a enemy walking from a door where you just totally cleaned up.. and no alarms raised means no reason too send in backup. ( not to mention as the places the backup comes from is totally unrealistic , like a closet or something ?? really)


your saying this entire idea is useless because we can move fast, how is moving fast gonna get you anywhere if you get detected within a second, the 2-3 sec interval would allow you to move fast without them really seeing you, also moving fast without this idea is just gonna get you busted. it only takes opening 1 door with a enemy behind it to get seen, and without the interval you have no chance to have a reflex kill to prevent getting seen, also what good is your movement if everyone is homing in on you indefinetly, not even searching for you, no. they know where you are and they will come for you. while with the hide and seek system you would be able to keep playing with stealth elements in the alarmed state ( ghosting enemies that are looking for you, without walking automaticly to your position.), it would improve stealth totally.


but really if you ask me i think your against it because this suggestion would take away your xp exploit on camping spy enemies. and so you disagree on everything, thats what i think.

Edited by NickBoay
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