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Mistress Asimina (Art Gallery) Updated 4/4/2019


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  • 2 weeks later...

Been bit of a busy bee, and as much it hurts to say it, haven't had much time to work on more art for this thread. Should ease up soon thankfully.

Here are some minor works i did regarding our lovely Mistress during last month's inktober, grabbed from my Twitter. I decided during inktober to spare everyone and not spam Mistress - art every day, and limited myself to only couple pieces;



Also not 100% Mistress related but i really like how this one turned out.




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  • 3 weeks later...

So i've got a question but I think I might already know it by now.  Was just looking at your Halloween Darvo one with the blood and the previous artwork before the one above where it's Frohd Bek and I had this thought come to me ; "With the loss of her son and now her husband Frohd gone...how would Asi be afterwards?

I know with the Darvo part she'd raise hell since well , I think in your concept she does say that should we tenno fail to keep him safe and away from harm , she'd not only see our remaining relays destroyed but also the Lotus dead I think?    As for Frohd , well...I'm at a loss for words.

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2 hours ago, Azurian-Draguard said:

So i've got a question but I think I might already know it by now.  Was just looking at your Halloween Darvo one with the blood and the previous artwork before the one above where it's Frohd Bek and I had this thought come to me ; "With the loss of her son and now her husband Frohd gone...how would Asi be afterwards?

I know with the Darvo part she'd raise hell since well , I think in your concept she does say that should we tenno fail to keep him safe and away from harm , she'd not only see our remaining relays destroyed but also the Lotus dead I think?    As for Frohd , well...I'm at a loss for words.


So what would Mistress do after the loss of her family? hmm. Firstly, i feel i should specify that the piece with Frohd he's not dying or anything, Mistress just got a little slashy with her nails ... he'll be fiiine.

But if in a hypothetical scenario that both would die, there is about three possibility on how Mistress would go on.

First things first; revenge. Mistress would avenge the death of Darvo no matter what or who did it. With Frohd it's more ... she would do something but it's mostly because people would expect her to react in such way. Widow or not, she still cares for how other's view her. It's not that she doesn't care at all about her husband, but she is very effective on burying that affection so that it doesn't hurt her plans. With Darvo it's more difficult.

- Most simplest scenario is that Mistress continues her life as normal, albeit even more bitter and dead inside than currently. Without a spouse in the Board of Directions her power would be reduced quite a bit, but not enough for her fall from grace. As long as she's able to keep herself together mentally, she has everything covered.

 -If she wouldn't be able to handle it, then she would finally crack, letting everything she's endured over her life to consume her. She would dissapear from public, and even Lotus wouldn't know what happened. Mistress has lot of enemies and dangers around (and inside) her all the time, so the possible ways she dissapeared are rather endless.

- Third way would be, that she went full-on Assume Direct Control-route. Without a spouse that brings political power into the family, Mistress herself would step into the Board and wreak havoc.

Here i should explain Mistress's view of the Board in general. You would think that Frohd would try getting his own wife into the Board, who already shares his views - instead of a son that i not interested the slightest on the idea. Mistress does not want to be in the Board, for a simple reason as power. She can't stand the idea of having to share power and say with others. No, she has to be in charge of everything. It's her way or the highway. Being in charge and having her own opinions is a very delicate spot for Mistress, and she would't even dream of having to make compromises with an entire Board's worth of other people.

SO, without someone else to bring that influence, she would have to get it herself. However as stated above, simply getting a seat (which, as a widower and finance inheritor of Frohd, would be easy to get) wouldn't fly with her, oh no. She would go on a full-on slaughter (metaphorical or literal) through the known Board until she reaches the very top, essentially becoming a supreme leader of sorts in Corpus. This would either be a visible and official throne, or she would be a puppet-master behind everything, whatever fits better.

Without Darvo around, she would see no reason to avoid risks in order to reach this new goal, and would either succeed or fail, most likely getting herself assassinated for trying.


In any scenario, Mistress would be left rather hurt, breaking what little positivity she had. Not that people around her would notice, she remains as poker-faced as always, letting misery rot her insides, as always...


Edited by evergreenmind
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What, precisely or broadly, does Asi see in her hubby? (Like why did she marry him? Seeing as the new pic shows she thought she never would.)

Looking for reasons beyond Darvo (who came afterwards), the status and position, and hanky panky. But if those are the reasons, okay.

Is it his hair? It's the hair, right?

If this was answered in her main bio and I forgot, well, my bad.

Edited by Rhekemi
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2 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

What, precisely or broadly, does Asi see in her hubby? (Like why did she marry him? Seeing as the new pic shows she thought she never would.)

Looking for reasons beyond Darvo (who came afterwards), the status and position, and hanky panky. But if those are the reasons, okay.

Is it his hair? It's the hair, right?

If this was answered in her main bio and I forgot, well, my bad.

I don't think i have put that in the bio. But i don't really even want people going through that, i need to re-write most of the current-lore stuff.

For peeps who wanna read, here's a recap of their pre-marriage relation;



Originally Mistress and Frohd we're err - acquaintances. No romance really. She comes from a lower caste (or the Corpus version of that), so when she managed to befriend a Board Member, she was of course very keen on keeping that relation strong. She helped him in deals and relations, information, same what she does currently, although in a smaller "we shall continue this next week" - scale. Basically all the normal "political" stuff Frohd can't be bothered to figure out on his own. And he in turn let her tag along on his tours around the highest Corpus ladder, letting her create contacts she would never get on her own. (as a information broker, she lives on this) It was a partnership, a business.

Mistress had no interest on marrying him however. She was meant to be a heir to her family business, and ruled not to indulge in any "distractions", as her father put it. She actually tried to help Frohd find a spouse when he started to talk about "settling down", but nothing she suggested seemed to really interest him. So finally he suggested for the two of them to hit it off. Shortly put, she did not approve at all and started to cut contact with him.

It changed however when Mistress was disowned by her family (not going into that now) but she was left with nothing, broke and broken. She visited Frohd one last time before doing WHatever she was gonna do (Frohd doesn't like thinking about that), when the proposal came up again. Having well, nothing, she wasn't really worth of anything to Frohd in a financial sense, but they went through with it anyway. She wasn't happy about it, but it was the only way she could remain alive in the Corpus heart. Consider Frohd doing it out of pity. Or maybe he was happy about it, since it was a suggestion he had coined in the first place.


To what Mistress sees in Frohd ... well there's his massive bank account and net-worth, those are great. And the status and position are very important too.

She didn't truly enjoy his company at the start of their marriage. Mistress is a bitter and broken woman, something Frohd can't really fix on his own. But she does appreciate how he at least tries. Been trying for as long as they've been together. the general thought behind her affection is "well he does, unfortunately, genuinely care about me. The least i can do is to be gentle with him."

There isn't lot of in the physical sense she finds attractive on Frohd. At start at least, he looked rather imposing to her, what with about feet between them in height and who-knows-how much in weight. She does admit that Frohd looks good in a suit or an uniform, if he only wore them more, instead the age-old overalls.

So it must be his personality that she finds something worthwhile. The gentler side of him, that get's thrown in the corner during Board meetings is brought back up during alone time in their garden. She only really able to relax around those times.

But the most important thing she appreciates, would be his refusal to give up on anything. This sounds bad at first (Darvo would certainly agree), but it's a trait needed with Mistress. She's someone who builds walls and acts plays around everyone around her, so trying to get through all that to the actual woman is a near-impossible mission. At some point a normal person will get frustrated of the constant refusals and stone-walling. Frohd isn't normal. he doesn't give up, even if the goal is something as absurd as getting Mistress to trust and relax around him. He keeps digging through all of her masks and nonsense, something that she, while out loud says is infuriating how nosey he is does actually appreciate. because she knows she is difficult. She can't help herself, it's automated most of it at this point. Having someone to be able to see and work through some of her acts enough for her to place actual, real trust in them is truly a precious thing. A thing that breaks very easily and has to be started all over again.

But Frohd Bek is a stubborn, stubborn man.

Edited by evergreenmind
I wrote this at 3 am and i'm not ok.
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Thanks. That was a good read, felt authentic, sad, amusing and endearing.

Cool couple.

More importantly, a real couple.

Something I hate about reading (and even writing) relationships is the loss of that complexity. Nice to see it present here. (The only "good" thing about House of Cards, for example, is the Underwood's relationship and loyalty to each other. Despite how evil they actually are. Again, relationship complexity is a bonus to our fictional characters.)

And as a difficult person, I can attest we appreciate the people who make it further than those who quit. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Rhekemi said:


How'd Mom take that boob window, Darvo?

Not well, but there was no time or posibility to change before the photo was taken.

1 hour ago, MissMarifire said:

I'd buy that MOA sweater that Frohd's wearing.

Gotta wonder how Darvo was able to get ahold of one of those keyhole sweaters, though.

It's DIY.  Clem helped cutting it.

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23 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

I'd buy that MOA sweater that Frohd's wearing.

Gotta wonder how Darvo was able to get ahold of one of those keyhole sweaters, though.

Read that too fast and too tired, thought you wanted Darvo's sweater and had to pause.

22 hours ago, evergreenmind said:

Not well, but there was no time or posibility to change before the photo was taken.

Ha. Also, not sure I've seen this mood on Asi's face before. Good details. I'd say she looks about as happy as she ever gets. It's a smile, but it's not ear-to-ear or as without burden as Frohd and Darvo's. And it's not a maniacal/wicked smile (which she's shown before).

At least, that's how I read her face.

Or she could be tipsy.

Either way, good profiles on all 3.

22 hours ago, evergreenmind said:

It's DIY.  Clem helped cutting it.

Clem must also be good at sewing. Interesting.

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7 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Read that too fast and too tired, thought you wanted Darvo's sweater and had to pause.

Ha. Also, not sure I've seen this mood on Asi's face before. Good details. I'd say she looks about as happy as she ever gets. It's a smile, but it's not ear-to-ear or as without burden as Frohd and Darvo's. And it's not a maniacal/wicked smile (which she's shown before).

At least, that's how I read her face.

Or she could be tipsy.

Either way, good profiles on all 3.

Clem must also be good at sewing. Interesting.

   It would be interesting to find out if Clem is an idiot savant of some fashion. Crude, dull, and mentally impaired, but capable of crocheting up a doily that makes elderly Corpussian women drop over in a Victorian-age feint. Even more comical if we find out that said doily (and sweater) is made out of 100% Aramid fibers.

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Just now, Drakeardian said:


Who knows. Darvo had the sweater in a coat hanger to make sure it stays clean, but he came back to the store Clem was all over it with scissors. They had to improvise on how to fix it.

When asked where Clem needed fabric, he said "clem". That should explain it.

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Just now, Drakeardian said:


Why not? Clem's shown himself to be an excellent knitter, looking at previous art of him. Question is, why would Frohd and Asimina allow their son in their presence with a keyhole sweater?

I mean, he looks great in it, but you'd think Frohd would be jealous about it, wouldn't he?

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1 hour ago, MissMarifire said:

Why not? Clem's shown himself to be an excellent knitter, looking at previous art of him. Question is, why would Frohd and Asimina allow their son in their presence with a keyhole sweater?

I mean, he looks great in it, but you'd think Frohd would be jealous about it, wouldn't he?

Like answered above, they didn't really had time to change him into anything better, he came in a bit late. Not that Frohd complains really. He loves to lowkey annoy his fellow Board member's socks off, what better way to do it than to send them a christmas card with the most wanted #1 - poster boy innit. They keyhole just adds flavor. Salt to be specific.

Mistress is just happy have her family in one piece again, even if it's only for the short time Frohd's fuse lasts. You can bet however that she sends a strongly worded message to his dear son later about appropriate wardrobes.


1 hour ago, Drakeardian said:


Oh, one more question.

What would Asima's thoughts be on Nidus?

In her words or otherwise maybe?

... Quite disgusting. A armor of the ancient Tenno binded with this ... world-eating virus - it is simply unnatural. But, at the same time, i must agree with Mr. Anyo - it is, truly beautiful in a disturbing and twisted way.

I must admit my inquiry towards this anomaly far exceeds the norm you would expect from one like me. I have for what is a considerable while now been yearning for .. shall we say a sample of this horrific plague. To be able to bind it into a more easily moldable, controllable form ... Or perhaps "tame" is a better phrase here. Yes. I have been searching for something to add into my prized collection of the most unique and valuable flora. Think of how mesmerizing it would be, to own a piece the most revolting organism known in the system, but bended and braided into my own will - into a gorgeous showcase of my powers.  

The Orokin had a name for the art of creating such alluring abominations: Nirasti Sundara - a beautiful destruction.

I have tried to get into contact with the small colony Perrin Sequence cradles that appears to have a shimmer of talent that could aide me in this - but Mr. Glast has been rather ... adamant on keeping me form reaching negotiations.

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11 minutes ago, heskaroid said:

Unsure if anyone asked a similar question but, how does Asimina feel about the Index? You know, it's quite similar to Raathum and that place symbolizes Grineer barbarism.

Considering Mistress is not exactly infatuated with Nef Anyo in general, it's safe to say she doesn't enjoy it greatly.

But same way Rathuum symbolizes the brutality of Grineer, Index shows the greed of Corpus. And Mistress is one of Corpus, after all. She will use Index to her advance if it brings her Profit. It's also pretty great place to lose some people deemed not worth of her time anymore.  

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