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Bring 2 (Possibly 3) Melee To Mission?


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I could make my primary and secondary gun having different build to deal with different enemy

but I could not do that with melee because I could only bring 1 melee weapon

is there any possibility to allow us to bring 2 different type(I mean type, not weapon, so there is less clipping issue when holster) using the secondary slot and melee slot? or bring all 3 slot melee so I could be weapon master?


refined concept:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/527069-weapon-load-out-change-concept-bring-more-gunsmelee-into-missions/

Edited by akira_him
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Sooo like Dakra P across your back and Fang primes on your hip? I can dig it.


Whilst this would be pretty damn cool I doubt it'll be something DE consider doing, when melee weapons get a proper buff (Activates Mind Control on DE) then I doubt you'll need to worry about the elemental damage on it that much.


Would be cool, but unlikely to happen.

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I've seen this suggestion a few times and as a melee-only Tenno, I support it!


If we dare to push it further and say that each stance would unlock a "switch-combo" when you equip 2 or more melee weapons. Which would switch your melee from one to another, continuing your combo with the 2nd melee.

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So... you want to switch between different builds during a mission? How is that fair or even balanced?


No, you would still have only three builds to work with, only now two of them are melee and one is long range. And if you wanted two builds of the same weapon you would need two of that weapon.

Plus, you sacrifice your bleedout free firing for another melee.

I could dig this, really. Bring two Nikana on a mission like Teshin. Show him how it's done.


The only problem I see is how the eventual charge attacks will be implemented.

Edited by Lukap99
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