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What I Had To Say To My Clan That I'm Not Happy About At All


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as the clan grows they will need to repair their rooms with extra resources in order to use that particular room again.This answer you question?


Another terrible idea.


So, basically, you could have all rooms unlocked and then with the addition of new members you will essentially need to put more work in to get the rooms functional again?


All this will do is deter people from adding new clan mates!

Edited by Hazzerone
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Another terrible idea.


So, basically, you could have all rooms unlocked and then with the addition of new members you will essentially need to put more work in to get the rooms functional again?


All this will do is deter people from adding new clan mates!

oh yea :T
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Your gameplay experience is not more important then a player in a large clan. If you choose to stick to a small group or not grow into a larger group that is fine, but you better not expect to be able to power through content like a clan who did decide to grow.

Blatantfool, with all due respect, a small clans game play is no less important than larger clans either.

The op did not talk about wanting to power through content, he was indicating dojo's and in-game weapons were out of reach due to the overall cost verses clan ability to pay/complete game content.

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You know if they removed the forma gate I would not care how many resources it takes to build, me and my clan would grind it out. Atm, screw that system.


Also why the hell do you want to have a clan that is so big that it incurs those penalties? I mean really, is there any logical reason for it to exist outside of serving a few cultural phenomena or fandoms? Because I don't see one, right now the only reason these mega clans exist is because the system is geared to support them exclusively with nothing below an insane level of players expected to be viable.

Edited by Ageless_Emperion
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Have any of you tried actually recruiting to a small clan now? Everyone and their brother is joining some big mob clan at this point for the dojo benefits.

Yep, my clan started up 4 days ago, starting with just myself.

Now have about 60ish members iirc.


The first day was slow, but it picked up eventually

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This is a mechanic which intentionally significantly discourages small clans. Are there people which believe this is a good thing? I left my clan to join a bigger one so I could enjoy the new content. I was the leader of my old clan, I had been playing various games with them for about a year. I feel like a business owner who got crushed by wal mart and had to take a crap job there.

I mean, I like my new clan, but I wish I could've competed on my own terms. I would take me months to do what they've done in days. I guess I don't understand the person that looks at this and says, "Good, that was the plan." All the dojo building gets done so fast I don't even feel like I've banded together with my new clan to accomplish anything. It just happens while I'm not looking.

Edited by V3G3T4BL3
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So.. i usually play warframe in solo runs or with a few friends i know in real life and i hang out with. Why is that? This(though wonderful)game is not the best-able product for socialization on the market. There is no explorable world where you meet people and talk and interact with them. How many times you had a conversation with other players during a game?? You often don't even speak the same language of the other players you end up with. Second but not least problem: If i play "online" 8 times out of 10 i have severe latency issues.. which is not happening with my friends who lives two steps from home..

What would be the point for us to join a huge clan full of strangers with whom i can't even enjoy a run because of the latency or communications difficulties? The clan dojo is a very good trait of the game coming along with the possibility of customizing it, of shaping it placing rooms where you like it better etc.. It is a great added value to the game.. but it's thrown away by forcing a throng of people in a single clan with just a handful of architects that can enjoy the feature imho..

Edited by Caspase
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I see this as small clans being given the shaft by DE, plain & simple.


There is no way any clan less than 100-150 members minimum can even begin to use the dojo at its fullest potential. Sparring room and thats about it. Everything else ( especially the weapons, which should be included for FRIGGIN CREDITS in the market) is just too damn expensive.


This reminds me of Pre-expansion World Of Warcraft, where unless you're in an uber-hardcore raiding guild, you're left with crappy gear and have to rely on grinding PvP for a decent set of equipment.

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I see this as small clans being given the shaft by DE, plain & simple.


There is no way any clan less than 100-150 members minimum can even begin to use the dojo at its fullest potential. Sparring room and thats about it. Everything else ( especially the weapons, which should be included for FRIGGIN CREDITS in the market) is just too damn expensive.


This reminds me of Pre-expansion World Of Warcraft, where unless you're in an uber-hardcore raiding guild, you're left with crappy gear and have to rely on grinding PvP for a decent set of equipment.

Why should the weapons unlocked through dojo be availble with credits in the market? This just defeats the whole purpose of even researching the weapons...

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If I knew I would be getting locked out of items just because I don't want to be in a clan there's no way I would have bought a founders pack. The dojo crap I couldn't care less about, but why make weapons exclusive to people who are in large clans?


Luckily for me I'm not one of these people who have to get the newest stuff right away so I still have plenty of content to go through before this becomes an issue for me, but eventually being forced to join a clan simply to gain access to some content is perhaps the worst "feature" I have ever seen implemented into a game.

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Read the OP, but didn't read the rest of the thread. Simply put, I'm in a small clan of just friends. (Usually 8 active players a day), and we still manage to get atleast 2 or 3 nodes done a day. Because we know where to farm and we all work together. Small clans can manage with the Dojo's with experience. Do defense missions, fight only till wave 5 or 10, break the containers in the level (They added a lot more containers in Defense Missions since GU8). It's not all that hard to gather components now. The component drop rate was increased slightly with the addition of Dojos.

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It is in my humble opinion that games such as PSO, Warframe, Diablo, so on are best categorized by the old age 90s term: MPOG - Multi-Player Only/Online Game.

The only "massive" part of MMO applicable in these is the size of the player database and length of UserID# strings.


PSO and Diablo are different games than Warframe. Warframe's core mechanics are closest to Vindictus. But being a shooter, Warframe also still behaves like any other MMOFPS/TPS, aside from the PvP aspect.


You'll find Warframe on every MMO site that exists. (Along with PSO2, which is a fun game) Because it's like other MMOs, because it fits what an MMO is, because it's simple that way. Because most people aren't going to go out of their way, for whatever reason, to find some aspect that may or may not make it something different.


Terrible idea. Opens up a loophole.


Simply have a number of your members leave the clan, then join back a few days later. Bam. You just unlocked all content fast as hell as a small clan. Completely broken idea.


How intelligent and constructive.


My suggestion was spur of the moment, but it was a suggestion and it was constructive. You suggest something.



Why should the weapons unlocked through dojo be availble with credits in the market? This just defeats the whole purpose of even researching the weapons...


Because we make them and then sell them to ourselves so we can make them! Because... be.. cause... something...


This thread makes me have to pee.

Edited by FatalX7
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PSO and Diablo are different games than Warframe. Warframe's core mechanics are closest to Vindictus. But being a shooter, Warframe also still behaves like any other MMOFPS/TPS, aside from the PvP aspect.


You'll find Warframe on every MMO site that exists. (Along with PSO2, which is a fun game) Because it's like other MMOs, because it fits what an MMO is, because it's simple that way. Because most people aren't going to go out of their way, for whatever reason, to find some aspect that may or may not make it something different.

Lol, Vindictus isnt an MMO either (they like to pretend they are though), they are MPOGs with some MMO aspects thrown in. Vindictus has even more MMO aspects but still isnt an MMO, which has a large persistent world that grows and evolves regardless of if the player is there and large player groups and cities define an mmo, especially these days. As of right now, Warframe doesnt fit that, and because of its small squad sizes puts it int the MPOG category. Just because they're on an MMO site doesnt make them one, blacklight ret isnt an MMO either but its on there too, does that magically make it one? no. Diablo and PSO are very similar in many aspects to warframe, I'm friends with many seasoned vets of both of those games, several of which have played them for around a decade or more, and i myself have had a fair amount of time in them aswell, we all agree that Warframe fits on the same realm as them. PSO2 even has a very similar feel to warframe, i been playing that since CB, and that is a MPOG by definition aswell(tends to have more MMO aspects aswell, but still not quite the same)

Edited by Ecotox
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And again, still talking about RPGs.


Vindictus is an MMOG or MMOAG. Massive Multiplayer Online Game/Action Game.

if by MMO you mean tons of peopl can play it at once or it has a market sure, but the only thing that fits MMO in vindi is the 24man royal raids, other than that it functions in much the same way as any other MPOG be it PSO, Diablo, etc.

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if by MMO you mean tons of peopl can play it at once or it has a market sure, but the only thing that fits MMO in vindi is the 24man royal raids, other than that it functions in much the same way as any other MPOG be it PSO, Diablo, etc.


Wow, I never thought that my years of playing and testing would open my mind this much.


RPG, such as WoW or Guild Wars, (to be less technical about it, since anything can be classified as a Role-Playing Game) are only one genre of MMO. Trying to continuously apply it to games of different genre is laughable.


MMOs aren't so simple and as limited as you think.



Edited by FatalX7
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Wow, I never thought that my years of playing and testing would open my mind this much.


RPG, such as WoW or Guild Wars, (to be less technical about it, since anything can be classified as a Role-Playing Game) are only one genre of MMO. Trying to continuously apply it to games of different genre is laughable.


MMOs aren't so simple and as limited as you think.



I know the definition and i been playing MUDs, MMO, etc for almost 15yrs, Vindictus, Warframe, PSO, all are MPOGs. There isnt a sever generated persistent world, its massive multiplayer in the aspect of the number of concurrent players, but they dont play on the warframe server, they are on a host-client model vs a server-client model of an MMO. MMO are defined by large and evolving, economy, worlds, etc., not just by the number of concurrent players

Edited by Ecotox
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There isnt a sever generated persistent world


What is it that compels you to repeat this over and over, no matter how many times I state that that is part of one genre and that we're not talking about that.


You know there are sports, racing and other types of casual MMOs, right? Those don't have persistent worlds, (mostly) but are still MMOs.

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Community Moderator Blatantfool,


I humbly suggest you step off your soap box and re-read your post and examine if anything constructive can be gleaned from your post.


You post here under the badge of some authority, yet talk down to a PAYING contrubutor like he/she were a insolent dog soiling a carpet, demening him for bringing up a very real issue with regards to Dojo construction.


Warframe is going through some growing pains right now, but those pains arent helped any when people like yourself, who should be encouraging the existing players to keep with it, condescend and belittle customers.


We are customers by the way. It's good business sense to not forget where your money comes from.


In at least one MMO I can think of, Guild halls (Dojo Equivalent) come in 3 sizes with 3 different costs to buy and 3 different costs to maintain.

It's a very logical concept, the more people using a facility, the larger it would need to be. the reverse is true for small groups.


Couldn't have said it any better myself.

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 It is unreasonable to ask DE to hold the hand of smaller clans. By making it easier for you they devalue the work of thousands of players who are in larger clans.


 Your gameplay experience is not more important then a player in a large clan. If you choose to stick to a small group or not grow into a larger group that is fine, but you better not expect to be able to power through content like a clan who did decide to grow.


 This isn't even a new concept. Guilds/Clans are like this in nearly every game with very few exceptions.

AMEN!! Have I told you yet today how much I love you Blatant... Well I do. This much...   [_______]

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AMEN!! Have I told you yet today how much I love you Blatant... Well I do. This much...   [_______]


You seem to be one of few, if not the only, who possess this sentiment in regards to the responses he posted in this thread.

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