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Mag's Shield Polarize Overused


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It amazes me how people are defending the Shield Polarize just because "Wääh, Mag would be thrash without it!!!"


First of all an ability that is completely OP against one faction and simply useless against others is not okay in my books. It's very simple to use, and requires no effort to pull it out. Just keep pressing that 2 key every now and then in a Corpus mission and everything will be more or less dead. Use it against another faction and you will do nothing.


Mag needs a complete rework for her abilities INCLUDING the Shield Polarize, it's just simply bad and broken. They need to add it to work against all factions, but keep it most effective against Corpus.


Pull is probably the only ability in her kit which is "fine" at the moment. All other three skills could use a major revamp.


ITT; People crying to keep a broken ability in the game because the frame itself sucks. Logic.


Yeah, your post is basically a summary of what I have been saying so far.


Sice the theme is magnetism, it's okay for Mag to do better against the corpus. Hoever, very weak against something and utterly destroying something else is wrong on a whole different level. That even spurs players negatively to have stats like 85% of the kills being only Corpus.

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I understand what you were saying but as a founder you should know that mag has always been a Corpus destroyer. There are several frames that used to be like that: Ember in the old days with a max range and power build literally murdered the infested (not so much now due to how damage works now).


I don't think so. I agree that frames should be different and they all should have their pros/cons against different enemies. But a simple one ability that nukes every Corpus in a ~30 meter radius is not something I would keep in the game. It's simply boring and broken.


Having more utility rather than pure damage is much, much better. Shield Polarize should be more about polarizing the shields and less about nuking their health at the same time.

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Leaving Shield Polarize as it is would obviously defeat the whole point of my post. Balance all the abilities, means tone down SP and tone up the others, that is what I meant.



     What should be balanced here before everything else is your ego and thickness of the skull.


Stomp or any other ability can be used to maximum effect if it got range and can kill lvl 10 enemies. You go 5-10 minutes and repeat.




   I mean JESUS!@#$, you are so bothered by some no life kids doing farm frame 20 hours a day having more kills then you and this is your solution.


I'll give you a firendly advice.. For the sake of us that still like Warframe after more then 2 years, and more importantly for your sake... just...



Uninstall the game.

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I repeat yet again SP isn't the problem. The abbilitie is not used to get that many kills I mainly bring mag because of her pull it makes life alot easier if I don't need to run around that much to get the resources

I use pull and her 4th to get the kills.

Any frame can be used to get the kills but as I said before mag just makes things easier

Don't just start begging for a nerf when you don't even know how to get the kills.

If you just go to the forums and ask for NERFS NERFS NERFS NERFS you are not helping any1.

Because then DE will nerf mag then what? We will just bring another frame to get the kills and then you will start another thread saying that something else needs to get nerfed. And this will happen over and over again until we can't even kill a lvl 1 enemie.

Next time please do some research before starting some salty thread asking for an unneeded nerf. Doing that won't makent things better at all.

mag just doesn't need another nerf.

Also just look at Draco. They nerfed exceal but people started using mesa. They nerfed gpull and people started using limbo/Trinity. Frames aren't even the problem most of the time it's either the node or the insane dedication to find the easiest way to farm. (sorry for my English)

Then what? Another nerf would RUIN her. People that use the only ability she has left loose any reason to defend her further, defend her useless, dead kit for ONE ABILITY and we might all find a common ground for a much needet rework.

Seriously. I like where this is going.

You are right on that part tho, the reason might just be a different then you'd expect.

I allready mentioned this a couple times on recent mesa threads.. evry reason to complain roots in the flawed base of warframe. The missing variety.

Whatever you do, you're allways against crowds. 3 types of crowds that all have theyr weaknesses but still crowds. Mag is for corpus what saryn is for grineer or ember is for infested. A very specific mage that dominates in his spart. (Mesa just covers them all) Thing is, not evry frame is build to be a mage or even work on crowds. Why would frames need to be bulky when you die in endgame content anyways?(valkyrs and chromas basestats/kit) Why would frames need to support singletarget damage if thers only crowds? (Example for this might be a duration mirage or saryn...)

Having frames with different bases, frames that work better or worse not only depending on the fraction (void is a mix anyway) but also depending on the enemy constelation, frames that work better or worse in they ROLES are NO PROBLEM for a game on the right base! (The base evry other mmo/rpg has) This is not the case in warframe and the root of evry unsatisfaction.


Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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My post wasn't about picking a side and trying to win a discussion.


    Your core problem comes from trying to reach kills stats with normal play versus farm frame that is playing the game in the most unhealthy, soon to be burned out, repeat the same mission for 5 minutes 1000 times over, play 20 hours a day, nolifers way. 


   And out of all that, you came to a conclusion that shield polarize is the problem. Take it away, another frame and another ability will easily take its place. If the title of the topic was mag rework, then let's discuss. But nerf threads that come from not a wish for balance but something much more subjective and petty are plague of WF forums.


  Not having  wisdom to at least hide your true reasons is as smart as changing shield polarize so that they would rack up less kills. Mag is, was the corpus/void Nemesis. Some work can be done, but for the most part in the realm of all factions she is balanced.  



    You got a problem with their riches.. play the game as much as they do and in their way. Do it for a week, see if you will think of the Warframe the same way. I do have a big problem with nerf threads that come from petty reasons, and even though DE will not take any action in response to them in any way, shape or form, they annoy me to heavens, just like you are annoyed that kids are beating you in leaderboards, none the less...

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You said that they rushed the re-work, but a small change to an ability cannot be called re-work. When they finally give us the literal re-work, then it will be the time to judge. So far, DE has put a lot of good effort into the re-works, so I can't say that they will rush it and make it bad.

I bracketed the word rework for a reason, also in the edit I specified what I meant exactly, being that they are reworking him (hopefully) but they brought in the first nerf before releasing the full rework, which is the very, very wrong part about all of that.

In addition to the above clarification, you may remember that recently a rework priority list was revealed and Volt did not appear there, neither did Mag.


That said, while your suggestion about tweaking Maggie's SP is not necessarily wrong, you are probably forgetting how DE has handled the last changes (not fixes, but changes), Volt's being just an example.



Even though I am going to bring Excalibur example up, leave your toxicity about the syndicate mods nerf OUT of this thread.



I would like to remind you that the last rework (Excalibur's) was SO awesome when it came out period.

A little while after, they completely annihilated his mid to high level survivabilty capabilities by changing the parry mechanics when stamina has been removed and, let me add, they knew what they were doing VERY well, it was NOT an accidental debuff.


So, my point still stands: it would be wise to NOT give DE reasons to change Warframes on the rush (or nerf them to the ground after reworks...) but instead give them time for a full solid rework.

This kind of thread, instead, only risks to attract the overly anti-exploit (<-which is right, but not in this case) instinct of DE's where it does not belong, thereby possibly bringing us a rushed modification to Mag.

I hope the reason of my concerns has been explained properly now.

Edited by PKommander
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Why not like evrything else? I want the old pull back and finisher damage on crush!


Which "old" pull?

The "old pull" I remember was single target a la switch teleport. Actually saved my butt a decent amount of times by competent Mag players when I was bleeding out.

Finisher damage on crush seems nice though.

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Which "old" pull?

The "old pull" I remember was single target a la switch teleport. Actually saved my butt a decent amount of times by competent Mag players when I was bleeding out.

Finisher damage on crush seems nice though.

That was the first execution. The prototype of the now present pull didn't scatter enemys but pulled them to your feet what offered great melee support and tactical possibilitys. This was MUCH better and was nerfed for no reason. Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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I bracketed the word rework for a reason, also in the edit I specified what I meant exactly, being that they are reworking him (hopefully) but they brought in the first nerf before releasing the full rework, which is the very, very wrong part about all of that.

In addition to the above clarification, you may remember that recently a rework priority list was revealed and Volt did not appear there, neither did Mag.


That said, while your suggestion about tweaking Maggie's SP is not necessarily wrong, you are probably forgetting how DE has handled the last changes (not fixes, but changes), Volt's being just an example.


I kinda see what they wanna do to Volt and that is making the Electric Shield less effectivie than what it is now and making everything else more useful. Not sure how I feel about that, it's too soon to judge.


I would like to remind you that the last rework (Excalibur's) was SO awesome when it came out period.

A little while after, they completely annihilated his mid to high level survivabilty capabilities by changing the parry mechanics when stamina has been removed and, let me add, they knew what they were doing VERY well, it was NOT an accidental debuff.


So, my point still stands: it would be wise to NOT give DE reasons to change Warframes on the rush (or nerf them to the ground after reworks...) but instead give them time for a full solid rework.

This kind of thread, instead, only risks to attract the overly anti-exploit (<-which is right, but not in this case) instinct of DE's where it does not belong, thereby possibly bringing us a rushed modification to Mag.

I hope the reason of my concerns has been explained properly now.


There is no such thing as perfect parrying in the game anymore (except while channeling), so it was natural that Excalibur would follow that. Otherwise it would be blatantly OP, to make him completely skip the channeling part.

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There is no such thing as perfect parrying in the game anymore (except while channeling), so it was natural that Excalibur would follow that. Otherwise it would be blatantly OP, to make him completely skip the channeling part.

Parrying while channeling to block all damage is not an option mid to high level, I'm sure you are aware of that if you even tried to play Excal for 40 mins in a survival after the stamina removal, so unless they change channeling (or parrying again) I don't see how can you validate that (not saying you do though).

I made my point, that's all I care.

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If I am to be frank with you.....that won't happen. You will, at best, be staying on to 20k kills per day.

After all, Stomp lacks a couple of things. The fist one is damage. By the time the spawns will increase, the enemies may be high enough level to not die in one hit. The second factor is spammability. Since Stomp has a timer, you cannot re-cast it until that timer runs out. All in all, Stomp won't get you anywhere. And not only Stomp, looking at the results, that is obviously true for every other damage ability out there.

Shield polarize is corpus only of a nuke, in void, the drones give shield, but not enough to nuke until endlessness, as the armor of them Grineer increases stupidly, SP will tickle them only, try mag against Grineer, and tell us how op it is

If we will have a killer for one faction only, it better be damn good at it, we don't need more hydroids, leave mag alone

Edited by Bizzaro21
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Shield polarize is corpus only of a nuke, in void, the drones give shield, but not enough to nuke until endlessness, as the armor of them Grineer increases stupidly, SP will tickle them only, try mag against Grineer, and tell us how op it is

If we will have a killer for one faction only, it better be damn good at it, we don't need more hydroids, leave mag alone

Yeah, sure. Let's have Saryn and Ember nuke the Grineer and Infested with a simple one press of the key 2. Let's give them a "copy & paste" version of SP as well.

After all this game is all about pressing one key and killing all enemies.

How about a simple rework which would keep Mag effective against the Corpus, but actually make her viable against other factions as well. You people are so narrow minded with your thinking.

Edited by Judqment8
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The thing with mag is, she scales with the amount of shield the enemy has, meaning that you could one shot enemies at ANY LEVEL, which no other warframe is able to do. you could practically go endless with her if you can get rid of nullifiers somehow. All corpus units have more shield than health (except oxium osprey i think, which also have armor) and you need 200% strength to take of all their shield to destroy their hp. I think, she really needs an overall rework that makes her viable not only in corpus.

(Or give us some other frames that are extremely effective against other factions)

Edited by Boltwin
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Yeah, sure. Let's have Saryn and Ember nuke the Grineer and Infested with a simple one press of the key 2. Let's give them a "copy & paste" version of SP as well.

After all this game is all about pressing one key and killing all enemies.

How about a simple rework which would keep Mag effective against the Corpus, but actually make her viable against other factions as well. You people are so narrow minded with your thinking.

I can`t tell if you being sarcastic or serious


if you are serious, I say this as reply:

Ember can`t nuke anything, she is squishy and needs time to kill unless using 2nd with 4th

saryn already does, but with key 4 instead

you find her un-viable on other factions? try her, just, try her with full range and effeceincy, spam 1 and shoot them down, I soloed many many Grineer missions with her when I had a limited amount of frames, she was my no.1 that would take to void, infested, grineer, and anything else...

Gpull made her great against any faction even more, but DE had to kick that out instead of reworking it to not pull energy and ammo -.-

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I can`t tell if you being sarcastic or serious


if you are serious, I say this as reply:

Ember can`t nuke anything, she is squishy and needs time to kill unless using 2nd with 4th

saryn already does, but with key 4 instead

you find her un-viable on other factions? try her, just, try her with full range and effeceincy, spam 1 and shoot them down, I soloed many many Grineer missions with her when I had a limited amount of frames, she was my no.1 that would take to void, infested, grineer, and anything else...

Gpull made her great against any faction even more, but DE had to kick that out instead of reworking it to not pull energy and ammo -.-


He was sarcastic of course. Exactly by his point, if there was one frame that could do that to the other factions it would have been dumb. One button press to kill them all is never a good idea, it needs to have limitations. Even overused frames like Mesa has limitations, like LoS, low damage, kill speed (not instantly kill them all).


And GPull didn't made Mag more effective against anything. It made Mag the "cool kid" everyone wanted to be with. With the current GPull, Mag has lost nothing of it's own power, so I don't consider that a nerf.

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He was sarcastic of course. Exactly by his point, if there was one frame that could do that to the other factions it would have been dumb. One button press to kill them all is never a good idea, it needs to have limitations. Even overused frames like Mesa has limitations, like LoS, low damage, kill speed (not instantly kill them all).


And GPull didn't made Mag more effective against anything. It made Mag the "cool kid" everyone wanted to be with. With the current GPull, Mag has lost nothing of it's own power, so I don't consider that a nerf.

agreed, but Corpus are under rated, without mag, they are impossible to keep up with, I have tried mag-less runs, at calisto-Jupiter, without her, we were raped at round 7, and failed, with her, we got to 12, and it wasn`t brain dead, the guy was dying for power, and we were dying from a single MOA hit, literally, trin with link didn`t take 3 detron shots to say bye


the nerf was for Gpull, not mag, Mag is still untouched to me, and I didn`t use Gpull that much anyway, she has lost only one thing with this nerf to Gpull, an extension to her support for the team, but her support still is great

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Shield polarize is one of the only scaling AoE nukes in the game. It makes Mag useful for specific types of missions.


You might consider that this is not just an issue of it being overly effective against corpus, but instead a failing of other abilities to scale usefully. See: Ember, Saryn, Volt, Oberon, and any other "Caster" frame or damage ability in general.


That said, the rest of the thread has a point, this is a dumb argument to pick and a dumb frame to choose to pick on. It may not be balanced in your eyes, but it isn't impacting PvP negatively (And can be separately tuned there), and isn't limiting anyone's choices. 


Just like grineer exterminations go faster with Saryn, and infested with Ember, so do corpus with Mag.

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The thing with mag is, she scales with the amount of shield the enemy has, meaning that you could one shot enemies at ANY LEVEL, which no other warframe is able to do. you could practically go endless with her if you can get rid of nullifiers somehow. All corpus units have more shield than health (except oxium osprey i think, which also have armor) and you need 200% strength to take of all their shield to destroy their hp. I think, she really needs an overall rework that makes her viable not only in corpus.

(Or give us some other frames that are extremely effective against other factions)


You are talking some serious BS here. If you have to go 200% power strength then every aspect / other mods would have to give way, making Mag suck more. This is essentially a 'pro & con' game. Try SP without corrupted mods, and you will know that SP does NOT kill any enemy with shields.

Edited by Raven_Face
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There's a reason why people don't consider the leaderboards as an actual thing. It only calculates the number of kills as opposed to the difficulty, faction and level. This means I could go to a level 10-20 mission and spam it continuously to get myself on the leaderboards but I won't simply because it's not worth the time and effort.

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