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Mag's Shield Polarize Overused


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I pretty much use the whole kit of Mag but my build forces me to rely on everything else except the bullet attractor since Pull, Polarize and Crush all relies only on damage and range mods. Not saying that the bullet attractor is useless but it is highly situational and best augment for it would be that it captures enemies in to the dome until the BA affected enemy dies or duration gets to the end.

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So here you go, this finally clears up all of this mess -

I tested the thing myself and I can use multiple frames to get an impressive kill ratio


Thanks for the heads up. I honestly had no idea.


I initially started the thread to bring into light something wrong, as there was no way to that amount of kills would have been normal. However I do hesitate to modify the original post. This thread got very popular and if a lot of people take note of the exploit, all hell might break loose.


I am also positive that the ones that do it a lot have macros for it, otherwise it would be impossible to do it all day long. Now the ones that kept bashing me for the whole thread should notice why I said that pressing some keys to kill them all indefinitely is never a good idea. The "hardcore" players that do that don't even play the game and still have the best results.

So even after it is cleared up that the issue are spawns and not SP or any other skill, you still don't reconsider?

I mean even though we may agree that most many Warframes are in dire need of a rework, my points just acquired a lot more validity than before, with this...bug (?) been brought to light.

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I'm not sure what to make of this thread.  Mag's 2 is very powerful against Corpus.  Although it did very briefly shine when Shield Transference first came out, it's not especially strong in most content which does not include Corpus units.  That it is very much use ought not to indicate it's in any way too powerful (even though DE does seem to enjoy jumping to conclusions about stuff that is being consistently used).

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I'm not sure what to make of this thread.  Mag's 2 is very powerful against Corpus.  Although it did very briefly shine when Shield Transference first came out, it's not especially strong in most content which does not include Corpus units.  That it is very much use ought not to indicate it's in any way too powerful (even though DE does seem to enjoy jumping to conclusions about stuff that is being consistently used).


That is the reason most people tend to overlook it and direct their attention to inferior choices, like Mesa. "Meh, it's only good against corpus, weak....". That is a very narrow minded view. It utterly destroys only corpus? No problem, play only against corpus. Use all the macros possible and gain a lot of wealth while you don't even touch the keyboard.


If there were frames that could utterly destroy grineer or infested of any level just by pressing a key and crap against anything else, that would have been a very dumb idea.

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That is the reason most people tend to overlook it and direct their attention to inferior choices, like Mesa. "Meh, it's only good against corpus, weak....". That is a very narrow minded view. It utterly destroys only corpus? No problem, play only against corpus. Use all the macros possible and gain a lot of wealth while you don't even touch the keyboard.


If there were frames that could utterly destroy grineer or infested of any level just by pressing a key and crap against anything else, that would have been a very dumb idea.


I'm still not sure what the issue is to be honest.  Ember is the anti-Infested Frame, and Saryn is the anti-Grineer Frame.  So, those already exist.

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Thanks for the heads up. I honestly had no idea.


I initially started the thread to bring into light something wrong, as there was no way to that amount of kills would have been normal. However I do hesitate to modify the original post. This thread got very popular and if a lot of people take note of the exploit, all hell might break loose.


I am also positive that the ones that do it a lot have macros for it, otherwise it would be impossible to do it all day long. Now the ones that kept bashing me for the whole thread should notice why I said that pressing some keys to kill them all indefinitely is never a good idea. The "hardcore" players that do that don't even play the game and still have the best results.


Your thread, your decision. However, do note that this exploit hasn't been fixed so far because no one reported it. I won't point any fingers, but some people in this thread knew about this method - or similar ones - but kept quiet about it. I don't have a problem with people farming efficiently, but I take issue with bot farming. The best way to draw DE's attention to this is to generate some noise, and then they can check their internal tracker and figure out which nodes are being used to do this.


Also, this particular way of exploiting the spawn rate doesn't depend on shield polarize. It's a really low level node, so you can easily kill with both pull and crush. SP is just the most-cost efficient way of doing it.


Finally, OP is completely off the mark as far as identifying the problem. You don't want to publicize the exploit, but you want to draw attention to a non-issue that might lead to Mag's best ability getting the nerf hammer?

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Finally, OP is completely off the mark as far as identifying the problem. You don't want to publicize the exploit, but you want to draw attention to a non-issue that might lead to Mag's best ability getting the nerf hammer?


After I thought carefully about it, I edited my original post with enough information that hopefully will point DE in the right direction. It's out of my hands now.

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To be honest. This topic is next level $&*&*#(%&. You are not able to see the forest for the trees at all.

DE changed the spawn for survival missions. To do so, they changed the spawnlogic overall. which is why this particular change had/has an impact on any mission typ. And some intelligent players recognized this change and found out how to use it in a very efficient way.


Some minor intelligent and short minded players think that mag is the problem. which is why they talk crap about anything they dont understand (yet) on the forums.


And if mag gets a nerf i d switch to another frame and chesa/carrier to walk around every 20 minutes. but mag wont get a nerf. we had a mag/excal/trinity nerf back the day(Old Viver). The S#&$storm forced DE to reverse the change. And that was teh right desicion. They changed warframes for 1 node which was silly.

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To be honest. This topic is next level $&*&*#(%&. You are not able to see the forest for the trees at all.

DE changed the spawn for survival missions. To do so, they changed the spawnlogic overall. which is why this particular change had/has an impact on any mission typ. And some intelligent players recognized this change and found out how to use it in a very efficient way.


Some minor intelligent and short minded players think that mag is the problem. which is why they talk crap about anything they dont understand (yet) on the forums.


And if mag gets a nerf i d switch to another frame and chesa/carrier to walk around every 20 minutes. but mag wont get a nerf. we had a mag/excal/trinity nerf back the day(Old Viver). The S#&$storm forced DE to reverse the change. And that was teh right desicion. They changed warframes for 1 node which was silly.


There is nothing short-minded about it. There are 2 absolute truths about all this that I have underlined from the very start:

1. They use Mag and only Mag to do it, simply because it's not worth it with anything else.

2. They use the Shield Polarize to do it, because it's the easiest to just make a Bot for, and forget about the game while the loot flows.


If Mag only was not to be responsible for this, then it would not be painted all over the Leaderboards with millions of kills per player weekly. You see no other frame aside from Mag there. If that does not spell "unnatural" then I could be called blind.


Also, I could not care less if Mag gets a nerf/rework or not. I just want to see this exploit fixed, one way or another.

Edited by -BM-StormVanguard
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There is nothing short-minded about it. There are 2 absolute truths about all this that I have underlined from the very start:

1. They use Mag and only Mag to do it, simply because it's not worth it with anything else.

2. They use the Shield Polarize to do it, because it's the easiest to just make a Bot for, and forget about the game while the loot flows.


If Mag only was not to be responsible for this, then it would not be painted all over the Leaderboards with millions of kills per player weekly. You see no other frame aside from Mag there. If that does not spell "unnatural" then I could be called blind.


Yes you are blind. It's possible in a rewarding way since DE changed the spawn logic.

And i guess you wont change your opinion on this topic at all because it s a sign of weakness to admit that you are wrong. It would be embarrasing for you. Which is the reason why you insist on the "absolute truth" of your false claims. But, dont worry that s the human nature.


I wont worry either. DE wont change 1 particular frame for 1 particular node again. They did this mistake once. which is why they changed the mission types (Interception and Excavation) instead of particular warframes.

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I wont worry either. DE wont change 1 particular frame for 1 particular node again. They did this mistake once. which is why they changed the mission types (Interception and Excavation) instead of particular warframes.


I really hope you are right, though if there's botting going on that should definitely be stopped

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What proof do you want more, aside from what has been discussed already? There are players that get millions of kills weekly and they don't even play the game to do that. They use exploits and bots to do it.

No no, you said there was a trade impact from all this.  I wanted proof and so far you've given me opinion and hyperbole. 

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Oh, if mag will loses her prowess in corpus/corrupted which faction will she be great for? I mean mag is legitimately defined by her 2nd ability, polarize as in to divide charges sharply whilst creating dipoles or multipoles which in the terms of the game it is the shields. Her name will lose its meaning if it results to either not removing shields or not granting shields or decreasing its polarizing moment; it's like replacing the electric magnets for bullet trains with refrigerator magnets. What about higher tier missions e.g level 200+ enemies? Also, mag is very accessible to everyone (including the new players) compared to other spammy warframes such as mesa etc. And shield polarize does much damage than her fourth ability, losing so much competence will render her almost:


©rukkhh or to whom this fantastic work belongs. 
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Quoting myself for context:



Aaaaand I was right:



It would be nice if you could edit the original post with this information OP. 10 pages for something that is obviously impossible without an exploit...

This is just vexing. The blasted farmers are tagging other players with them. Now non-farmers might also have to suffer from this. 

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No no, you said there was a trade impact from all this.  I wanted proof and so far you've given me opinion and hyperbole. 


I see, you wanted an answer to that.


Since I don't personally know any of the ones that do that, it's only conjuncture on my part. But think about it, what reason would you have to go as far as to make the PC farm by itself, if not greed? With 10k kills per hour on average, the resulting fusion resources would be indeed enough to tilt the balance of the market, since there are quite a few players that do that and soon a lot more.

Edited by -BM-StormVanguard
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I see, you wanted an answer to that.


Since I don't personally know any of the ones that do that, it's only conjuncture on my part. But think about it, what reason would you have to go as far as to make the PC farm by itself, if not greed? With 10k kills per hour on average, the resulting fusion resources would be indeed enough to tilt the balance of the market, since there are quite a few players that do that and soon a lot more.

Boredom and personal challenge are the reasons I've seen. 


A lot of the 'hardcore' players that do that kind of thing are bored and want a better challenge.  Most of the time that comes from obscene min/maxing and seeing just how far they can push a node with a team set up or specific 'frame. 


If you can get proof that the goal of getting those kinds of kills is to tamper with the market, I will support a Mag change 100% but not if it's just supposition that someone might be doing something, possibly, if you think about it. 


Personally, the 'frame is fine.  It's the game that needs some tweaking to make it more enjoyable to play, provide more of a challenge beyond 'how can I break this map' and get rid of the farming mentality.


Push for those kinds of changes instead of feeding into the symptoms instead of the cause. 

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The problem with Peacemaker isn't that it's OP, it's that it requires LITERALLY no player interaction. Tap 4 at the beginning of the round, tip something against your mouse and go make coffee.

I would not be against SP having LoS on the initial cast -- only the LoS enemies have their shields drained and exploded -- but then the explosions would not have LoS. That seems reasonable to me.

That way, you can't kill enemies in their spawn rooms, or in a different room from you unless the door is open, but you can still kill all the enemies near the ones you can see (which will most often be those near you -- even if they're hiding behind walls or boxes/ledges like the humanoid enemies like to do).

Guys stop suggesting line of sight on mag, it doesn't make sense. Excalibur got line of sight because he was directly blinding someone (hard to be blinded by a light through a solid wall) or was firing projectiles at people (again, if a wall is in the way then you cant fire a projectile) If you try and put line of sight on shield polarize that'd be like suggesting line of sight for crush, Mag just uses her power to switch the polarization on any shields around her, its not something she has to see to do, same with crush. She's just picking up anything that's not literally bolted to the ground up into the air and smashing it (that's why she also picks up rocks and bits of metal)

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I am also positive that the ones that do it a lot have macros for it, otherwise it would be impossible to do it all day long. Now the ones that kept bashing me for the whole thread should notice why I said that pressing some keys to kill them all indefinitely is never a good idea. The "hardcore" players that do that don't even play the game and still have the best results.


It is only possible because the level is to low to spawn nullifiers and eximus and doesn't scale. You could use every nuke frame that can hit the hole map at once for a similar result, just run around for the energy a bit or bring a trinity with you.

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It is only possible because the level is to low to spawn nullifiers and eximus and doesn't scale. You could use every nuke frame that can hit the hole map at once for a similar result, just run around for the energy a bit or bring a trinity with you.

Why bother picking up loot when you can pull? less work and much more bot friendly...

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Why bother picking up loot when you can pull? less work and much more bot friendly...


Well people will just run the next best thing if you remove gpull. On the other hand this would really hurt at high levels for people that play mag a bit more in line of what the frame is made for.


DE should have learned her lesson from Viver with her ridiculous broken re spawning mechanics, because in reality you actually don't want to kill 40 instantly spawning units once the alarm goes off, hack the alarm and fight the next 40 units(with one probably activating the alarm again) if you run sabotage or spy missions(yet it is exactly like that for no good reason at all).

Edited by Djego27
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Well people will just run the next best thing if you remove gpull. On the other hand this would really hurt at high levels for people that play mag a bit more in line of what the frame is made for.


DE should have learned her lesson from Viver with her ridiculous broken re spawning mechanics, because in reality you actually don't want to kill 40 instantly spawning units once the alarm goes off, hack the alarm and fight the next 40 units(with one probably activating the alarm again) if you run sabotage or spy missions(yet it is exactly like that for no good reason at all).


It is only possible because the level is to low to spawn nullifiers and eximus and doesn't scale. You could use every nuke frame that can hit the hole map at once for a similar result, just run around for the energy a bit or bring a trinity with you.

He's smart, I like him and I hope I'm not the only one.

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