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With New Update Comes New Responsa.....awww Sh**...this Is*********


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So I was away from warframe for a month i come back see a big nice update and guess what?I also see that with new updates the devs like to remove old weapons???Where is my SNIPERTRON?Where is my old sniper???I want to buy it and I cannot find it?Is this normal in a game?removing weapons?I know I could have bought that with credits...and now they gave me a new sniper and i have to farm for mats instead of old sniper where i could use credits to get it???If this game is gonna give us only blueprints wepaons to do than I am afraid it will fail soon.

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Mavro, on 27 May 2013 - 3:41 PM, said:

Is this normal in a game?

it's normal for a beta.

Mavro, on 27 May 2013 - 3:41 PM, said:

If this game is gonna give us only blueprints wepaons to do than I am afraid it will fail soon.

doubt it.
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Calm down.



Hypothesis' are that it was moved into the corpus weaponry of the dojo weapon you unlock.  and im sorry if you dont like farming then im afraid this isnt the game for you as only a few weapons can be purchased through credits.  the farming isnt that hard either though i recommend you stick around

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Where is my SNIPERTRON?


DE have declared that since it is a Corpus weapon, yet shoot bullets, it does not line-up properly with the lore.

Therefore its availability from the market has been withdrawn for an undisclosed period of time until it is redacted to be more properly suitable in terms of theme.

Any who have previously acquired the gun, via market or crafting, may keep it for the time being.

For the meanwhile, a new gun has been introduced to take its place - the Vulkar, which even does 5 more points of damage than its predecessor, which is the Grineer sniper-rifle of choice and therefore shoots bullets proper.

Best Regards,

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Welcome back from you fantasy world bubble, this is what real world looks like. The reason they deleted Snipertrons ability to be obtained is that it was a Corpus sniper rifle that shot bullets, that did not make sense lore wise and now the Dojo represent exact same replica with possibly varying stats and the fact that it now shoots lasers and goes by the different name. People who owned the gun when it was still obtainable get to own it from now on too.

Also as the update and marketplace changes have been here for a while, people have calmed down and realized that it is not that bad actually. Sure start game is pain in the *ss I heard but other than that, everyone is fine since the balancing they have done to make BP easier to get has worked out quite well. Sure there are things to watch out for and tweak from here and there but besides those points this game is now in a really good spot. Dojo might need some balancing and Platinum prices lowered suitable for a common man customers as well as various bug fixes needs to be done but besides that this game is shifting from goal to goal into a more complete game to be released.

This is just my opinion though, agree or disagree.

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Off topic:

Why Braton costs now 25 K credits? If I remember correctly,price was 8K.


It is kick into daddy´s bag for the new players.


No one cares about your poor peoples problems in a thread which has nothing to do with what you're talking about. 25k credits is chunk change.

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No one cares about your poor peoples problems in a thread which has nothing to do with what you're talking about. 25k credits is chunk change.

Oh wow, look at you and your first world problems.

He's addressing a valid concern, and you throw an insult back at him. Way to give the other founders a bad name thriugh this unsightly behavior.

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Oh wow, look at you and your first world problems.

He's addressing a valid concern, and you throw an insult back at him. Way to give the other founders a bad name thriugh this unsightly behavior.


His comment is completely off topic, even said so by himself.


If he has a valid concern he can make a new thread about it instead of bringing it into a new thread.

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No one cares about your poor peoples problems in a thread which has nothing to do with what you're talking about. 25k credits is chunk change.



I´m sorry,if I disturbed you on your  throne.

Edited by zorinho20
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it's normal for a beta.

doubt it.

It is not beta anymore.An open beta where characters are no longer deleted is a full launch.They just like to say it is beta so naive people will say hey there are bugs and weird stuff deciison changes but its beta.No it is not it is released since anyone can play it and it even had an update.You don't do massive updates in a beta you first fix the things that need fixing.And it is not that hard to make a stupid sniper to shoot laser than a bullet they will nerf it I am sure it will not be the same.


No they didn't remove it. It's just a blueprint now. The game needed more credit, material sinks so they made most of the old weapons into blueprints.

There is no snipertron blueprint mon ami...


Hypothesis' are that it was moved into the corpus weaponry of the dojo weapon you unlock.  and im sorry if you dont like farming then im afraid this isnt the game for you as only a few weapons can be purchased through credits.  the farming isnt that hard either though i recommend you stick around

My point is that when this game launched it had a lot of weapons to buy with CREDITS...now with the update they make us farm more instead of giving us at least a weapon to buy with credits....it is bullsh**



DE have declared that since it is a Corpus weapon, yet shoot bullets, it does not line-up properly with the lore.

Therefore its availability from the market has been withdrawn for an undisclosed period of time until it is redacted to be more properly suitable in terms of theme.

Any who have previously acquired the gun, via market or crafting, may keep it for the time being.

For the meanwhile, a new gun has been introduced to take its place - the Vulkar, which even does 5 more points of damage than its predecessor, which is the Grineer sniper-rifle of choice and therefore shoots bullets proper.

Best Regards,

Thank you for ure nice answer but it is a terrible excuse for them...they release a hole massive update but they can't fix a damn sniper..I bet when it will be introduced again you won't be able to get it with credits as it was from the start.


Credits are much easier to come by now.

No not really...it takes the same amount of time actually

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