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Opinions From A R20, 3400Hr+ Who Helps New Players Into Warframe


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This is a bunch of collective feedback for you, from not only myself but common feedback i get constantly from the many people i invite into Warframe. Put into 1 post.





2. Parkour 2.0 after getting used to it, is great we love everything apart from 1 thing, the hippety hoppety cricket wallclimb and wallrun. Our opinion: Keep everything, but bring back the old running Wall-run when people HOLD down the jump button, and keep the hippety hoppity wallclimbing only if players are tapping the jump button repeatedly.



Thats what i said! :-D....and here i was thinking i was crazy 

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Progression Problems:

1. You nerfed the drop rate of Forma's because of a minority...yet very vocal group of people nagging you to, when in fact in many peoples cases, they have a huge shortage of Forma. Im a R20.6 eeearly beta player who likes to 4-6 Forma everything...and having spent over 4500 Platinum on Forma's ON TOP of heavy-farming Forma's in game over a long period of time....i can with great evidence tell you that this nerf was done with great misinformation. Please roll-back the nerf to Forma drop rates, or place them somewhere else where people can actually get some.


No progression means more frusted player, this also lead to leaving player base. What it is also is bad for the bussines Warframe was Free to play.

Until the Forma nerf ist feels like it become to the cash crab "Blacklight Retribution" the grandmaster of Pay2play when you have to spend a lot money to enjoy the full gamecontent.

Edited by 1N33DM0N3Y
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Good read! Thank you Snake for writing it. I completely agree with you.


Wall-hopping: I'd love the first prototype of Parkour 2.0 wallrun to be implemented when you hold down the jump button. That is more free movement than the original version. Other than that, I agree with this one. Hopping looks ridiculous after a long wall-run.


Forma famine: If lower tier Void missions gave out forma instead of a millionth Ember Prime helmet BP I would be very happy. I'm finally swimming in ducats but since the "tweak" I only found 3 forma BPs. Two of these were actual alerts for them. I cannot progress with my forma habit this way.


Essential mods: Again, I agree. If I meet a newbie who is nice I shower them with advice and free basic mods they'd need to get deep into the starchart for and taxi them around. (I admit to sending quite a few of them to "Ignore Land" as soon as they start begging for free platinum or start throwing tantrums about their entitlement for all maxed out corrupted mods at MR1)

Currently the new player experience is this: "Do Vor's Prize, try Howl of the Kubrow then find someone experienced to help you take off from Mercury/Earth".

However, I wouldn't go as far as calling Buzz Kill and the rest "essential". Those mods are very good on some guns but near worthless on most. Specialty mods at best. They can return with event re-runs but I wouldn't make them regular drops. The dual stat status mods are more important and you can reliably get three out of the four types in-game.


My two cents as an MR20, 1600+ hour player :)

Edited by TychusMechanicus
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No progression means more frusted player, this also lead to leaving player base. What it is also is bad for the bussines Warframe was Free to play.

Until the Forma nerf ist feels like it become to the cash crab "Blacklight Retribution" the grandmaster of Pay2play when you have to spend a lot money to enjoy the full gamecontent.


Indeed, when new players start to realise just how many Forma's they need and how deep that rabbit hole is, it causes many players to simply be terrified away, or feel that the only way to catch up, is via Pay2Forma with hundreds of dollars worth of Formas which again, would scare many people away.


If the first impression to a new player is this Black Hole, where only a higher ranked player can pull you out of it, it really gives new players a fright.

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I will admit that coming from an MR8, roughly 500 hours player, this is not the best advice, but I may as well throw it out there.


I started the game without any help, and to be brutally honest, I got through the early three planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth back in update 13) just fine with mostly stock weapons (Braton, Lato, Cronus) by myself, learning as I went along, and to be honest the one thing I did that I will admit was bending the rules for the F2P experience was that I did my research on all the different frames available at the time, looked at what playstyles they worked best with (gonna give thanks to Mogamu for giving me short, easy to understand vids for that) and just put down $20 bucks and bought Frost. Best 375 plat I ever spent and then I spent the next eight months to a year playing by myself or with a buddy or two all the way to Phobo's before I finally hit my personal advancement wall and had to join a clan and learned alot of things from them that have made me a really powerful fighter in game.


Just some advice to new players out there: RESEARCH STATUS DAMAGE AND TYPES, THEY COME IN HANDY. Also, Elemental Damage is based on where you place the mods, since they line up going from left to right, top to bottom, don't be stupid like me and assume it works from the top to bottom, then left to right (I know, blame the asian and southpaw in me for that).

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I agree with everything but the forma point. Forma drops on nearly every void mission. If you play them for a bit you most likely won't ever run out. If you forma 5-6 times a day sure I can imagine how. But I doubt most people are that extreme. Their nerf was extremely small. They still drop in a rapid pace. I'd say remove them from more void missions. 

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I agree with everything but the forma point. Forma drops on nearly every void mission. If you play them for a bit you most likely won't ever run out. If you forma 5-6 times a day sure I can imagine how. But I doubt most people are that extreme. Their nerf was extremely small. They still drop in a rapid pace. I'd say remove them from more void missions. 


During this credit weekend after saving all of my keys for it, i have just blown:

-over x90 T3 Capture keys

-over x40 T2 Capture keys

-over x20 T3 Exterminate keys

-over x15 T4 Exterminate keys


How many Forma Blueprints did i get?



THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE expenditure VS Forma reward.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Holy S#&$!!!... That's MUCH worse than I thought it was! I hadn't been really paying too much attention to it, tbh.


Also, DE listens about as attentively as an internet troll. We wanted reduction in DROP TABLE DILUTION, not just drop tables that have DIFFERENT REWARDS DILUTING THEM. They seem to have scanned over some threads and seen the words 'reduce', 'rewards', and 'forma'. Then used their nerf cannon to blast forma out of obtainable drops, and into the history books.

That many keys, and only that many forma? Looks like YET ANOTHER not-so-subtle "We'll kick in the balls, or you can buy platinum." so called "Year of Quality" changes.

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Im helping a batch of new players into Warframe and tried my best to get them enough forma's to get somewhere...instead, i only got them enough formas for 2 gun weapons and a single melee weapon at best.


Right now im just comletely stunned...and I kinda feel cheated out of my hard work getting the keys.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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During this credit weekend after saving all of my keys for it, i have just blown:

-over x90 T3 Capture keys

-over x40 T2 Capture keys

-over x20 T3 Exterminate keys

-over x15 T4 Exterminate keys


How many Forma Blueprints did i get?



THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE expenditure VS Forma reward.

Personally I prefer not getting forma from one-time reward missions like captures, exterminates, and mobile defenses. Some of those missions are the only place you can get a particular item (e.g. Bronco Prime barrel only drops in T3C) whereas forma drop from a number of other locations. Looking at the rewards list, it looks like the best places to get forma are T2S and T4D since it's a drop on the A rotation for both those mission types. In general, I find I get forma in endless missions, not so much in non-endless.


Hopefully when void rewards are redistributed this will be something that is addressed. No matter how it's done under the current system, you're gonna end up pissing off somebody because the people running void missions for prime parts are annoyed when they get a pile of forma, and people running void missions for forma are annoyed when they end up with ducat fodder.


Actually, being able to buy forma for ducats at the ducat exchange kiosks might not be a bad idea.

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Agreed and i dont have the exact number of keys used, being wasted more T3 exterminate and less T3 capture that you and 35 T3 sabotage/survival and few T2 was well, i ended up with 4 forma/ 5 forma BP, its also good to point that even that T3 Survival & T3 sabotage supose to drop Forma like Exterminate, the fact is, besides 1 Forma from rotation C in Survival, the others come from Exterminate, even with the drop table botched still drop 1x each 10 keys used (wich i find very fair, cannot say the same from Survival and hilarious about Sabotage and "Loki Helmet").

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I noticed there are usually 3 stages in your warframe career.

1. You don't have enough formas. You are just new here, you don't know what forma is and how to get it.

2. You are swimming in formas. You have several formaed frames you using often and some endgame maxed weapons. You also level your MR, which means more time for leveling new stuff instead of formaing something, which means stacking crafted formas. For many people this is enough and they will stop here.

3. You don't have enough forma again. On this stage you usually start heavy forma all (or at least interesting ones) the weapons and frames.

That's when you will have problems and your number of used forma becomes 3- or even 4-digit.

That's just something I wanted to say after 3k+ hours and MR 20 experience.

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During this credit weekend after saving all of my keys for it, i have just blown:

-over x90 T3 Capture keys

-over x40 T2 Capture keys

-over x20 T3 Exterminate keys

-over x15 T4 Exterminate keys


How many Forma Blueprints did i get?



THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE expenditure VS Forma reward.

Thats RNG for you. Besides some void missions have a higher chance for a forma. What you mentioned don't have a very high chance. I get 1 forma blueprint with 5 void missions and I don't want them. Forma is still the most rewarded in void missions and it dillutes the droptables.

Btw try doing T4 defence if you want forma. Every rotation has a chance at a forma. T3 mobile defence also dropped forma a lot for me.

Edited by kubbi
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Thats RNG for you. Besides some void missions have a higher chance for a forma. What you mentioned don't have a very high chance. I get 1 forma blueprint with 5 void missions and I don't want them. Forma is still the most rewarded in void missions and it dillutes the droptables.

Btw try doing T4 defence if you want forma. Every rotation has a chance at a forma. T3 mobile defence also dropped forma a lot for me.


People arent swimming in T4 keys though, and this is the problem, massive void key expenditure vs the rate of Forma's.

T4 keys dont exactly {POP} into your inventory by magic, they take a great deal of time to get one.


I spent probably more than 200 hours in Earth excavation farming all those void keys....and now that 200+ hours has been for very little reward because of the over-dramaticly nerfed Forma rates TT.TT

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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People arent swimming in T4 keys though, and this is the problem, massive void key expenditure vs the rate of Forma's.

T4 keys dont exactly {POP} into your inventory by magic, they take a great deal of time to get one.


I spent probably more than 200 hours in Earth excavation farming all those void keys....and now that 200+ hours has been for very little reward because of the over-dramaticly nerfed Forma rates TT.TT


Draco gives T4 keys on round 4 90% of the time. Defence, interception and survival keys. The other 10% is natural talent I think. 


Earth excavation gives T2/3 keys mostly.


Trust me. I have over 400 forma bps which only rises in numbers and the daily reward is also kind enough to reward me with them >_>

Edited by kubbi
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