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Isnt It Time To Reduce Corrupted Bombards Firerate?


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Why on Earth do you people think this game is hard and every enemy needs to be nerfed?....i cant understand that.


Everything in this game is way too easy, so i dont understand how a topic like this can even spawn. Seriously, you dont even need to do a dodge-roll to avoid a bombards rocket, you can just step to the side and it misses you....is this whole topic a trolls joke aimed at diminishing the game? I cannot take it seriously.

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void is already easy enough reducing the bombards fire rate would make t4 survival a walk in the park


T4S is already a walk in the park since we can just spam abilities to prevent ourselves from ever getting hit by a rocket. The reason that Bombard missiles need nerfing and/or bugfixing is that we shouldn't have to rely entirely on abilities to get around them in the first place. You'd think that parkouring like a space ninja would be more effective at dodging slow explosive projectiles than standing still and mashing one or two buttons, but that just isn't the case right now.


This is why the "lol i can do T4 just fine git gud scrub" arguments are laughable. We can all survive T4 just fine. The problem is that the only way we can do that is beasting through with stats alone (tanking, oneshotting with a god-tier weapon, stunlocking with a beefed-up ability, etc), while movement skill and basic intuition are both useless in helping us avoid the rockets (at least, without combination with some sort of beefed-up stat).

Edited by SortaRandom
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The changes I think bombard rockets need are a small reduction in fire rate, less tracking ability on the rockets, and actually a little more damage. If the rockets aren't as hard to avoid, they should be more painful when you take one to the face. As far as the reduction in tracking goes, rockets making 90° corners is a bit absurd.

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People who say we want it easy, READ whats been said instead of looking on the thread name and go hurr durr get gud. One bombard aint a problem but 10+ along with nullies and ancients and all other things around certainly isnt a walk in the park always. Also not everyone is decked out with meta builds.

I never proposed a damage nerf, just firerate nerf. Its ridicoulus they can fire during knockdown, death animations etc. They fire extremly fast aswell. Void has too many priority targets atm, but i guess you would love to have corrupted napalms so you get some challenge hmm?

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This game does not need nerfs, it needs better telegraphing and better ability to inform player, what is actually going on.

Somewhat off-topic for this thread, but this is what I'd love to see for this game. Taking damage should obviously be more and more punishing as enemy levels go up, but it would be awesome to see more telegraphed attacks from various units so skilled players can actually analyze the situation and dodge the attacks without resorting to ability-mashing.

Telegraphed attacks are basic part of most third-person action-based PVE games I've played. WF could definitely use more of it, rather than letting only melee enemies and minibosses having any sort of telegraphed attack.

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