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Power-Leveling Items - Equip Only One Or Multiple Items To Level?



Since some affinity is evenly distributed across equipment (i.e. kills by other players & spy mission hacking), if you have multiple under-max-rank items with you, that affinity gets divided up more. Normally I take only one item to level at a time on missions, but technically it should take the same amount of time as taking two items to level on missions since the amount of affinity needed to max their ranks is the same either way. I prefer one at a time because it allows me to quickly level individual items so I can sell them quickly and free up inventory slots for more items, but is there any potential benefit for leveling multiple items at once instead of one?

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Encouraging power leveling in general is pretty unhealthy in the long run

What else am I supposed to do in Warframe? I've completed every mission node on every planet, and alerts + syndicate missions only last so long. Warframe is all about grinding and collecting internet items -- no matter how sad that is.

Edited by Scylax
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the affinity you get from killing using a weopon is split between frame and weopon 50 - 50

the affinity you get from killing using frame abilities goes all to the frame (expetion of Nova's MP ??)

the affinity you get from teammates killing enemies split between all your equipement, 25% for each if you have 4 equiped, and 33.33333....% if you have 3 equiped (frame + 2 weps), and 50% if you have only 1 frame and 1 weopon equiped.


for low lvl weps as you can't kill with them at high lvl then you can equip it only with your frame and go with your friends to lvl it for you but i always recommand take an extra good wep just in case you need it... (stalky still stalks, death squads and G3 / Zanu, not like they can get you while your friends there but you prefer to kill them faster right ??)

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the affinity you get from killing using frame abilities goes all to the frame (exception of Nova's MP ??)

as Molecular Prime is classified by the game as a buff/debuff, not dealing damage directly upon casting it won't go all to frame when chain reaction of explosions kill stuff. Since the damage that caused the explosion would come from a different power or a weapon, everything killed by exploding primed enemies goes to what triggered it. hope this clears it up a bit

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the affinity you get from teammates killing enemies split between all your equipement, 25% for each if you have 4 equiped, and 33.33333....% if you have 3 equiped (frame + 2 weps), and 50% if you have only 1 frame and 1 weopon equiped.


This is not correct. Affinity gained from other teammate kills is split 25% to your frame, and 75% divided between your weapons. If you bring only two weapons, you get 25% to the frame and 37.5% to each weapon.


If you were to bring a max level weapon along with the weapon you want to level, the 37.5% affinity going to the max level weapon would be wasted. Obviously if your frame is maxed that affinity is wasted as well, but there's often nothing you can do about that - I found I ran out of frames to forma long before I got all the weapons I like maxed out.


Because of the affinity sharing mechanic, the fastest way to level a weapon (or weapons) is to only bring weapons that need affinity gains and to allow teammates to make the majority of the kills.

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Try to build your primary to a respectful level first and then run the secondary and melee as to be level-up.....


In this way you can run and shoot (if your warframe is also low lvl...) when when stalker smells that you're the weakest link....because believe me, he can smell that... like a dogg smelling your fair!


After you do this you rotate your weapons by building a respectful secondary and level-up your primary... see where you want to do XP farm and choose your weapon based on this. If Pluto Sechura then build Angstrum or Atomos (any effective Infested crowd controlling weapon) first for your secondary and Tonkor or Torid (any effective Infested crowd controlling weapon) for your primary.


When you have a 'challenge' to complete in the mission... let say 30 kills or 20 secondary kills..... try to do this because you'll get extra XP for these!


Good Luck Tenno and Welcome to the best F2P game ever!

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as Molecular Prime is classified by the game as a buff/debuff, not dealing damage directly upon casting it won't go all to frame when chain reaction of explosions kill stuff. Since the damage that caused the explosion would come from a different power or a weapon, everything killed by exploding primed enemies goes to what triggered it. hope this clears it up a bit


yeah i had suspections but you made it clear for me, thank you : )

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This is not correct. Affinity gained from other teammate kills is split 25% to your frame, and 75% divided between your weapons. If you bring only two weapons, you get 25% to the frame and 37.5% to each weapon.


If you were to bring a max level weapon along with the weapon you want to level, the 37.5% affinity going to the max level weapon would be wasted. Obviously if your frame is maxed that affinity is wasted as well, but there's often nothing you can do about that - I found I ran out of frames to forma long before I got all the weapons I like maxed out.


Because of the affinity sharing mechanic, the fastest way to level a weapon (or weapons) is to only bring weapons that need affinity gains and to allow teammates to make the majority of the kills.


While you're right about him being not right, it's not entirely his fault. The way he stated it was how affinity used to be split.

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just one thing:


if you only bring gear that you want to "power level" in a mission, don't expect that you'll get revived if you hit the ground.

To avoid this, i suggest to bring 1 maxed weapon, so you can defend yourself, have fun and help with the objective. also, there are far more interesting things to aim for then mastery rank - i bet you don't have all mods for example

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If you want to power level, depending on your experience if your a higher level you should try "Draco" on Ceres, it's pretty easy to get a good squad for it, I recommend: trinity (ev) frost or limbo, Mesa and speed nova, if your a lower level you can always try some t1 or t2 defense keys, I used them to level when I first started, they're nice and easy and there is always someone requiting in chat, hope I helped :)

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