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Sweeper Prime Build


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Did I do good.

Don't utility out beat damage/element mods?

 Yes. Utility does beat out damage but your build confuses me, i dont see the utility.



tainted shell+spazz+spread....waste of 3 mod slots

tainted shell and spread yes. spazz no.




Try this. I don't need my sentinal to kill, instead use it to watch your back by constantly stunlocking. You won't need point blank because, again, the idea isn't to deal damage. You want lots of status and fire rate with blast and electric. Stagger, Stun and Knockdown constantly. The Tactical Pump can be replaced by a Shotgun Savvy if it suits you but it makes little difference to the amount of procs you'll get.

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I would use the build of the guy above me just with Vicious Spread and Seeking Force in place of Ammo Stock and Tactical Pump, I understand the reason behind lowering reload and raising mag size, but i'd sincerely prefer a wider effect. Between Hell'ìs Chamber and Vicious Spread your pellets will hit all over the place, and Punchthrough will make the area you can cover with procs a lot higher, solving also the problem about Sentinels always aiming for center of mass shots.

Edited by Autongnosis
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I love sweeper, he always got my back. I don't mod mine to kill, just to cc everything that comes close. With my build, the firerate and maximum punch through, the weapon will focus on close ones but cc those behind them as well. The cc is there as long as the sentinel lives, which can be up to 40-50 minutes solo t4 as long as you are mobile enough and not eating them rockets and maybe a health restore here and there.


   Great companion. The Vukolok or what's it called seems to be great too with it's cc precepts, only minus is that the weapon wont target those that are close. If it did, it would surpass the cc capabilities of the sweeper compleatly. But, in solo, not having to cross (come into phisical contact) right over 02, energy and ammo means you have more time to focus on the fight and will be going for longer. Tried and tested many times. It can be moded with all 4 dual stat mods for radiation, viral or corrosive procs as well, but this combo makes them stunlocked the best, between blast, electric and knockback from impact. 



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