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Mr20+ Locked Weapons


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- The warframe type of fun ;)

- Placing weapons on the MR ladder based on their DPS would make it so that whatever weapon you need to max is also the highest DPS available to you.

- You can sell weapons that you don't want to use anymore. A single 370plat bundle with a 50% login discount can be bought for cheap and will give you plenty of space.

There are also event weapons that have shown up twice. For example I have 2 sets of Dex Furis and Twin Wraith Vipers. When and if they reintroduce snipertron I'll have another set of that too. That's 2, potentially 3 free slots at least for me.

-Ok.... ?

-Sure.... but currently DPS shown on paper is just theories. You forgot, Ammo efficiency... Etc.~ How can DE arrange them?

-Yes Yes... exclusive weapon!. Oh wait... new players have already missed out on those, bad luck! right? Not all players has access to Plat-purchasing. With the limited slots and MR a THING, that will just give the newbie more incentive to rage quit as they has to wait for 3 days for a new weapon, and has to part with their beloved weapons for spare slots. 

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They could include ways around the "wall" though.


Maybe something that can't be traded that removes MR requirements and can only be gotten in very difficult content. Maybe like, set bonuses where a certain special Grineer weapon with a low MR requirement (Seer?) allows the use of other Grineer tech regardless of mastery if it's equipped. 

They could also segregate content. Like a specific, second MR set for Corpus tech so a player could specialize in Corpus and use those with less grinding, but the overall collection of everything in-game would still take a lot.

Thread winner.


I've seen people suggest things such as, if you use a bunch of automatics eventually you get Boltor Prime access or whatever. But breaking them up into Tenno, Corpus, Grineer and Infested faction weapon trees would be delicious.

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I'm really curious if, when the game eventually reaches MR 30 (or more o_O), we'll actually see weapons that require an MR of 20 or more. I wouldn't be outright against it, but perhaps to lessen the grind a bit certain weapons and warframes should be worth more than the standard 3000/6000 points (namely higher tier weapons/frames obviously).

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Mastery locks are stupid. More extractors - yes, more daily standing - yes, but mastery locking weapons equals artificially limiting progression and setting up another grind wall. Mastery has no relation to player skill and I doubt about it's relation to how much content has the player actually experienced - I already have Scindo Prime, why would I level up Scindo? Yes, to increasy my mastery... and like 60% of the content looks like this.

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Using too high of an MR rating will not make new players want to stay potentially.


Some MR ratings are fine, and with a few weapons locked away, they do motivate people to achieve the higher ranks and too push themselves further.  DE is walking a fine line with them, and so far they are doing it in a mostly good way.

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I can't imagine DE locking weapons behind MR when half of the weapons already in game are terrible and useless in most content. 


Not everybody (like myself) has a ton of time to play. Since that I'm fully involved in my senior year of high school, which has proven to be pure hell, I really only get to play on weekends. I always try to build as many weapons as I possibly can in order to get a higher MR and have more variety, but being restricted to just weekends has significantly slowed my progress down. Players who don't have a lot of time would likely never be able to realistically achieve MR20 and would be locked out of content.


Locking players out of content is the last thing DE needs to do.


To add on, Warframe already has enough of a grind. Encouraging players to grind even more just to get weapons that are locked behind ridiculously high MR levels is completely unreasonable.

Edited by (PS4)KiloCrusher
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Honestly, I really don't care for mastery as it is. While I'm okay with a mastery lock intended to prevent players buying end-game weapons right at the start, I don't think there should be much of a mastery lock. I really think everything should be available at a relatively low level (say 4-6). And mastery gains isn't really a great system for showing you've experienced a lot of content.


Sure, I will try out some of the guns when I first get them, to see if I like them, but if I don't, then I'm not going to waste a catalyst on them. And a weapon that I don't like that also doesn't have a catalyst isn't going to be leveled up by me using it to kill enemies. I'll just let it level up when my allies kill things around me in endless missions. The need for a weapon to have a catalyst to be effective means that mastery fodder weapons aren't leveled through use most of the time. It means that you may not even really find out whether or not you like it, especially for weapons that really under-perform until you've added several forma as well (I originally wrote off the Torid and Amprex is crap, until I forma'd them up a few times).


So mastery needs an overhaul, which no-one seems to argue with. But even if it's better, I'm against there being too much of a level lock on things. The grind to obtain the parts for some of these weapons is cost enough. Sure, some wallet warriors won't do the grind either, but I got nothing against them, and they've already grinded their real job for that weapon anyway. I don't see why DE should make it harder for them either.

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do you realize how much time, let alone money, you would have to spend in this game to go from unranked to 20? months at the very least. i say money because you're gonna need those boosters and buy the prime parts you can't farm all day for, which costs enormous amounts of plat. 


i'll just assume you are joking. 

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