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Question About Prime Access



So I know that you can purchase different packages of Prime access for your account, but what I'm wondering is, is it possible to gift purchase it for someone?

One of my friends birthdays is coming up and I thought getting him PA would be a nice gift. But as far as I know I have never seen a gift option for purchasing PA.

(Note: if I put this in the wrong subforum please move it to the appropriate location, didn't know if this classified as GD or PHP.)

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Ok another question then, does anyone have an idea of the average cost of the Prime Access Accessory package? I found that I can gift him the funds via his steam wallet which can be used in game.



Tier 1: $50

Tier 2: $100

Tier 3: $140


Prime Accessories: $50

Edited by LazerSkink
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I think in order to achieve this DE needs to set up their own payment system... and no longer use the Steam, Microsoft and PSN system for payment. 


That's a complicated financial access they won't get that easily granted to, atleast not without the right licenses on the global scale because they have international players. 


For this reason many F2P games or Purchase use in game currency that you use your credit card to buy externally! :-)


Nice idea..... but sadly won't happen unless they get a Western Union or MoneyGram kind of licence.... 


Ask your friend his account info for once, try convince him that you need to check out something in game for him and then buy him the PA.


Or buy him a gift card as said before.



(p.s. I hope he's not already reading your thread :-P)

Edited by (PS4)AngelShur
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Thanks for the tips guys, unfortunately I don't feel like asking for his account details as that would be the same as stealing his account which is against the code of conduct here at warframe. But I did come up with a solution I could use.

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