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[Enemy Character & Mob Concept] Tengus And The Centuria : Machine-Health Faction


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updated look on the Akushin Hunter





I've probably made this to be a little bit bulkier than it should be for an agile close-combat enemy.



There will be some heavy rethought on what can be done to make a possible Tengus boss fight, but one of the general thoughts is to have Tengus pilot the AKUSHIN PANZER as the boss fight for Tengus.


I'll also be seeking out an artwork to show a possible tileset for the Akushin (my general best bet would be in a Factory tileset)





Note: Please remember that everyone here is free to write down suggestions/thoughts/ideas for this concept. This is all a work-in-progress to create a possible enemy sub-faction/faction based entirely on Machinery-health.


As mentioned in the OP, the amount of Machinery-health enemy are rather scarce and a bit lackluster (in my opinion). I see greater potential in Machinery-based enemies than being nothing but Rollers and Drones.

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Possible Art of Outside Tengus's Factories



Possible addition of transportation through Tengus's Factories



Possible look of chambers where Grineer are being preserved for surgical procedures into the Akushin Armada



Additional visual effects of dangling chain & hooks on ceilings




Key Tileset Mechanics during gameplay:


1. Hidden Akushin enemies within wall compartments/chambers/ground vents


2. Dangling chains hanging Akushin frames across the factory. (some of them can surprisingly be a trap ready to pounce on players)


3. Factory Trams being ways for Tengus's Akushin to transport across the Factory (there is also going to be a unique form of Hijack/Mobile Defense for this mechanic)


4. Destructible bridges Akushin try to detonate to impede and slow down player movements.


5. Assembly Robots can now go haywire and attempt to attack nearby players when alarms are sounded





Extermination: This version of Exterminate, Lotus will explain that Tengus is mobilizing a squad for one of his plots and that you will have to eliminate the squadron.


Defense/Mobile Defense: Defense missions will have you defending Orokin/Tenno artifacts from Tengus while Mobile Defense will have Lotus explaining that she needs data in separate locations to figure out Tengus's next move.


Capture: A Grineer high official/diplomat is visiting Tengus's factories in wait of a special meeting with Tengus. Lotus will prompt you to seek the target so we can interrogate him on Tengus's moves.


Interception: Players will have to intercept a few points around Tengus's factories to upload data on the Akushin Armada.


Rescue: Simply put, rescue the Akushin's captives. NOTE: Sometimes, the captive can be a Corpus Member of the Black Seed. Another unique Rescue archetype will be to release a bunch of captured Infested all over the factory in attempt to thwart Tegnus's plans.


Sabotage: Tengus has prepared a Formorian Carrier ship to transport the Akushin Armada across the galaxy. Players will need to destroy the ship indefinitely with a huge cache of Tritium Batteries/Cores. Players will be traversing with the cache via the Factory Tram. WARNING: at some points during the travel, the Akushin will halt the Tram and/or destroy a part of the Tram Rail to stop the progress. Players will have to unpause the Tram on 2 separate consoles and/or hack into a unique console to "reassemble" the Tram Rail.


Survival: Tengus will start a countdown on one of his Factories in order to self destruct and kill all the invading Tenno. While an operative is off seeking artifacts, players will have to reach the waypoints to "delay" the countdown.

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May I suggest putting this boss on Phobos? the dual boss Vor/Krill isn't really explained in Lore and actually seems like a placeholder.


As of now, I think the Grineer Settlement Tileset is the only tileset of its kind and that is unfortunately located in Phobos.


There is plausible room to add in more planets in the Star Chart, but Phobos can be a suitable replacement. Might just need to adjust a few stages to show some mechanical theme to it.

Edited by FoxFX
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As of now, I think the Grineer Settlement Tileset is the only tileset of its kind and that is unfortunately located in Phobos.


There is plausible room to add in more planets in the Star Chart, but Phobos can be a suitable replacement. Might just need to adjust a few stages to show some mechanical theme to it.

Well, Enceladus, Titan (saturn) adn Ganymede (Jupiter) are currently nodes despite the fact that IRL they are roughly the size of earth, Phobos is an irregular rock orbiting mars. Those moon could be turned into Planets with their own tilesets to add Tengu and the Akushin armada :)

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Reworked image of Akushin Brute






Now redrawn and rethought to look a bit more abnormal and bulkier with a sort of hump feature. I wanted to emphasize the physical prowes of the Akushin Brute.


The weapon it is using is a Flak Cannon wielded like a minigun. This particular weapon I would probably explain in a later date.


Let me know your thoughts on this render.

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Redone image of the Akushin Recon:




With this new design, its ability to lay down support for its Akushin counterparts will change a bit. Now it drops down a device from its lower compartment that radiates healing pulses healing any Akushin Machines within its vicinity. This device can be destroyed.


I am also contemplating on allowing the Akushin Recon to have the ability to grab and steal loot, but will also drop the stolen loot. Having too many of these Akushin Recons would put players in situation where they are steadily loosing ammo. But this is just a possible design.


Another possible design is that the Akushin Recon are to swoop down and hold a player to temporarily disable him/her.

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Impressed by your dedication to this concept as well as its scope. I'm still following the topic (with every intention of commenting once I've read it all).


Well part of all this dedication is just this point:


There is a lack of variety and potential when it comes to enemies with Machinery-based health (not to be confused with Corpus Robotics, these are Grineer Machinery).


There is also the hidden potential that lies in with Tengus being a rising enemy. I was hoping there would be more players that would also see this too.


So far, the only Machinery-type enemies are Drones and Rollers. We have seen already so many new unique Warframes and Grineer enemies and now Corpus and Infested have some variety to them. As the protagonists grow so should the antagonists grow.


Thanks for the PM btw. I managed to send a message to the artist. Just haven't gotten a reply.

Edited by FoxFX
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Agreed on the new potential faction being sorely needed, and no problem. Here's hoping you can combine forces.

Hoping as well.


UPDATE: Done a re-rendering of the Akushin Giant





Adding in a built-in firing mechanism while making his whole frame bulkier. Thinking of giving the Akushin Giant the ability to grab and throw players near itself.


Need some additional feedback on this one.

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What are all the exposed cords in the cannon arm for? That just looks ripe for crippling the whole thing IMO.

Part of the description of the Akushin Giants is that they harness a high amount of the Tritium Batteries installed in them to fire their cannons. I kinda wanted to show where that drawn-in power comes from with the wires.

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Updated OP with some of the new redrawn looks of the mobs.


Also removed the Akushin Cleanser as I started to believe those ones are kinda redundant.


Thinking of working in some possible Machinery-health based Arcwing enemies in the near future.

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I don't really have much to say on all of this, it's all really well thought out. For archwing enemies, any enemies should have faster reaction time, and be much more mobile than they are now, with a swarm/dog-fighting mentality. The new infested enemies kind of represent the swarming effect, but having the Akushin perform more tactically and strategically, like in formations, would set the two apart. Plus, having just 3 types of enemies would be enough. Just look at the Corpus Bursas. Ideally they could be elite Grineer archwing enemies, sent only to fight the fastest, toughest, and smartest spacial enemies.

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I don't really have much to say on all of this, it's all really well thought out. For archwing enemies, any enemies should have faster reaction time, and be much more mobile than they are now, with a swarm/dog-fighting mentality. The new infested enemies kind of represent the swarming effect, but having the Akushin perform more tactically and strategically, like in formations, would set the two apart. Plus, having just 3 types of enemies would be enough. Just look at the Corpus Bursas. Ideally they could be elite Grineer archwing enemies, sent only to fight the fastest, toughest, and smartest spacial enemies.



Good stuff Fox!


Thanks for the support.


One of my brainstormed thoughts were to give some of the Akushin Knights some type of pseudo Archwing-like devices they would use to combat the Tenno in space with different variations of their "Archwing variants"...


...unfortunately, I did not want to seem to lazy. So I have decided to first add in one possible Akushin Archwig enemy to join the ranks:


Akushin Phase Trooper


HEALTH: Machinery and Ferrite Armor


DESCRIPTION: Tengus's modified Akushin warriors designed for spacial combat and as sentries for his Satellites. After many confrontations, the Grineer had hopelessly attempted to replicate Tenno Archwing technology to even half of its capabilities. Unfortunately for the Tenno, Tengus is not like most Grineer.


These Troopers have the ability to use Hyper Thrusts to speed up their movements and maneuver themselves extremely effective with their movable thrusters. These Troopers come equip with an Akushin Longsword, an Akushin Burstrifle, and an Akushin Gunblade.





In another time, I'll be doing a re-rendering of one of the older Akushin on the OP and add in a few Swarm enemies for the Archwing.


There is a possibility for be to add in a Tengus boss-fight concept in this too.

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Adding in two art re-renders of the Akushin Knight. I feel the bottom one is the better draw one and the top one is perhaps describing a more agile one. Depending on which one people like more, I'll make that the official Akushin Knight look and also rework the description of it.





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Adding in two art re-renders of the Akushin Knight. I feel the bottom one is the better draw one and the top one is perhaps describing a more agile one. Depending on which one people like more, I'll make that the official Akushin Knight look and also rework the description of it.







Maybe like the way Grineer Lancers work, you could have your normal and elite versions of the Akushin Knight? :3

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Maybe like the way Grineer Lancers work, you could have your normal and elite versions of the Akushin Knight? :3


That also can be possible. Another thought I had was to make these two melee-types separate entities with different mechanics for fighting against the Tenno.

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Updated OP again.



There is going to be some changes to the boss Officer Joros. I am thinking of making that boss a female and also planning to remove one more Akushin Mob to replace with a new Boss.


I plan to have around 3 bosses that represent the Japanese demon folklores (including Tengus for being a Tengu). Rtying to cook up an image for a robotic spider woman.

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