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Noone's Said Anything About Mirage's "nerf"?


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Technically DE are to blame. They should just make things like this optional. There's been countless other adjustments over the months for 'performance' reasons, yet the people who have decent PC's don't get any choice in the matter - we have to put up with 'worse' visuals.


DE make the decisions. They could spend time implementing a toggle for performance visuals.

People have been asking for a Particles slider for how long? Yeah, better not let us have that, let's just remove them.

I'm tired of DE balancing around LOWER spec's than consoles. If a PC player can't run their game 1/3 as well as a crappy PS4 can, their loss. And according to DE logic, everyone else's too.

Edited by (PS4)Onyxflamegod
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It may have ended up a nerf, but not been meant as one. It might have really been meant as a performance fix. If it's too weak now suggest ways for DE to buff it that don't mess up performance again. By the way I am talking in general to some people posting in this thread. The OP themselves actually linked to a constructive solution to fix the issue. 


And that's what needs to be done. Don't expect them to change back all the visuals because that was what was causing people to crash, but they are reasonable if enough people show them numbers and explain things. Explain why the damage increases they added were not enough, why it's a nerf, and how that can be changed without messing with performance, and I bet you they will fix it once they can find the time. They are reasonable. 



I never experienced any lag when using Mirage and you can't get any worse than my PC.

Just take a look




Would you care to elaborate on that project? I am a huge geek when it comes to building computers, and that looks like a really cool idea. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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What the frick?


That's half the fun in playing Mirage. Using her ult and seeing all the gunfire from the clones.




But seriously. Why didn't they just make this change only for people using Medium/low graphics settings? Why should those of us who have PCs up for it have to suffer for people with potatoes and toasters? (No offense if you have one.)

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"Only two clones from Mirage’s Hall of mirrors now fire projectiles. This change has been made in order to help improve performance issues. Damage has been increased on the remaining clones to compensate."

-> "Damage has been increased on the remaining clones to compensate." <-

There's no nerf guys. Just a change.

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Would you care to elaborate on that project? I am a huge geek when it comes to building computers, and that looks like a really cool idea.

I started this project a few months ago. Got the potato straight from Idaho. The other parts I stole bought from my local library.

I'm planning on cooling it with milk and adding a discrete gpu for better performer. What do you think?

Edited by 8gbMoreRAM
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