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De On Fp Bp: "we Never Meant To Imply It Was Exclusive" Wait, What?


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From the Raptr Q&A we have the following qyestion about the Frost Prime:


"Question 1:about the MOA extermination event u guys had not to long the prize or reward so to speak was the *exclusive* frost prime blueprint any reason to why its now a void drop?and maybe an explanation to why the decision was made? i myself am not really bother buy it but decent portion of my gaming community are bit upset about it "



And in reply from from David Kudirka: "It is a very rare item, the event was a great head start for players to get their hands on the BP. We never meant to imply it was exclusive. "


When I read this it just stunned me. DE never meant to imply the Frost Prime blueprint was exclusive.  If they did not mean to imply it was exclusive, then how did people get the idea it was exclusive?  Lets take a look:


First is the live stream at bit after 25:40:


We have "I suppose this operation sets their expectations for the future - only a hundred thousand credits and only an exclusive, like, prime blueprint"


I suppose mistakes can be made once, time to look for more comments about the FP blueprint.


Here is a post by DE_Steve about reactions to the MOA operation:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/39923-de-about-the-extermination-operation/#entry381690


I think the reward is awesome but it does need components from update 8. If you think this is "grindception" it's a fair point. But this type of reward was originally going to be Platinum only! There is a wack of credits as well. In live stream we'll lay out some stats and give props to players and clans that rocked the Fusion Moas.

You don't need to be online to get reward. You just need to have killed at least one Fusion Moa.

Future goals may or may not be as grindy. Totally open to flames and feedback but don't lose sight of the high XP, credits and exclusivity of this reward. Future ones probably won't be as good, IMO.


Well, what do you know.  The operation reward has been refered to as exclusive again.


Can we go three for three?  Why yes we can:



Empathy for sure... We honestly thought people would be overjoyed. So you can imagine we're disappointed with how some are reacting. A global goal, new enemy type, coded messages, event exclusive gear...


As you can see, DE has used exlusive to describe rewards from the MOA operation.  Now they are saying they "never meant to imply" the reward was exlusive.


So DE didn't mean to imply that something they called an exclusive reward was exclusive.  Excuse me?  How does that work?



If you don't want people to think something is exclusive, then DON"T DESCRIBE IT AS EXCLUSIVE.



What could have been done different?

All DE had to do was describe the Frost Prime blueprint as very rare drop.  Something like "enjoy the extremely rare reward."  That would tell people the reward was not exclusive to the event and could eventially be found in game.


DE, please work on better communication.  Just the small change I suggested above could have prevented the current situation of people feeling like they were decieved.

Edited by Unknown924
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DE makes it seem like reward was exclusive: People rage hard.

DE makes it not exclusive: People rage hard.

More and more I am seeing this trend...

Hek too OP
*heck nerf*
WTF y u nerf hek?

Glaive / Vauban only in alerts! BP's need to drop elsewhere
*bp's put into login rewards*
WTF is this blueprint doing in my login reward!?!? It's useless!

Just sayin.

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DE makes it seem like reward was exclusive: People rage hard.

DE makes it not exclusive: People rage hard.

More and more I am seeing this trend...

Hek too OP

*heck nerf*

WTF y u nerf hek?

Glaive / Vauban only in alerts! BP's need to drop elsewhere

*bp's put into login rewards*

WTF is this blueprint doing in my login reward!?!? It's useless!

Just sayin.

You know what the problem was for ALL of those? Bad communication. *Edit for typo* Edited by Kyrkitao
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DE just needs to be communicating more with us on their site. :(

You said you were going to do this and now we hear about our biggest most recent concerns on a website Q and A that has nothing to do with warframe.

TALK TO US ON YOUR FORUMS DE!  That is why they exist.  This is silly.

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DE makes it seem like reward was exclusive: People rage hard.

DE makes it not exclusive: People rage hard.

More and more I am seeing this trend...

Hek too OP

*heck nerf*

WTF y u nerf hek?

Glaive / Vauban only in alerts! BP's need to drop elsewhere

*bp's put into login rewards*

WTF is this blueprint doing in my login reward!?!? It's useless!


Just sayin.

The problem isn't that it is/is not exclusive, but the fact that they didn't communicate clearly apparently. Maybe I missed it, but they also never stated that alert only rewards can now also be found in the login rewards. On the hek nerf, being able to snipe with it is too much, however it's meant to be a "ranged" shotgun, which it does well once they rebuffed it (partially, increasing the range before falloff takes effect)

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DE just needs to be communicating more with us on their site. :(

You said you were going to do this and now we hear about our biggest most recent concerns on a website Q and A that has nothing to do with warframe.

TALK TO US ON YOUR FORUMS DE!  That is why they exist.  This is silly.


Raptr is a gaming community. DE uses Raptr. You can get rewards there. DE is allowed to talk there if they want. DE also talks in Reddit.

Edited by FatalX7
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Raptr is a gaming community. DE uses Raptr. You can get rewards there. DE is allowed to talk there if they want. DE also talks in Reddit.

Agreed, but at the same time, a lot of this rage/accusing/whateveritis could have been avoided if they had made a response when the threads had started appearing. (AKA the point isn't without merit.)

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Well, in all honesty, at the time of the event up until the release of Update 8 it was exclusive since it was not available anywhere else.

Things are not exclusive forever.

Do you hunt down and scream and yell at sales men that said "Exclusive limited time offer" only to see the item for sale in Walmart six months later with the "As seen on TV" symbol on the box?

No, you don't.

There is nothing wrong with the Frost Prime BP being a rare drop in Void missions. Take into account all the people who were too low a level to take part in the event on Europa or the fact that this game is still in beta.

It is not like the Frost Prime BP was announced before the event and people took part in the event solely to get it.

What do you expect? DE to release the game and say sorry, see these drops here (Frost Prime chassis, helmet and systems) you had to be in the beta in order for these to be of any use. What do you think a new player will think once the game is released?

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Well, in all honesty, at the time of the event up until the release of Update 8 it was exclusive since it was not available anywhere else.

Things are not exclusive forever.

Do you hunt down and scream and yell at sales men that said "Exclusive limited time offer" only to see the item for sale in Walmart six months later with the "As seen on TV" symbol on the box?

No, you don't.

There is nothing wrong with the Frost Prime BP being a rare drop in Void missions. Take into account all the people who were too low a level to take part in the event on Europa or the fact that this game is still in beta.

It is not like the Frost Prime BP was announced before the event and people took part in the event solely to get it.

What do you expect? DE to release the game and say sorry, see these drops here (Frost Prime chassis, helmet and systems) you had to be in the beta in order for these to be of any use. What do you think a new player will think once the game is released?

Emphasis on rare, which it isn't, at all. It's relatively common actually.

@Gravalite Agreed....... Though if excal prime or lato/skana prime ever become available I'll make sure i get my $200 back. No matter what I have to do.

Edited by Avenwing
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Raptr is a gaming community. DE uses Raptr. You can get rewards there. DE is allowed to talk there if they want. DE also talks in Reddit.

Fatal - not now.

If someone didn't use Raptr and this topic (or anyone elses topic) hadn't been reposted - how would you have heard about these responses?

The livestream every 2 weeks is great fun, I watch it every time, it's a great way to interact with us!

BUT they should NOT be ignoring our pleas for communication on matters just in order to hold out questions for a livestream Q and A.

That is 2 weeks of rants and 20 page topics until they pacify us. (or ignite our fires even more because our opinions on the game conflict)

They SAID they planned on improving communication - I haven't seen much of that lately..

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Fatal - not now.

If someone didn't use Raptr and this topic (or anyone elses topic) hadn't been reposted - how would you have heard about these responses?

The livestream every 2 weeks is great fun, I watch it every time, it's a great way to interact with us!

BUT they should NOT be ignoring our pleas for communication on matters just in order to hold out questions for a livestream Q and A.

That is 2 weeks of rants and 20 page topics until they pacify us. (or ignite our fires even more because our opinions on the game conflict)

They SAID they planned on improving communication - I haven't seen much of that lately..


Twitch isn't the Warframe website either. It's another gaming community, another auxilliary service that DE is free to use.


if someone doesn't see the Twitch Stream or a topic about it, how would they have heard these responses? That already happens.

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It wasn't a livestream, just a poorly constructed facebook-like communication system. Technically it's still going, but they've been silent for half an hour.

I know what the Q/A on raptr is.

I'm talking about their silence on these matters till now - it would have taken 3 seconds to post in a topic saying these things.

Yet they don't do this why?

If they HAVE the answers - why don't they answer them?

If they SEE our topics - why don't they tell us they see our concerns?

I made a mega rant topic:


This was the response:


(We haven't seen this topic being made, we haven't heard much of anything from them at all really)

1) “How to better release big things”

Quick timeline:
Friday @ 5 PM, Update 7.11.0 goes out.
Reactions pour in for Rhino, then feedback pours in.
Time passes and instead of Rhino being targeted, it’s the communication process in general.
I agree and think we should come up with something new! Just like we have “Community Hot Topics”, why not have “Development Hot Topics!” Thanks to the threads that nudged, poked, and screamed for more communication.
This leads me to my next topic….
2) Balance and future plans?
This is derived from Item # 1 in that when we know we are going to change something (Like Rhino Skin), we should inform, rationalize, and gauge feedback before we implement. This will be an ongoing learning process for us to find the best way to succinctly communicate upcoming changes and goals.
Edited by TraumaHunter
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Full text on the question:

Question 1:about the MOA extermination event u guys had not to long the prize or reward so to speak was the *exclusive* frost prime blueprint any reason to why its now a void drop?and maybe an explanation to why the decision was made? i myself am not really bother buy it but decent portion of my gaming community are bit upset about it

And the answer:

DK - It is a very rare item, the event was a great head start for players to get their hands on the BP. We never meant to imply it was exclusive.

I would appreciate these being edited into the original post. Thank you.

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Twitch isn't the Warframe website either. It's another gaming community, another auxilliary service that DE is free to use.


if someone doesn't see the Twitch Stream or a topic about it, how would they have heard these responses? That already happens.

From the fact they advertise it on the official forums, and post a recording on their official youtube? Those may not be held on the official forums, but they still advertise and notify you of it on the official forums. I haven't seen any DE posts about there being a Raptr Q and A session, and I don't go to Reddit so I've only seen one reddit post by DE_Steve saying he didn't like the alert system, and that was only because it was posted here. It would just make more sense for them to respond to the community on their own OFFICIAL forums.

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