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Mission Mix-Ups?


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so I've noticed that with the first level of the Operation Undermine Tactical Alert, we had a Crossfire/exterminate mixed with the Data retrieval aspect of a Spy mission. I thought this was pretty interesting, and I reckon that if modes had more twists to them like that, the Star chart would be a lot more enjoyable.


DE made Uranus more Varied with the introduction of the Grineer Underwater Lab and submersible Tile sets, but the rest of the map and modes are the same. I think the first step to overhauling the rest of the system would be to introduce a random objective during a mission.


as an Example;


you're doing an Exterminate, but then Lotus informs you that there's someone on board she needs captured, the mission goes from an Exterminate to a capture and back again once the Target is taken down.


you could be doing a survival, but then lotus will inform you that you can create an even bigger distraction by destroying reactors or other ship components. from Survival to a Sabotage.


perhaps you could even be doing a defense, and be required to obtain Data from a vault like in a spy mission.


in my opinion, this would keep missions interesting, by adding another objective. it would also let us get creative with our loadouts, requiring us to be a little less focused on a single speciality. (though most frames can easily handle multiple mission types.)


some of these missions could even have special names of their own. An "eradication" would essentially be an Exterminate mixed with a Sabotage; kill everyone on board {loot the place} then destroy the reactor to blow up the ship.


please let me know what you guys would think. I still love this game, but I think some of the repetition can be solved. this is how I would try to solve it. 



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